Status: be patient I'm working slowly

I Was a Dreamer before You Went and Let Me Down

Come Back, Be Here

-Jesy 20-
It doesn't matter that in his first 2 season Sidney has had over 100 points apiece it doesn't matter that he's the youngest captain in the NHL and is breaking record previously held by the great one. No, none of that matters, not today, not right now. Sidney Crosby is not "The Kid" not today, today he is my boyfriend and today he is very much so in trouble because he is 3 hours late and there is still no sign of him out of my apartment window.

I have to be at work in an hour granted all I have to do is walk down 13 stairs to my dad’s bar but that's not the point. I try calling him again and once again get no answer. This is unlike Sid he usually answers my calls by the second ring. This is the 4th time I've gotten his voicemail and now I'm starting to worry he's hurt. I sigh over dramatically and change from my date outfit to work clothes.

The last hour passes and I head down the stairs fuming and open the door to the bar

"Hi Jesy, how was your date?" My mother asks and I shoot her a look that must say it all because she gives me a sad smile and a pat on the cheek “I figured this would happen when he got famous, I'm sorry honey"

"I don't think he stood me up mom, we've been dating for a year now. I'm just concerned he's hurt with a dead phone or something"

"I'm sure he'll call then" she says fake smiling at me and I roll my eyes

"You don't know him like I do"

-Sidney 20-

"You're losing your focus Kid" Mario barks at me as I stare at the clock behind him, if he stops talking now I'll only be a half hour late and I can blame it on traffic "Sidney! Are you even listening to me?"

"Uh yeah, yes, I am" I say nervous I missed some big point

"You're 20, what do you need a girlfriend for anyway! They're a distraction, they're needy" he begins ranting once again and I resist the urge to roll my eyes

"You've never even met Jesy, and besides you aren't my dad" I say and he raises an eyebrow and I regret my statement immediately, he may not be my dad but my career rests in his checkbook

"All I'm saying Sid is you never know with these girls, all they want is to say they've slept with a hockey player and they got to spend his money. She'll break your heart, or drain your bank account whichever comes first. Your dad and I agree on this one Sidney, no girlfriends, wait until your late 20's"

I run a hand through my hair, frustrated and over this conversation I sigh "Can I go now?" I ask and he nods slowly

"End it with her now Sid before she ends you"

I walk out the front door of the Lemieux home where I currently live and close the door just hard enough to show my irritation. An hour behind because of his rant, I get in my truck staring the engine and take off the New York.

With all the traffic I hit on the way a typically 4.5 to 5 hour ride has become over 7, when I finally hit Buffalo I'm exhausted, remembering Jesy is at work for at least another 2 hours I head to the nearest restaurant and grab something to eat, effectively killing an hour I head to her place and sit on the stairs, after a while I feel myself nod off


My shift ends and I still haven't heard from Sid, I debate calling him again and decide to wait until I'm in my apartment so my parents don't hear. I make my way to the door in the back of the bar and head up the stairs.

When I get half way up I smile seeing a figure sitting on the stairs I make my way up the rest to hear him lightly snoring

"Hey super star, wake up" I whisper in his ear

"Your stairs are very uncomfortable" he mumbles and I laugh

"You fell asleep on them" I say defensively

"Because someone doesn't leave her door unlocked for me to sleep on her couch" he says opening his eyes to look at me with a smile

I shrug jokingly my anger and worry from earlier melting away as I pull him up to standing in front of me

"I've missed you" I say

"I've missed you too" he says placing a soft kiss on my lips

I step out of his arms and to the door unlocking it and stepping inside, he follows closely behind

"Jesy you smell like a bar" he says and I roll my eyes

"Sid I work in a bar" I say and point to the couch for him to sit down "I'm gonna go shower make yourself at home"

I exit the bathroom still towel drying my hair and head to the kitchen to get a drink
“So, Sid what do you want to do?” I ask and get no answer from him “Hello earth to Sidney, do you want to watch a movie?” I ask walking towards my living room I see him passed out on the couch “Or you could sleep, that works too” I say and drop the blanket neatly folded on the back over top of him shutting off the TV and the lights before making my way to my bedroom closing the door.


