Status: be patient I'm working slowly

I Was a Dreamer before You Went and Let Me Down

I Wish That I Could Take You to the Start, I’d Never Let You Fall and Break Your Heart


I stretch and mumble a string of curse words pulling the blankets tighter around me, damn that Sidney Crosby and his ability to get me in bed, I turn and bury my face into the pillow inhaling his cologne, I keep my eyes closed afraid to open them and find the bed empty.

“I know you’re awake” I hear a grumbly morning voice and my eyes fly open as I look in the direction of the voice I’m met with a smile and a laugh “Did you think I’d leave?” he asks quietly scooting closer to me and I nod shyly, I half expect him to get mad but instead he just kisses me softly and pulls me closer resting his head on top of mine “I missed this” he says quietly

“What, the sex?” I joke looking up at him and he opens his mouth to answer me before closing it and glaring at me “What?”

“Either way I answer that does not work in my favor”

“How do you figure?”

“Either I say yes and you get pissed at me, or I say no and you don’t believe me and still get pissed at me”

“I won’t I promise”

“Fine, no, I meant waking up next to you” he says with a smile “Sex was a nice bonus though”

“You liar” I tease and he growls and I blush “Don’t do that” I mumble and he smiles

“Then don’t try to test me like that”

“But it’s fun”

“Then I growl”

“Don’t do that”

“Then no tests”
“But” I start and he growls again “Do not growl at me when you are in my bed and naked and its 7am, there’s no telling what I’ll do”

“I have an idea” he says lowly in my ear and I feel my cheeks flush


“When do you have to leave?” Jesy asks from somewhere in her apartment

“If I say never does that postpone this?” I ask from the kitchen making coffee

“No it does not” she says rounding the corner her hair pulled up in a ponytail wearing a Sabres shirt and jeans “Seriously, when do you have to leave?”

“Probably tomorrow afternoon we have a game Friday, I should probably at least get in optional game day skate”

“Ok, it’s supposed to get bad tomorrow, are you flying or driving?”

“Flying would be faster but if you’re saying it’s gonna get bad I should probably drive it”

“Ok, well I need to get downstairs I’m sure Amy is ready to go home. Oh and Jaime said she’ll cover until last call for me because she’s going back to school and the really late night drunks tip the best so I should be back up here around 10ish” I nod pouring coffee into a travel mug “If you get bored you can come down and visit me”

“I’ll be fine, here” I say handing her the cup of coffee she smiles a thank you “Go to work I’ll see you when you get back. I love you”

“He cooks, he cleans, he remembers how I like my coffee, and looks good doing all of the above, ya know Crosby if that hockey thing doesn’t work out for you, you could be one hell of a housewife” she says swatting my ass

“Go to work Jesy” I tease swatting hers as well

“I’m going, I’m going” she says making her way towards the door and slipping on her sneakers “Hey” she says turning back around walking towards me as I sit down on her couch

“Work” I say with a smile

“Keep your pants on I’m going, I just forgot something”

“What’s that?”

“I love you too” she says bending down to kiss me quickly before walking out the door.


The bar is surprisingly busy with the dropping temperature and the impending snow I didn’t think the building would have as many people in it. By the time 10 rolls around I’m yawning. Jaime walks through the door bundled up tight

“It’s freaking cold out” she says shaking snow from her boots before taking her scarf coat and gloves off.

“It’s only gonna get worse. Happy New Year by the way” I say and she smiles at me

“Yeah I heard it through the grape vine that someone is having a spectacular new year so far” she teases with a wink

“Oh really who would that be?” I ask playing dumb

“Come on Matt sent out a mass text last night when Sidney walked in the bar” I roll my eyes “So?”

“So nothing” I say defensively grabbing my empty travel mug from below the bar

“So nothing my ass, Amy text me when she left and said you about floated down the damn stairs, and I’ve never seen you be so eager to leave. He’s still upstairs isn’t he?”

“I have no idea…” I start and she holds up her hand to stop me grabbing the phone behind the bar

“Last called number was your house phone, you really want to tell me it was Amy calling you and not you calling upstairs to see if Crosby is still there”

“I…. can neither confirm nor deny the allegations brought against me” she narrows her eyes at me and I just smile

“Go! Just go! I know you want to. Say hi to Sid for me” I roll my eyes at her “it’s that or I go say hi for myself”

“Fine!” I say throwing my hands in the air “Night Jaime”

“Hey Jesy” she calls after me and I turn and nod waiting for her to continue “It’s really nice to see you smiling like that again”

“Thanks Jaime”

“But so help me if he breaks your heart again I will….. I will put his hockey sticks next to the goalies on a game day! AND I will throw out that crusty lucky jock strap they talk about in every hockey player superstition video that I’ve seen with him in it” she says scrunching up her face in disgust

“Calm down there satan! I think the world would rather you key his car, hell I think they’d rather you assault him than mess with the system” I say laughing “I don’t know why I’m laughing that couldn’t be further from the truth” she waves me off and I turn to walk up the stairs I open the door to my apartment to find Sid sitting in the same spot I left him, I try to stop laughing and fail he turns to me and smiles

“Good day at work?”

