Status: be patient I'm working slowly

I Was a Dreamer before You Went and Let Me Down

All I Know Since Yesterday, is Everything Has Changed


I stare nervously at the GPS in my truck waiting for it to tell me to turn, I should have never come back without Pat but he didn’t want to come back and I just had to, I have to get her number I can’t believe I was dumb enough to not get it before, but who could blame me the girl was just one big distraction.

My mind wanders and I nearly wreck the truck when the GPS tells me to turn right, I see the bar from a short distance away there’s only maybe 2 cars in the lot and I feel a nervousness creep up, what if it’s closed?

The short drive down the street gives my racing wandering mind enough time to over think what I’m about to do, what if Kane is right? What if she is Crosby’s girl, or at least his first call when he’s in Buffalo? What if I’m walking myself right into a trap I don’t want to be in? I see the open sign flash in the window and pull in the lot with only 3 cars should mean she’ll have time to talk, if that is she has any interest in me at all when she’s sober.

I look at myself in the rear view mirror and sigh, the playoffs and winning the Cup twice were not as nerve racking as attempting to talk to a girl that may or may not have a relationship with another hockey player, I crack my knuckles nervously and run a hand through my hair. Hey if nothing else I have something Crosby doesn’t…. a second Stanley Cup, and with that hopefully some bravado. I nod at my reflection kill the engine and exit the truck making my way towards the door.


A night off with the girls will be good for me working until last call is too much on all 3 of us, I sigh trying to remind myself that working the ever boring early afternoon will pay off when we have the night to ourselves to see a movie, go to dinner or do some much needed shopping, I eye my stained capri’s and shrug no one really sees my pants behind the bar anyway right?

I check my phone for any texts and come up blank I didn’t need Amy or Jaime to work at most in the afternoons there’s 10 people here and that’s not even all at the same time I figure they’re probably asleep and turn to restock the bar for the night. As I turn the corner with a list of bottles I need up front I hear the bell ding signaling someone walked in. For the moment I ignore them and make my way to the back grabbing the 6 bottles and making my way back to the front replacing them under the bar without ever looking up

“What can I get you?” I ask as I toss a carton in the garbage with only maybe a swallow of orange juice left , when I get no answer I finally look up meeting a pair of soft brown eyes “Jonathan Toews, to what do I owe a visit from you?” I ask looking around to see if he’d brought Pat with him

“Uh hi” he says quietly

“Hi” I say awkwardly and wait for him to continue after a moment of silence I point to the bottles in front of me “Need a drink?”

“Uh, yeah, wait I mean no” he stammers and I look at him puzzled I reach under the bar grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge I open it and slide it slowly towards him.

“It’s on the house, you look like you just seen a ghost. What happen GPS give you wrong directions and you seen the bad side of the city?” I joke and he chuckles taking a slow pull of the beer.

After another moment of silence I nod once and duck my head under the bar returning to my previous restocking. As I count the bottles of beer making sure Matt will have enough to start the night I hear someone clear their throat above me, forgetting I’m under the counter I attempt to stand slamming my head into the hard wood of the bar top and sending myself toppling to the floor.

“You ok?” a voice asks from above the bar and I see the same brown eyes come into my view, I nod slowly and squeak out a mhm of a confirmation trying to blink back the tears from the hit to the top of my head “you sure?” he asks and I only nod staying quiet after a minute of concerned eyes watching me and a few deep breaths trying to ignore the impending goose egg I look up at him once more

“Could you maybe give me a hand?” I ask quietly from my spot still on the floor

“Oh uh, right of course” he says standing and taking the few steps to the end of the bar he turns and extends a hand to me pulling me to my feet “Full name” he says studying my face and I look at him confused “Just humor me”

“Jessica Lynn Murdock”

“Date of birth” he asks

“None of your business” I retort and he sighs

“It’s a basic concussion test, just humor me ok”

“Fine July 12th, 1987”

“High School?”


“Vision blurry? Feel like you’re gonna pass out or throw up?”