I wake up to the smell of bacon eggs and toast, I open my eyes and blink a couple of times trying to bring my surroundings into focus, I have a Sabres blanket on me and I roll my eyes, I must have fallen asleep at Jesy’s

“Morning, super star” she says with a chipper smile

“Morning” I say back groggily

“I was just coming to wake you up to ask if you were a juice or coffee person in the morning, I don’t get to see you often ya know, and you’ve never slept over”

“I know I’m sorry that was an accident, I’m a coffee person by the way, black coffee person” She nods and turns for her kitchen again, her long light brownish red hair catches the sun light just right looking more red than brown as she rakes it out of her face reaching up to grab coffee mugs.

“I’m gonna go grab my suitcase out of my truck, I really don’t want to wear this again” she only nods and I head out of the door and down the stairs quickly

After we finish eating I pick the plates up off the table and rinse them in the sink before placing them in the almost empty dishwasher

“If you want to shower, you can but you’re going to smell like a flower garden” I laugh and she shrugs “It’s true, your options are either peach passion fruit, jasmine and vanilla, or cherry blossom, oh and my shampoo is rosemary and mint, you’re going to smell like a pretty girl”

“Eh, I’m ok with that it’s better than smelling like a long car ride” I say making my way towards her bathroom.

When I emerge a little while later she’s sitting on the couch her hair falling softly in large waves almost swallowing her small frame

“So what are we doing today?” I ask and she turns to me and smiles making an I don’t know motion
“Oo, peach passion fruit and mans cologne go surprisingly well together” she says with a laugh and I playfully roll my eyes at her “I know where we can go since you smell so good and will fit in, we can go to Buffalo’s botanical gardens, it’s beautiful!”

We walk in a comfortable silence hand in hand through the building and after a while head out taking a walk instead along the shore line of Lake Erie

“So what happened this season?” she says and I feel myself roll my eyes “Don’t do that, I’m not a reporter”

“What do you want to hear?” I ask mildly annoyed

“Well it started pretty rough and then out of nowhere you guys just fell into this sync and what the hell happened?” she says throwing her hands up “I mean you don’t just come to my home town for the first winter classic and go all record breaking Crosby beating Ryan in the shoot out and not owe me some answers as to why you didn’t bring the cup home”

I have to laugh at the seriousness in her tone when I look at her I see one eyebrow raised “Detroit was better?”

“I call bull shit on that” she mumbles

“Ok what would you like me to say? We fucked up royally?” I ask throwing my hands up in defense

“Well you did. Can’t just beat my team” she says rolling her eyes

“I feel like we went over this in January Jesy” I say teasingly

“We did, but I’m still mad”

“No you’re not” I say taking her hand again

“True but it got that pathetic pout off of your face” she says “I like the smile better anyway”


“Sid are you sure you have to leave tonight” I ask standing on the stairs outside of my apartment

“I’m sorry our time was cut short because of me, but my flight leaves in 2 hours, I’ll be back in a month

“And for how long that time?” I ask and he flinches “Just the day again?” he only nods and I sigh
“Well you better get going”

“Don’t be mad Jesy I really am sorry” he says pulling me in for a tight hug

“Sid I’m not mad at you, but get going before you miss your flight”

He sends me a heart stopping smile and makes his way down the stairs. I turn to my door to find my apartment unlocked I open it to see Amy and Jamie sitting on my couch

“Where’s lover boy going?” Jamie asks pointing her spoon at me

“Home, are you eating my ice cream?”

“It was calling me” she says digging her spoon back into it

“I could understand the bowl Jamie, but you’re eating it out of the container”

“Fat ass” Amy mumbles joking pulling her own spoon out of the container and I huff “We got you one too” she says mouth full of ice cream pointing at the spoon on the table “In case he made you sad again”

“I’m not sad” I pout grabbing the spoon sitting down with them I dig it into the ice cream taking a bite “I’m disappointed”


I get through security and bag check before heading to the gate my plane will leave from. After boarding I stretch in my seat trying to get comfortable, shortly after takeoff I fall asleep and wake up when the pilots voice comes over the intercom telling us we are landing in Halifax.

It’s 9am in Halifax, meaning its 8am in Buffalo my debate to call Jesy ends quickly when I realize she will not be up, I make my way to the baggage claim and find my parents and sister waiting for me. Once we get home I make my way up to my room and fall back to sleep instantly

“Sidney” my dad’s voice booms waking me up and I look up at him with questioning eyes “Dinner is almost ready son, you’ve been sleeping all day”

“Oh ok, sorry Dad just a little jet lagged I guess” I say and my dad shrugs sitting on the end of my bed after I sit up

“Mario called me, said something about you having a girlfriend in Buffalo, I told him he must be seeing things you wouldn’t do that. He then told me you left Pittsburgh yesterday afternoon… in your truck and you weren’t headed for the airport”

I sigh irritated of course Mario would call my dad how did I not see this coming “Yes dad I have a girlfriend her name is” my dad holds his hands up and I stop talking

“Don’t care, end it, your career is more important Sidney I thought you knew that. I can’t believe you are going to waste your time on, on some puck bunny”

“She is NOT a-” I start and my dad gets up and walks out of my room before I can speak

“They never start as one” he says before walking down the stairs leaving me in shock


I walk down my stairs and out the back door of the building to Amy’s car

“Why do you look so pitiful today? Isn’t Sidney coming back tomorrow shouldn’t you be floating on cloud 9” she says and I just shrug “What’s wrong?”

“I dunno” I start running a hand through my hair “It’s just, it’s like I never see him ya know? Like he’s either in Pittsburgh or Cole Harbour, or New York, or Florida, or” Jamie cuts me off

“Or anywhere but Buffalo?” she asks and I nod “Well Jesy he’s a hockey player you have to expect him to be gone a lot”

“I know that, and I’m proud of him he’s living up to everything people expected of him”
“Except you?” Amy asks

“What? No, I just this is only going to be the 7th time he’s been in Buffalo since I’ve met him, 4 of those times were for hockey games, and then so far for 2 of the 3 trips to see me he’s been late and fell asleep on my couch. I guess I just didn’t expect to be so dependent on visits from him even if he’s only sleeping, I just want him here” I sigh over dramatically “I sound clingy don’t I? But is it wrong to want to see him a little more?”

They both shake their heads no and I run my hand through my hair again “This will only be the 4th time I’ve seen him since we started dating. This is so hard; sometimes I just want a hug”

“I’ll hug you” Jamie says and I laugh

“She means from Sidney you twit!” Amy pipes in making me laugh harder

“Thanks guys” I say as Amy takes off towards the mall


I step off the plane in Buffalo at 6am and head to Jesy’s apartment, I knock on the door and get no answer so I knock a little harder until I hear movement from inside

The door swings open to reveal Jesy still half asleep in her pajama’s and her hair sticking up “Who the hell is knocking on my door at 6am… Sidney, you’re way early” she grumbles and I smile

“I know, I took an earlier flight my parents were starting to drive me nuts” I say and she gives me a groggy smile

“Can we go back to sleep I worked until last call, I’ve had like 3 hours of sleep” she says with a yawn and I nod following her into her apartment. I turn for my usual spot to sleep, her couch and she yanks me by the hand to her room “This is the first time you’ve been early for a visit, you are not sleeping on the couch when you can cuddle with me” she mumbles and I follow her quietly

I wake up a few hours later to Jesy’s head on my chest and her soft snore I kiss the top of her head and she wakes up and tilts her head to look at me

“Oh good, that wasn’t a really good but really mean dream” she says rubbing her eyes

“Nope I’m actually here” I say and stretch “So what do you want to do today?” I ask draping an arm lightly across her back

“Not share you with Buffalo” she mumbles and I smile

“Lay in bed all day, with you? I guess I could handle that” I say with a shrug

“Are you hungry? I’ll make some breakfast” I nod as she gets up

They day goes by too fast and I sigh when the clock reads 7:30pm. Jesy only smiles at me “Don’t do that” I say and she furrows her eyebrows “Don’t be understanding to the fact that I have to leave, pout, be pissy. Tell me to stay” she looks at me confused

“And throwing a temper tantrum will do what?” she asks and I sigh and shrug my shoulders “You’ll still have to leave, I’ll still be sad, I’ll just sound selfish. I don’t want you to go but you have to and I understand that. So don’t make this any harder. I’ll see you in November”

“I’m jealous of how close you make that sound” I say and she gives me a sad smile. I get up and stretch again before walking out of her room, I put my shoes on and grab my keys “November” I say and she nods, now forcing a smile “Don’t you dare cry” I wipe the tear off her cheek and kiss her slowly, I pull back to find questioning eyes “What baby?” I ask softly

“Just hold me for a minute” she says quietly and I wrap my arms tightly around her and kiss the top of her head, after a few minutes she pulls away from me “You better get going that’s a long drive”
♠ ♠ ♠
So this was a lot shorter but it sounded fillerish (which all of the past sort of is but its also necessary) and so I added to it and got this. Comments? Hopefully this Friday I wont end up with a case of writers block again!