“Something like that”

“Well what has you laughing so hard, I’d like to laugh to”

“You will not laugh at this. Jaime says if you break my heart again she’ll put your hockey sticks next to the goalies on a game day and she’ll toss you’re lucky jock strap. I told her I think the world would rather her key your car and physically assault you” I take a breath still laughing “And I’m laughing because that’s freakishly accurate”

“That’s a little too accurate” he says with a nervous laugh


“So what did you think of that winter classic game?” I ask as she rummages through the kitchen “I made dinner Jesy, there’s a plate in the microwave for you”

“You’re awesome and I thought the same thing I think during every winter classic!” she says and I walk into the kitchen leaning on the counter while she waits for the microwave “Why the hell do we have to keep showing the highlight reel from 2008”

“You’re still bitter about that?” I tease and she points her fork at me

“I will always be bitter about that!”

“Sore loser” I mumble and she smiles at me

“Yeah well you love this sore loser” I nod once and kiss her pulling away when the microwave beeps “So what did you do today, besides cook?” she asks taking a bite of her food

“Well I left the house; don’t look so surprised you can’t cook when you need onion and celery and green peppers when there’s none in the fridge”

“I eat like a frat boy I know it’s terrible”

“I also got this made” I say as we both sit down on the couch handing her a key

“What’s that for?” she asks quietly taking a drink of water

“For the house in Pittsburgh”

“The house, you mean your house”

“No I mean the house” I say with a smile “Remember you said there was no room for you in that house?” she only nods looking a little sad “Well, half that walk in closet is empty”

“For what?”


“But there’s 2 dressers in that room besides that closet, just admit you have a lot of clothes”

“The entire one dresser is empty too, there’s 2 sinks in the master bathroom, the whole one side is empty, and so is the one nightstand. That house was designed around you. And here’s your key” I see a slow smile spread across her face “You can come there whenever you feel like it, for a day, a week whatever, it’s yours too”

“This is a lot to process” she says turning the key over in her hand a smile still placed there. After a moment she gets up quietly and puts the key on her key ring before turning to the drawer on the table by the door and pulling something out. She sits back down on the couch and hands me a black key with the penguins logo on it “I had that made, a very long time ago. It’s always been yours I just never got to give it to you”

We go comfortably quiet watching TV, when Jesy moves again the clock reads after midnight

“We should sleep” she says and I nod following her


“I’m wearing your shirt to bed” I say digging through Sid’s bag and he laughs walking into the room “I’m taking this one cause it has your name on it” I smile

“You can have it” he says reaching in the bag for pajamas

“I can have the shirt? Awesome” I say pulling it over my head he shakes his head and I look at him confused

“You can have the name” he says kissing me quickly “Whenever you want it, it’s yours” I smile and leave the room to finish getting ready for bed

I brush my teeth, take off my makeup and take my hair out of the ponytail, when I enter my room Sid is already changed and in bed, I turn off the light and crawl in next to him.

“Hey Sid?” I ask quietly as his hand draws an imaginary pattern on my lower back, he mumbles back an acknowledgment and I pick my head up to rest it facing him on his chest “boy or girl”


“Baby, boy or girl”

“Yeah I figured baby, but what are you asking that for?”

“I want to know what you wanted” I whisper “ya know if I hadn’t”

“Not your fault” he says sternly “But a baby I wanted a baby”

“I’m being serious Sidney boy or girl?”

“Girl, ok I wanted a girl and I wanted her to have your blue eyes, and I wanted to name her Emily”

“Emily’s a pretty name”

“Your turn boy or girl” he asks sounding tentative

“Boy” I answer with no hesitation “And I wanted him to look just like you”


“Because I wanted you to be proud of him”

“Jesy, I will be proud of our children I don’t care if they’re boys or girls they’ll be ours and that will make me proud of them”

“You say that like you’re thinking of us into the future”

“Of course I’m thinking of us into the future. I told you my last name is yours whenever you want it. I wasn’t kidding I’d marry you tomorrow if you wanted”


“Don’t question it Jesy, I would have married you at the draft if you asked. I love you now get some sleep”

“I love you too, even if you are out of your damn mind”
♠ ♠ ♠
Song credit One Direction "Though The Dark"