“No” I say and grab an ice pack setting it on top of my head “Was that you that cleared your throat?” he only nods “You scared the shit out of me” he studies my face for a minute

“I don’t think you have a concussion but you might want to see a doctor anyway” he says and takes his seat back at the bar

“Trust me I’m fine I do that about once a month, usually its over there more by the ice bucket, it’s to the point where my employees padded it, I’ve got a hard head I guess” he chuckles and I smile “So I know you did not come all the way from Chicago, or where ever you may have been on vacation to Buffalo just to scare me and get a free beer”

“No, you’re right I didn’t” he says and I urge him to say more as I grab a couple aspirin popping them in my mouth and washing them down with orange juice “Believe it or not I came all the way to Buffalo to ask the bartender I flirted with a week ago for her number” he says timidly and I just stare at him for a second apparently too long as I see the nervousness creep in his eyes “I mean you don’t” he starts and I cut him off

“Sorry, I just was not expecting that, I flirted with you? I’m sorry I was pretty drunk I really don’t remember half of that night” I say honestly leaving out the part where I woke up naked in a bed smelling of my ex after apparently flirting with another equally as cute NHL player, I find myself blushing at the thought I see him take another nervous drink of his beer and back track over my statement “I mean I’m not saying I wouldn’t under normal circumstances” I stammer even though I know I wouldn’t, not even to spite Sidney, that’s just not right “It’s just that I don’t remember doing it… are you sure I don’t possibly have a concussion?” I ask running my hand tentatively though my hair.

“I’m pretty sure you’re ok, but if you want I could take you to the ER” he offers and I shake my head quickly, “Ya know what, I- I uh should go, yeah I should go. I heard you were Crosby’s girl, I didn’t think someone with a boyfriend in the same room would flirt with other… ya know like you said you were drunk” he says with a shrug of the shoulders “How much for the beer?”

“I’m not Crosby’s girl” I say the word liar rings in my mind like a bell whether I like it or not and whether we are really together or not I can’t say no to him I’ve proved this I am his girl, but I don’t have to be right? “And like I said, the beers on the house” I say and force a sly smile “But since you scared the hell out of me I think you owe me at least a coffee or something”

I see a small smile creep on his face and I find myself smiling too, maybe I don’t have to be ‘Crosby’s girl’ maybe I can be Toews I shake my head its only coffee Jesy don’t jump ahead of yourself I warn my on overdrive mind “Then I’d need your number” he says as a full smile graces his face and I feel my knees wobble

“That you would” I say grabbing a pen and a scrap piece of paper I jot the number down and look at it for a second before deciding it’s correct “Oh wait, you need 716 in front of that or it’s not going to call I forgot you’re not a Buffalo number”

He nods and smiles grabbing the pen from me and adding the 3 numbers “I’ll call you later then, for the coffee to make up for the headache. What time do you get off from work?” he asks and it’s my turn to smile

“I own the place Jonathan I can leave whenever I want, but my other bar tender will be in at 5” I say and he nods

“Ok I’ll call you at 6 then, and you can call me Jon. Bye Jessica”

“It’s Jesy, bye Jon” I call after him and he just nods making his way gracefully out the door.

I just stare at the door for a few minutes before a slow smile spreads across my face I have a date and it’s not with Sidney, this is progress.


I get in my truck and start the engine heading in the direction of my hotel I feel a smile creep across my face, I cannot believe being super awkward just got me a date, well coffee but still it was something! And go figure if I’d listened to Pat I’d be in Chicago kind of sulking about being used as a drunk girls rebound while mad at her boyfriend once again. But I’m not I say to myself grabbing my suitcase out of the back seat of my truck and wheeling it into the lobby checking in, but it’s also only coffee I think as I press the 12 for my floor.


It’s only coffee I say to myself as I rummage through dresser drawers and my closet trying to find an outfit. What do you wear to get coffee I wonder looking at my clothes spread out all over the place, nothing with bar stains I think eliminating a portion of my wardrobe, nothing too fancy I think eliminating another chunk of clothes, and last but not least nothing with another guys name on I say eliminating my crazy collection of hockey shirts.

After a good 10 minutes I settle on a pair of black Capri’s and a purple top, simple but not frumpy. I make my way to my shower content with my outfit and upon exiting I braid my hair back after towel drying it and apply a light coat of makeup. Another 15 minutes and I’m ready to go, with 10 to spare I grab an apple out of my fridge and bite into it, as I do there’s a knock on my door. Figuring its Amy or Jaime I open the door with the apple still in my mouth to see Jon staring at me

“Hi” he laughs I bite the rest of the way through the apple and chew as quietly as possible

“Hi, you’re early” I say hoping no apple skins are stuck in my teeth

“Yeah sorry” he says and I shake my head

“No it’s ok I just… you want an apple?” I offer and he chuckles

“Sure, an apple a day keeps the doctor away right” he says and I laugh making my way to the kitchen grabbing another one from the fridge and tossing it to him which he catches effortlessly

“I think you missed your calling as a goal tender, and that comment is cheesy” I say biting into my apple again

“If you’re throwing an apple at the speed of a slap shot then you missed your calling in baseball as much as I missed mine to be a goalie, and it may be cheesy but it got you to smile” I roll my eyes and take another bite out of my apple before shooting him a smile “ready?” he asks biting into his apple and I nod grabbing my purse and keys before exiting my apartment and locking the door. I slip on my favorite black flip flops at the door and follow him down the stairs.

