

The feeling of being loved is comparable to any other feeling. The power to love has been granted to everyone, and what one chooses to do with this power can either be very beautiful or very dangerous. For Harper Johnson, love is very cherished. While she believes that love is an excellent thing, love can also rear it's ugly side.

Harper became deeply involved with helping others. She shared love with everyone she could and wanted everyone to be ensured that they were loved by someone. Until one night when Harper questioned everything her life was about.

She walked down the streets of New York City, handing out food and new clothing to homeless men, women, and children. While she was walking, a group of teenagers threw rocks and other sharp objects at her. No one believed in helping the homeless and avoided them like the plague. After living in New York City for a few years, Harper had never had any trouble getting things done. She knew how to cross a street. She knew how. But she also knew NYC drivers. She looked both ways and bolted across the street to give her favorite homeless man, Dave, some dinner and felt a sharp pain in her side. She was sent soaring and fell to the ground with a loud thud over a foot away. The cab driver didn't stop. He was positive that the young girl was mistaken and didn't look both ways. Dave knew better. Dave, along with some of the other men Harper helped, blocked off the area. Dave took a few quarters out of his pocket and called an ambulance. He used all of his savings to ensure that she was taken care of. The ambulance took her to the hospital and the men continued to sit on the streets, eagerly awaiting the chipper, enthusiastic girl they missed and loved so dearly to pop around the corner.

In the hospital, Harper had no visitors. She laid in her bed, in between life and death, in between being responsive and being in a coma-like state. But Harper was a fighter. A fighter for love, as well as a fighter for life.

Aaron was getting his blood drawn for some tests at the hospital. He was auditioning for a new role and wanted to make sure his health was in top condition before jumping back into the world of theater. After being cleared and being told that he was free to leave, he walked down the hallway of the fourth floor, the immediate care floor. He looked into each door. In one room, a person was nearing death, then in the next there was a child with his leg in a sling. He hated this more than anything. He wanted to heal the sick and prevent children from having to see the horror that takes place at these hospitals. He looked on all of the whiteboards with messages from family members. He saw staff cleaning out a room and throwing away flowers. He shook his head. He picked up his pace.

Until he saw a door propped open. There was one bed in the room, occupied by a girl around his age. He stuck his head in more and saw a girl with long brown hair laying in the bed with bruises all over her face. His jaw dropped. He thought she was beautiful. Even with the bruises and the cuts and even in her near death state. He walked over to her bedside and caressed her arm. There were huge black bruises that covered her right side. He could not believe such awful things could happen to such a beautiful girl. He read the paper sitting on the bed side table.

Harper Lee Johnson
Hit by taxi

He took in a sharp breath and continued to stroke her hair out of her face. Who could do this to a person. Who could be so careless. Aaron decided that it would be best if he sang to her.

He began to sing, and tried to pull the girl from the demon who pulled her further and further down. She looked lifeless. He sang more passionately. After five minutes of this constant battle, Aaron frowned. He could not win this round. He scribbled his number on a piece of paper on her bed side table and turned to leave. One last shot... he thought to himself. He sang again, as he was walking out of the door, and did not see the stirring body on the hospital bed. He simply took note of the girl's name, and continued to his apartment.

He was not an uber-religious man, but that night he went home and he prayed for her health. He prayed for Harper Lee Johnson.
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New story with the magnificent Aaron Tveit :)
Really trying to take this story in a different direction than my others.
Comments please! Let me know how I did!