Status: be patient I'm working slowly

I Was a Dreamer before You Went and Let Me Down

I Think I’m Ready, I Hope I’m Ready for Something New


I walk out of the airport terminal and towards baggage claim looking out the window to see the snow falling lightly over the tarmac, I smile at the woman behind the counter as I fight with my two rolling suitcases behind me, I give her Sid’s last name and wait as she types on the screen

“Ok you’re all set, they’ll pull up around front and help you with your bags. Happy holidays” I smile in thanks and make my way out the doors of the airport, when the valet pulls up in front my jaw drops at the mint green range rover in front of me, I am going to kick his ass, it’s definitely a Crosby special order because it’s my favorite color and his truck. When the valet gets out I smile at him anyway

“Crosby?” I nod and he hands me the key I look at him confused because I already have the one from the desk in my hand but shrug it off figuring Sid asked for two knowing the way I lose my car keys.

When I climb in I see a bow and a card on the dashboard I open it and Sid’s sloppy cursive spills over the small page “merry Christmas beautiful, ps. Don’t kill me” I roll my eyes and take the bow off the dash, I take a minute to adjust my seat and mirrors and play with the radio, one side of me could get used to this the other side still wants to kick his ass.

I drive the now well known roads to the house and see the fresh tire treads in the driveway, Sid’s clearly home from practice and not too long ago by how fresh the tread is compared to the accelerated rate at which the snow is now falling. I pull into my spot next to his black range rover and sigh irritated as I grab my smaller bag from the seat next to me. I walk up the half shoveled walk way and into the house kicking off my boots

“SIDNEY” I yell and he comes from in the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel

“Hello my love” he says trying to kiss my cheek

“Don’t you hello my love me, I told you not to buy me a car, that I would get mine fixed” he just shrugs “I can’t afford the payments for that thing Sid, you have to return it”

“What payments?” he says with a sly smile

“You bought it out right? What the hell is wrong with your mind! My car is fine it just needs new tires and a new radiator, I did not need an entire new car!”

“This week it needs new tires and a radiator, last week it needed an alternator, at the end of summer you replaced the brakes and battery, your car is 13 years old Jesy. And, I didn’t buy you a car, I bought you a truck”

“An expensive one! No return it, please I can’t drive that, it costs more than my parents house probably does”

“No, it’s your Christmas present, it doesn’t matter what I spent on it I wanted to buy it for you”

“It does so matter what you spent on it, I’m sure there’s others that I would like just as much that don’t cost what that costs” I say running a hand through my hair

“So you do like it” he says with a sly smile

“That’s not the point; the point is that you spent way too much!”

“I spent too much? You would rather drive than fly, your car breaks down constantly, sometimes you’re driving at night, for your safety I spent too much?” he looks away from me for a second “I cannot believe I am about to say this” he mumbles running a hand through his hair before looking at me again “Do you know how much I make a year?” he asks and I nod “That truck is pocket change, and even if it wasn’t I want to know you’re driving in a vehicle that will get you from Buffalo to Pittsburgh in one piece, I want to know you aren’t breaking down in either city late at night when I’m not around and with your luck a dead phone battery! Knowing you’re safe has no price limit to me, I love you, so merry Christmas” he says and kisses my temple “I take it your bags are in your truck?” I nod and he grabs his coat walking out the door to grab them

When he comes back in he has a light dusting of snow on his shoulders and I’m sitting on the stairs he easily lifts both suitcases over where I’m sitting and walks up the stairs setting them at the top “What is in there anyway? I thought you had more than enough clothes here” I look at him with one eyebrow raised “You don’t have enough clothes here?” he corrects and I laugh

“I have enough clothes but I bought something new for Christmas Eve and Christmas day, and New years, and presents” I say and he nods

“I’m making pot roast for dinner” he says walking towards the kitchen and I follow him sitting on the stool watching as he opens the oven door checking on things quickly before closing it again.

“Hey Sid” I say quietly and he hums his recognition “Thank you, I do love the truck”

“Good, you’re welcome baby” he says and turns to me with a fork in his hand “Taste this” I take the bite and give him the thumbs up of approval while I chew

“When are your parents coming in again?” I ask

“Next Thursday, I think yours are coming Wednesday right?” I nod

“And your sister…”

“Saturday, she has to work Friday”

“So we have a week to get the entire house decorated, get a tree, figure out what I’m making for dinner and buy my parents and your parents a gift”

“I thought you said you had presents?”

“I do, for you, and Geno, and your sister, and I have a little something for all the penguins but I don’t know what to get your mom and dad Sid I’ve actually met them once, and besides shopping for gifts for parents together will be fun”

“Two weeks before Christmas in a state with no sales tax, yeah should be fun, if fun is experiencing hell on earth”


I pick up my phone seeing Amy’s name and face on the screen I answer it and quickly answer her questions concerning the bar.

“Hey, when I get back to Buffalo you and Jaime and I are going out to dinner I need to talk to you guys”

“You’re not moving are you?”

