Status: be patient I'm working slowly

I Was a Dreamer before You Went and Let Me Down

I Wanna be Drunk When I Wake Up on the Right Side of the Wrong Bed


I rake my hair back into a bun as I listen to Amy’s idea “So we’d call it NHL night, invite players from around the league ones that haven’t been here before offer them cheaper drinks or something for a night to be completely up close and personal with just crazy hockey fans”

“I don’t know Amy, its August some of them are still getting over post season others are getting ready for preseason, it just seems like a lot of work” I say taking a sip of my water

“But Jesy it also sounds like fun, we could even get some of the alumni in on it not just from the Sabres, at least give it a try” Jamie says and I sigh

“Ok we can try it, but who are we even going to invite? Beyond Sabres players and former Sabres players we really don’t have connections in the NHL” I say with raised eyebrows

“I talked to Patrick he thinks it’s a great idea” Amy says and I stare at her waiting for a last name “Right, lots of Patrick’s in the NHL I talked to Patrick Kane”

“I always forget that we knew, well know him. Although clearly one of us remembers him a little better” Jamie says and we all laugh

“He was my neighbor; actually his parents still are I don’t want to hear it I was just talking to him when he was here for his day with the Cup. I told him how Jesy took over her dad’s bar and how we were all working there and about all the renovations and he just brought up the idea of doing an NHL night. The players only come if they want and it’s up to them to get here”

“Amy the bar holds a max of 125 people what happens if we end up with 100 NHL players here?” I say realistically

“Make it a 2 night event” She says with a sly smile, I sigh and nod my head and before I know it we’re sending out invites


“Hey Sid” I hear behind me and I whirl around to find James Neal staring at me

“What’s up Nealer?”

“Are you going to NHL night?” he asks and a couple of the other guys hanging out around the gym turn their attention to us

“What’s” I start before a booming voice interrupts me

“No, is not for hockey players, is for fans, Sid goes night different” Geno says and I look at him weird

“What is NHL night… Nealer” I say pointedly

“Well that awesome little bar in Buffalo, uh Hockey uh Hockey hey Dupper what’s the name again?”

“Hockey Heaven” I say and he nods

“Yeah! Well I guess the owner or whatever got this idea from Kaner to do this like end of the summer get to just sit down with some hardcore hockey fans talk about the game talk about the season, get half priced beers if you’re an NHLer, I dunno I just figured if Kaner was going and Geno is going and some of the other superstars you’d be invited. Guess not”

“I know the owner I’m sure I’m welcome there any time” I say and turn to head out of the gym area

I’m no more than 3 steps into the locker room when I hear heavy footsteps behind me “Not invited Sid, Jesy she no want you there”

“Geno, its none of your business if I go or not it’s called NHL night for a reason”

“Sid, is best player in the world, but Jesy she is right” I raise an eyebrow looking at him waiting for him to continue “You’re an asshole” he says with almost no trace of his thick Russian accent

“She must call me that a lot” I say running a hand through my hair Geno only nods before turning and leaving the locker room once again


As the players file into the bar I find myself relaxing slightly. So far there’s about 30 here with another 10 that had called and said they were coming on their way. I sigh trying to relieve the last bits of tension mostly caused by the fact that Jamie and Amy and I have been told by the rest of my staff that we are not to work tonight since it was originally our day off, but if we would like to stay as patrons we could.

“Matt, if I’m not allowed to get it myself then make me cranberry and vodka please” he nods and pours my drink nodding to Amy and Jamie asking silently if they want the same thing, nods and drinks follow.

I take a sip from my drink finally starting to relax fully talking to some of the players as the night is going seemingly well I’m just making my way over to say hi to Kaner the reason this even got started I freeze hearing a familiar voice before I even see his face

“My favorite American”

“GENO!” I turn to hug and he takes the cup from my hand

“I see other favorite Russian in charge tonight”

“I’ve only had 2, and besides I’m off and I live upstairs, now give it back”

“Might want something stronger” I give him a confused look “Sid’s here”

“Damn it” I mumble running a hand through my hair “Yeah I’m gonna need another drink, or four” I half joke rolling my eyes “Thanks for the heads up” I say and he nods handing back my drink and I turn to make my way back to saying hi to players.

After a few hours and probably 2 more drinks than 2 too many I feel the room get foggy “Amy, I think I’m drunk” I mumble

“Jesy you’re very drunk” a voice says and I feel my face pale


As soon as I walk into the bar I know I should not have come, Jesy looks radiant in a simple blue and gold sabres shirt and shorts her hair is down cascading to her mid back the red hints sticking out when the light hits it correctly.

I order a drink, and then another when I see her talking to other players, a third gets ordered when I hear her laugh above the crowd as she flirts with Jonathan Toews, and a 4th when she dances with him. The more I watch her interact and flirt with other guys the more jealousy and anger course through me. When I feel myself slow down I put down my drink, and yet order more when Toews drapes his arm around her shoulder.

By the time she finally sits down at the bar I can feel the slosh of the alcohol in my system, but now’s the time to make my move

“Amy, I think I’m drunk” she mumbles as I stand next to her

“Jesy you’re very drunk” I say slowly trying to sound more sober than I am, I see her face pale

“Sid” she whispers and her eyes meet mine


We stumble up the stairs laughing as we bump into the wall; I make it to the top almost on all fours with Sid close behind me. We stand in front of my door and he kisses me hastily, trying to jiggle the door knob behind me

“Key” he mumbles “Jesy give me your key” he breaks the kiss only for a moment to unlock the door before pushing us both inside and slamming it behind him “God I’ve missed you” he says running his hands through my hair and I smile, his shirt goes first messing up his hair and I bite my lip “Don’t do that” he about growls and kisses me again

We leave a trail of clothes down the hallway to my room, he slams that door too, my back making contact with the wood his kiss changes from hasty to sweet making my head spin “Jesy” he whispers and I nod waiting for him to continue “God you’re so beautiful” he says kissing my forehead and I look away from him

“Now is no time for romantics Sidney” I mumble

“No, I mean it Jessica I love you” he says and my blue eyes snap to his brown ones a smile spreading across my face

“I love you too, even if you are an asshole”


I wake up to the sun in my face and a pounding head, I turn over to look at the clock on my nightstand and instead find Jesy I smile for just a brief moment before it falls “oh shit” I mutter, I roll over to the other side and look at the clock 7am, if I’m quiet I can get out of here without waking her up.

I carefully roll out of her bed and quickly find my boxers on the floor. In the hall I find my jeans in the living room my belt, the kitchen my socks and hanging off her door knob my shirt. I open the door to her apartment to find my shoes on 2 different stairs and her keys hanging from the door. I quietly move them to the hook by her coat rack inside and make my way down the stairs grabbing my shoes

“What the hell did we do last night?” I ask myself tying my right shoe and running a hand through my hair.

At the bottom of the stairs I find Jesy’s flip flops and both the door to the bar and the door outside unlocked, I lock the door t the bar make my way out the one to the back parking lot locking it behind me. I pat my pockets down finding my keys phone and wallet all in their proper places I make my way to my truck. I stop at the first Tim Horton’s I see grabbing a coffee and head towards Pittsburgh my head pounding.


I wake up to my phone ringing I reach for the device but it goes to voicemail before I get to it, I groan when the sunlight hits my face and I try to roll away from it my eyes shooting open when I realize there is no clothing separating my body from my bed sheets.

“Oh no” I mumble clutching my pounding head my phone goes off again and I roll over to reach it my head landing on a pillow that smells of Sidney I sigh slightly relieved by the familiar scent. “Hello” I mumble into the receiver

“Jesy, please tell me I was drunk and seeing things you did not leave with Sid last night” Jamie says and I groan “Oh no” she says and I sigh in response “And I take it he’s gone”

“Of course he’s gone” I say searching the floor for my shirt feeling exposed even if I’m only on the phone

“I’m gonna wake up Amy its 11 I think she should be up, shower get dressed whatever and we’ll all just spend the day together, last night was a bad idea Jesy” she says and I run a hand through my messy hair

“I don’t really want to spend the day with anyone Jamie ok” I say and hang up the phone before she can respond. I get out of bed and dig through my drawers to find the shirt he left here last time. I strip my bed and pick the trail of my clothes up before making my way to the basement of the building to put my stuff in the washer.

When I get back upstairs I have a text message from Sid and I grudgingly open it to only find the over suggestive emoji of a winking face making me want to throw my phone across my apartment. With a sigh I put the phone down and make my way to my bathroom to shower. I try my hardest to scrub away the years of memories ignoring him for the past few months has done nothing I thought I was stronger, thought I was over this but one night that I can’t even remember has me back at square one. Getting out of the shower I pull my hair up in a bun putting his shirt back on and a comfortable pair of shorts. I make my way to the kitchen and pop 2 aspirin.

I turn on the TV sitting quietly on my couch I stare at my phone as I get text after text not only from Jamie and Amy but from everyone else in my staff, Geno and even Sid. I watch as one tear hits my phone screen and then another before tossing it gently onto the couch next to me. I try to stop the tears that are starting, this is always how it’s going to be with him, he’ll come here say whatever it is I apparently need to hear to give in and like the fool that I am I’ll let him in because even after all these years even though I know I shouldn’t I still love him.

A knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts and I get up to answer it finding Amy and Jamie with open arms

“You ok?” Amy asks and I just shake my head “What an ass” she says and I nod as they walk in the door
We sit and talk for a while about random things before going silent. After a few minutes I open my mouth again “Ya know I remember when we broke up” I say and I see Amy crack a small smile that ignore
“The first time?” she asks innocently and I nod “Saying this is it I’ve had enough” I furrow my eyebrows looking at her and I hear Jamie laugh at my confusion

“Cause like we hadn’t seen each other in a month when he said he needed space” Jamie says with a laugh

“What?!” Amy says overly dramatic

“Oh my God, my life is a Taylor Swift song” I groan burying my head in a pillow

“A strangely accurate one too, are they sure that picture of her with Sidney was photo shopped?” Jamie says

“Not funny” I mumble quietly as they both give me sad looks “Why can’t I just hate him?” I groan and they both just shrug their shoulders
♠ ♠ ♠
I finished another chapter this weekend and the official hockey season starts tomorrow :D. Title Song Drunk by Ed Sheeran Taylor song mentioned in the chapter We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together