We make our way to a locally owned coffee shop and one coffee turns into 3 as we talk and laugh, my stomach interrupts our fun and Jon just laughs “How about dinner?” he asks and I nod we get up and he pays for our coffee’s I open my mouth to protest and he stops me “it’s the least I can do for in your words ‘scaring the shit out of you’ earlier. I’m paying for dinner too, as a date” he says and I just look at him with my mouth agape “ok?” he asks his confidence suddenly gone

I shake my head clearing it “Yeah, but next time I’m paying” I say and he laughs

“Next time?” he asks a cocky smile playing on his lips and I freeze for a second

“Yeah the next time, when I scare you and have to buy you coffee as a peace offering” I say and he laughs rolling his eyes and opening the door of the shop for me, we walk side by side to his truck and he opens the door for me extending his hand to help me step up into it.

After dinner we make our way back to my apartment he pulls up in back by the door the parking lot filled with the normal night time regulars. I smile as he kills the engine sends me a smirk and gets out of the car making his way around the front to open the door for me extending his hand so I can get down.

“What a gentleman” I say as he closes the door behind me and walks a half step behind me to my door “I had fun” I say with a warm smile that he returns

“Me too”

“How long are you in Buffalo for?” I ask biting my lip waiting for his answer

“That depends” he says quietly and I tilt my head to the side in wonder

“Depends on what?” I ask when he doesn’t continue

“On how long you want me here” he says and even in the dark I see the slight blush creep onto his cheeks

“Oh” I say almost in a whisper feeling a blush creep up onto my cheeks I smile up at him when I notice his concern at my silence and he returns it tentatively “I don’t know what to say to that” I say honestly

“Then we’ll play it by ear” he says “Goodnight Jesy” comes out in almost a whisper as he places a soft kiss to my forehead and my mind clouds over

“Goodnight Jon” I say with a smile and turn to unlock my back door. As soon as I’m up the stairs and I hear his truck pull away I call Amy and Jaime “So who decided to leave the part of NHL night where I flirted with Jonathan Toews out?” I asks already smirking as they stammer out an answer “I mean either way it was a nice date but still you could have at least told me” that earns laughs and questions.

“He’s just such a gentleman, and he’s handsome too” I say sighing dreamily

“Jesy’s got a crush on Tazer” they both tease and I hang up shortly after blaming fatigue

I fall asleep quickly and wake up with a smile on my face. I stare at my phone for a moment hesitating before sending him a text message asking if he has plans today, his response back of *only if you’ve made some* makes me smile. We make plans and I get ready as I’m finishing up I hear a knock on my door and I open it to find Jon in shorts and a t-shirt

“Only one eye done, that’s a good makeup look” he jokes and I slap him playfully

“You’re early” I protest and he only smiles I make my way back to my bathroom finishing my makeup and head back out to find Jon sitting on the couch “Ready?” I ask and he turns to me and nods

“Hey Jesy?” He says and I just nod in his direction “smile” he says snapping a picture on his phone I just look at him for a moment before he turns the phone to face me “beautiful” he says and I look at the picture shaking my head waving my hand for him to retake it he rolls his eyes but takes it anyway and I give him a proper smile this time “I like the other one better” he says and I look at him confused “That natural smile even if it was only a small one is more beautiful than a fake full smile especially on you” I blush and smile looking away from him, when I look up again he snaps another picture “See, even better, you’re radiant in this one”

Different, better and changed are all words that come to mind when my blue eyes meet his soft brown ones. The smile that creeps across my face when I catch him staring making him blush makes the last word resound even more, everything has changed.
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So I promised saoqueen92 that I would post Friday night or Saturday night and I got really busy today (its 1:15am) So I've been typing like a mad woman for about 3 hours now and then my internet decided to be stupid so one computer restart later here I am posting somewhere in the middle of the time I gave so i'm doing pretty good I think..... but that depends on if you guys like this chapter or not.

Anyway, what do you guys think of the distraction from Sidney? What do you think of Jonathan? What do you think of the chapter in general?

Song is "Everything Has Changed" By Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran I know I said not all Taylor and I'm sorry cause I had a really good one that was by someone else and then when I started writing I forgot what it was because this just fit better, anyway enjoy