“What? No! Why would you react like that we talk all the time”

“Jesy everyone knows that when a statement is ‘we have to talk’ it doesn’t mean anything good”

“That explains why Sid is suddenly too busy to talk to me”

“You guys aren’t having problems are you?” I roll my eyes even though she can’t see me and sigh “listen missy, I know you don’t roll your eyes at me” I laugh and then hear Sid coming down the stairs

“Hey I gotta go, I’ll talk to you later” I hang up and meet Sid at the bottom of the stairs “Hey, got a minute?”

“No actually I don’t I have to get to practice, and after that I’m going to the airport to get your parents. When I get home ok?” he says kissing me quickly and walking out the door

“No Sid funny you should mention it, it’s not ok I’ve been trying to talk to you for 3 days” I say mockingly to the empty hallway.

I decide to busy myself cleaning and making sure that everything is set as far as guest rooms and wrapped presents. An hour later I sit on the couch with an annoyed sigh drumming my fingers on the arm of the sofa. I stare out the window at my truck for a minute and grab my keys; he’s talking to me right now.

It doesn’t take long to get to the arena and I go in the player’s entrance I smile at one of the assistant equipment people walking down the hall who lets me know the players are running defense drills. I walk quickly past the locker room and down the hall to the bench at ice level, I scrunch my nose- I hate the smell of sweaty hockey bench- and look for Sid, he’s easy enough to find standing in the corner laughing loudly at something James Neal has said.

“Alright, run that again, only this time do it the right way” I hear Dan yell before blowing the whistle and players take off down the ice, he turns and see’s me making his way over towards the bench “Hi Jesy” he says and I smile at him “Need anything?”

“Your captain” I say and he nods waving Sid over before skating away I hear him give some instruction but pay no attention to it turning to Sid “This will only take a minute I swear” I say and he nods, the whistle blows again and he holds his hand up skating away from me. I try to wait patiently and ask a few of the guys to have him come over to me and every time he holds up one finger making me wait still more. Looking at the time I realize his practice is going to run later than expected and I’m going to need to be the one to get my parents at the airport. I carefully stand up on the bench and cup my hands around my mouth I yell as loud as possible “CROSBY!” he turns and gives me the one minute again “NO RIGHT NOW DAMN IT” my comment gets followed by the players mumbling things like “someone’s in trouble” and a few “I told him”’s

He skates over towards me reluctantly and looks up at me standing on the bench waiting for me to speak “Not here” I say stepping down off the bench and making my way back down the hall, I push open the door to the locker room and make my way inside. I take a few strides in stop cold and side step the logo in the carpet which I hear Sid chuckle at “Sit” I say and he takes his seat in his spot “Can I talk to Sidney my boyfriend for a minute instead of Crosby the hockey player?” he nods and takes off his helmet rests his stick next to him and drops his gloves and mouth guard on the other side

“Jesy before you start can we just get through Christmas?” I look at him confused before it clicks

“Amy was right, probably shouldn’t have said we need to talk” I say more to myself and this time I’m met with a weird glance from Sid “Listen ok, nothing’s wrong, I don’t want to argue or leave or whatever terrible thing you have concocted in your mind” I say running a hand through my hair “This is not how I wanted this to go, I didn’t want to tell you here, or” I sigh again looking up at the ceiling and I feel Sid squeeze my hip, I return my attention to the sweaty and stinky yet somehow still beautiful and worried looking man in front of me “Merry Christmas Sidney” I say and he looks at me very confused “It’s not something I could wrap, and I just found out for sure a few days ago” I take a deep breath feeling tears trying to start “I’m pregnant”

“Holy shit, are you serious?” I nod and he smiles “Holy shit, you’re, you’re, we’re, holy shit” he says standing and wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing the top of my head “How far along are you?”

“6 weeks” I say and I can see him counting backwards in his mind

“The 2 day break after the Toronto home and home right before the 8 game win streak?”

“Please don’t ever tell our child they were conceived because of a win streak”

“No way I would never give them inaccurate information, they caused the win streak”

“Please don’t talk to our kid” I say mortified and he just chuckles

“I have to go tell the guys, they’ll be so excited” he says his smile beaming

“No! You can’t, not yet!” he looks at me confused “You have to wait, please for me; I don’t want to let anyone down again. You have to promise, not even Geno. Last time everyone got so excited and the girls started planning a baby shower and everything and I just, I can’t let everyone down again, I didn’t even want to tell you but I figured you would think something is up when I gained weight quickly over a 4 month period”

“Ok, ok baby calm down, I won’t tell anyone I promise, not until you’re ready” he says kissing me “I’ve got to get back to practice and you’re gonna have to go get your mom and dad, dad, I’m going to be one of those” he says with a huge smile plastered across his face before walking out of the locker room.
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So song credit goes to Tom Fletcher from the band McFly, this is a song he wrote to honor the birth of his son Buzz, it's called "Something New" if you would like to watch the extremely sweet video here is the link: