

Monday was, once again, not a welcome friend. And the text I had received the night before was in fact not a dream. My pulse was racing, contradicting the fact that I felt like I couldn’t move a muscle. I groaned as my alarm rang once again, dragging the pillow off my face and exposing my eyes to the rays of sun already glaring through my curtains.

I held a pair of panties in my hand as I finished getting ready. I sighed and gnawed on my lower lip.

‘Ellie, what the fuck are you doing?! Put some panties on!’ I thought to myself.

I jumped as my phone buzzed and pulled me out of my trance. I shook my head and placed the panties back in the drawer. My phone buzzed again and I was eager to know who was so desperate to reach me this early on a Monday morning that they would message me twice.

H: Don’t forget about what I said last night, Ellie.

I should’ve guessed it would be Mr. Styles.

H: Also, I hope you’re as excited for today as I am .xx

My phone was set back down with a sigh. I walked out of my room before I could change my mind about the panties.

My time on the tube to work that morning left me with nothing to do but think. With my legs snapped shut, of course. He said he was excited, and I realized I hadn’t really thought about his feelings pertaining to our situation. Was I nothing but a body to him? Or was there something he actually liked about me? Or was it that I was easy and innocent, and perhaps other women he had been with had run for the hills when he tried things like this? Or perhaps other women he had been with had just as thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him as I have.

I shook my head and forced myself to stop thinking about the scenario of other women. Certainly a man with skills like his has had plenty of experience.

“Morning.” A bitter voice greeted me from Serena’s desk. I simply gave my head a nod and kept on walking, refusing to make contact.

“Ellie?” A voice squeaked from behind me once I made it to my desk. My hand flung to my chest and I turned, only to find Kurt.

“Jesus,” I breathed out. I didn’t realize how paranoid I had become. I was unbelievably excited but also apprehensive, feeling like my skirt wasn’t enough to cover my lower body.

“All right? Breakfast?” He put on a smile, but his eyes squinted a bit as if to analyze my odd behavior.

“Mhm.” I walked past him quickly, waiting for him to catch up as we made it to the elevator.

“You’re acting a bit odd today.” He stated once the elevator doors were closed.

“You’ve got no idea...” I muttered under my breath, more to myself than anyone else.

The interns had been called to a meeting. Not one in which we would necessarily actually speak or interact, but it was a learning experience after all.

I randomly chose from one of the seats along the wall of the room. The bare parts of my thighs itched against the material of the chair. “Bloody hell,” I whispered to myself, lifting my leg a bit so I could itch beneath it.

“Sorry about the chair, we had a shortage so we had to go fetch some from the basement. Not a problem though, right?” Serena appeared at my side, her amusement at my situation.

“No, not a problem at all.” I smiled through gritted teeth. “And besides, between you and me,” I whispered so she had to lean in a bit, “I like things rough.”

She rolled her eyes and jutted her lower jaw out, taking the seat next to mine.

“Ellie, come sit by Kurt and I?” Robert questioned as he walked by me.

I turned my neck and flashed Serena a genuine smile. “Of course.” My fake enthusiasm was evident but my point was made.

“Thank you, I can’t stand her.” I murmured to Robert.

He smiled. “I can’t blame you, she’s not a very welcoming person.”

The door to the room was shut right as I took my seat next to Robert. A few minutes into the meeting I lifted my eyes up from my Blackberry and immediately caught eyes with Mr. Styles. Lucky bastard got to sit at the table, which had elbow space and chairs that were clothed with leather and not itchy material that had been worsened by the basement. His elbow was thrown back behind his chair because of course he was tall enough to do that. One side of his suit jacket raised, exposing the curve of his chest to back through his taught navy shirt. He flashed me a smile, then proceeded to turn his head back to his phone. I was already a flustered mess, trying to keep the heated blush that was budding on my face and neck to a minimum.

My phone buzzed in my hand with a message from him.

H: Fancy meeting you here.

I smiled and stole one more glance at him.

E: Have you just made a joke? I had no idea you had a sense of humor..

I looked up and saw his lips quivering as he tried to suppress a smile and oh god... was he blushing a bit?

H: Be nice. How’s your day been so far?

E: Alright. And yours?

H: It’s been quite dull so far.. holds potential though..

E: How so?

H: Well I’m about to turn on a very pretty lady in a conference room full of people.

I swallowed the lump in my throat I hadn’t realized was there.

H: Slide your right leg a bit away from your left..

I snuck a quick look around the room and slowly moved my heel across the floor, opening my legs a bit.

H: Don’t worry, you’re only right across from me. No one else is going to see you. I wouldn’t let them.

Somehow his words were reassurance enough. He didn’t want me to be seen by the whole room, he wanted his eyes to be the only ones who knew. I took a deep breath and tried to settle the riot of butterflies in my stomach.

H: God, you’re perfect.

A tiny smile swept across my lips at his comment. I let out a light sigh, pushing my back further into the chair.

H: I’m thinking we might as well kill two birds with one stone today..

H: Your panties are already non existent today, so perhaps today will also be the day when I make you come with just my tongue against your clit?

A moan nearly slipped past my lips and I clapped a hand over my mouth, nearly laughing at the thought of myself letting a moan roll out in the middle of a meeting.

“Ellie, are you okay?” Robert whispered next to me. “You look a bit.. flustered...”

“Yes, yes, ha,” I laughed half-heartedly, still feeling like my lungs were void of air, “I think I may have just gotten a hot flash.”

“Aren’t you 20?”

“Right well.. glimpse into my future with menopause, I suppose.”

He rolled his eyes with humor so I assumed I was safe.

H: I can see you getting turned on..

My heart was thudding inside my chest and I suddenly felt like too much was happening. I was becoming increasingly turned on but also felt like everyone knew what was happening, like I was being too obvious. And I mentally cursed myself because how had I ever thought this was a good idea I mean, my god, I was nearly the color of a tomato.

H: I can’t wait to touch you, to hear you moan while I’m holding your legs down against the desk.

I closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing.

H: And to properly taste you.. To lick you out until you come.

I risked a moment to look at him and found his eyes were trained right between my legs. He was using this as a time to fucking experiment on what turned me on whilst I felt like I couldn’t breathe and had an overwhelming urge to throw my hand down my skirt and rub some of the pressure away.

H: You’re so wet, practically glistening. Guess I’ve succeeded in turning on a pretty lady in a room full of people then?

Robert nudged his elbow against mine, flicking his head towards the front of the room.

Steve, the head boss of the interns but actually quite low down on the ladder of important people, was standing at the front of the table, his eyes trained on mine expectantly.

“What do you think about the approach to this case, Ms. Daniels? I’d rather not ask again.”

I broke out into a huge grin as the fear that he had discovered what I was doing subsided. His brow furrowed quizzically to my grin.

“Uhhh,” I began, trying to keeping the rise of crazy laughter in my throat down.

“Forgive Ms. Daniels,” Mr. Styles chimed in, averting all attention to him, “Over the weekend I bestowed a very hard task upon her, one which I assume she lost lots of sleep over. She’s probably still running on caffeine. Interns, they’ll do anything you ask of them, won’t they?” He laughed.

“Such little rascals.” Steve chuckled like the awkward man he was.

Luckily the rest of the room let out a little laughs here and there also. Now whether they did that because they felt obligated to or were actually laughing at my awkward situation, I do not know, but it wasn’t really important to me.

“Yes, well, that’s what we’re here for.” I said, letting out a deep breath as I sat my back against the chair again.

Steve dismissed us and I hung to the back of the crowd, walking slowly in the fear that my arousal would literally drip down my leg at some point.

“How do you feel?” Mr. Styles whispered besides me for just us to hear. I hadn’t realized he had gotten so close to me and I was struck by how green his eyes were, accented by his pitch black irises. I hoped my blush wasn’t deepening anymore.

“Exposed, to say the least.” I whispered back, earning a smile from him.

“Well, from my view, I would say that you’re horny.”

I shrugged my shoulders in agreement.

“Aching for me to touch you, aren’t you?” His words left me in a stupor once again. “Stop by my office in ten?”

I nodded and stepped in front of him to leave the room. He walked straight over to Serena, supposedly to talk about his schedule for the rest of the day. I nearly scowled at the thought of her pathetic attempts at flirting with him but held it back, refusing to feel jealous over anything involving him. We weren’t doing anything exclusive.

I tried to work for the few minutes of time I had to kill. My right foot was tapping against the floor restlessly, my bottom lip being gnawed on, and my eyes glazed over while staring at my computer screen.
“Fuck this,” I muttered under my breath, leaving my desk and walking slowly towards his office so as not to arouse suspicion.

“He’s on a call.” Serena yelled at me as I arrived at his door.

“He just emailed me to come and see him, Serena.”

She made a prissy noise and sat up straighter, beginning to type away at her computer again.

I knocked as I opened the door.

“Hi,” I blushed at the tiny sound of my voice and cleared my throat, “Hi.” I repeated, speaking louder this time.

“Hello, Ms. Daniels.”

“You said ten minutes, right?”

“Yes, unfortunately I had to speak to Serena. Right bitch that one is.”

I laughed a bit at his confession. “I believe most of the office would agree.”

“Enough about her though, there are more important things for us to discuss. Come here.” His eyes were locked on me while I walked to his desk. He leisurely moved his chair back with his body so there was space between him and the desk. He patted at his thighs, signaling for me to sit.

“Your lap?” I asked tediously. He nodded. I exhaled quickly and stood with both of my legs either side of his, sitting down with the backs of my thighs on the tops of his.

His large hands immediately settled on my waist, his eyes following as his hands dragged down my waist and onto my thighs, goosebumps arising on my skin on the paths his hands made.

“Fun meeting.” He smirked to himself.

“I’m not sure if fun would be the word I would use to describe it,” I murmured, holding myself in place with my hands on his armrests.

“Potato potata.” He shrugged.

I laughed, although it was weird because I was still getting used to the idea that he might actually have a sense of humor. “You’re funny.”

“Thank you.” He smiled up at me. “Now I think I’ll take a better look at what I was focused on in the meeting this morning.” His voice got deeper, his fingers prodding at the hem of my skirt.

His hands slipped beneath the fabric and he dragged them up slowly, hiking my skirt up to my waist and exposing me to him.

“Still wet, baby?” He looked up at me, running his hands back and forth across my thighs.

I let out a whimper as my answer.

“Lean your back against the desk.” One of his hands left my leg and helped me lean back with my elbows and back against his desk. “Much better view, now I can see all of you.”

My hips were now angled up towards him. His left hand fell back down to my leg and his right hand neared towards the place I wanted his touch most. His finger pressed against my clit, my head leaning back more towards the desk as some of the pressure between my legs was finally released. He moved it around in slow circles, his tongue once again poking out in concentration and his eyes watching his fingers movement to judge my reactions.

“Oh god,” My voice was barely audible as he pushed his finger against me harder, working faster. My hips desperately began circling at the same rhythm as his finger.

“That’s it baby,” He encouraged me, slowing down his finger just to flick my clit back and forth. “I can’t wait until later. I can’t wait to make you come. I can’t wait to have my tongue against you.”

“God, so unfair that I don’t get to come right now.” I complained.

“It will be worth iiiiiit,” he hummed, slowing down his finger until he withdrew his touch completely.

“When exactly will it be?” I made no attempt to disguise the desperation in my voice.

“I’ve got meetings for most of the day.” His finger drew a figure 8 over my clit and I bucked my hips towards his hand once more. “You’re just going to have to wait to find out, baby.”

All at once he withdrew his touch and slid my skirt back down over my hips. I reluctantly sat my back up off the desk and groaned.

He chuckled at my noise of complaint and helped me stand back up.

“Oh god,” I said, landing on unstable feet, “my legs are shaking.”

He cleared his throat “We’re both going to have trouble hiding things.” His eyes travelled down towards his crotch, where his hard member was visible through his pants.

I blushed and took a deep breath, trying to steady my legs.

“Best of luck.” I finally began walking away from his desk.

“Same to you, Ms. Daniels. You’ll be hearing from me between meetings, yeah?”

I nodded and tried my best to compose myself once again before exiting his office. Serena greeted me with a judgmental smile which I didn’t have the energy to combat with.

Mr. Styles did as he said and sent me what was probably, in his mind, meant to be taken as encouragement, but his messages did nothing but send another surge of heat between my legs. By the time the afternoon was coming to a close my stomach felt heavy and I was barely able to walk straight. Being teased in the morning had seemed like a good idea then, but it had left me on edge all day.

H: My last meeting is closing up.. I want you waiting in my office, baby. Take off your skirt and go sit on the desk, facing the outside window. Legs open .xx

E: Are you mental? What if someone walks in?

H: No one goes into the CEOs office unannounced.. besides, that’s all part of the fun, isn’t it?

I supposed he was right but I still couldn’t help but think of all the risks.

E: I can’t.. there are too many things that could go wrong.

H: Ellie, you better be there if you want me to make you come. And I hope you will be, because I have been looking forward to this for a long time.

I hung my head in my hands and sighed.

E: I’ll be there.

I typed after a moment of hesitation. It was too hot of an idea to pass up though.

“He’s not in there.” Serena mentioned as I walked towards his office.

“You are aware you’re the secretary for the whole office, right? You’re not his personal anything. You don’t need to speak to me every time I go to talk to the man who is the boss of both us.” I snapped at her. I hadn’t meant to and for a moment I felt guilty, but quickly abolished the feeling remembering who I was talking to.

She just rolled her eyes and continued to tap away at her keyboard, this time more harshly.

“Sorry I-” I shook my head in disbelief. “I’m apologizing to you, wow. I’m just stressed and a bit wired today.”

“Whatever.” She sighed.

“Alright then, apology taken back. Have a nice evening.” I walked into his office and tried to settle all my nerves.

I wished I could lock the door, but obviously that was a problem because he wouldn’t be able to walk in.

E: Will you lock the door when you’re in the office?

H: If you want me to, yes.

I took a moment before unzipping my skirt and stepping out of it. I was so aroused and so frustrated that I considered starting without him.

E: Should I leave my shoes on?

H: Ooh, yes.

I let out a breathy laugh of nerves and walked to his desk, my hands instinctively covering my bum even though no one was in the room to see it. I wasn’t used to walking around naked in the office, not that I should’ve been.

I walked around his desk and perched myself on the edge. Luckily the blinds to the outside world were drawn shut. I sat there patiently, my imagination running wild with thoughts of what was about to happen.

I heard the handle to his office door turning and I immediately tensed up, a little upset that I wasn’t facing the other way so I could see him. I heard the door click shut before he began to walk across the room.

I watched him as soon as he was in my sight, walking around his desk and letting out a low whistle, sitting down in his chair and looking at me intently.

“I could get used to walking into my office and having this waiting for me.”

“I don’t know if I could get used to having days like these.” I spoke honestly.

“Have you gotten used to me touching you?”

“Not in any way.”


He dragged his hands up my calves and slowly pushed my legs open, rolling forward in his chair.

“Do you want to be teased some more, baby?”

“No, please, oh my god no.” I was ready to get on my knees and beg him not to tease me anymore.

“Say no more.” He pushed his forearms against each of my thighs, holding them back against the desk. His tongue flicked out and he laid it flat against my clit, refusing to move it. My hips once again began to circle against his tongue desperately, my body begging for any sort of friction.

“No.” he ordered, pushing down harder on my legs. “Stay still, baby.”

He pushed his tongue back against me. He licked circles over my clit. I was still so sensitive and on edge from earlier that I was already near orgasm.

“Oh god,” I moaned, clenching my eyes shut and trying my best to keep my hips still.

“You taste so good, baby.” He drawled out his words, replacing his tongue with his finger for a moment.

“Say my name.” He ordered.

I reached out my hand to tangle it in his hair, pushing him close to my center. “Faster, Harry, faster.” Another moan stumbled out of my mouth. His tongue sped up immediately and a few noises erupted from the back of his throat, making his lips vibrate against me.

“I’m so close,” I murmured after a few moments, wanting frantically to move my hips in rhythm with his tongue.

“You can move now, baby.” He took a second to say, freeing his arms from pinning my legs down but keeping his hands there to grip onto me.

My hips immediately began to circle against his tongue, providing me with more friction than before.

“Harry, yes,” I pushed his face closer once more before losing myself, my legs shaking hard against his desk as my long-awaited orgasm finally rolled through me. He kept his tongue working firmly against me through my orgasm. I noticed a smile on his lips when I uncontrollably began moaning his name.

He flicked his tongue out against me once more before moving away from my still shaking body. After a deep breath I moved my hand from the desk, noticing how red my palm now was from pressing harshly into the wood.

“I’ve gotten your desk wet,” I noticed with embarrassment.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s hot.” He smiled up at me, licking away the moisture still on his lips. “I never liked this desk anyways. Now I have a reason to.”

I nodded and gave him a smile, setting my feet on the floor and standing up from his desk. He stood up from his chair and walked over to my skirt where I had left it on the floor. He held it out to me with his hand, but yanked it back as I reached for it.

“By the way,” he stepped closer to me, “you taster better than I imagined.” He said darkly, his body close enough for me to feel his chest rise and fall with his breaths.

“You are adept at making me blush.” I whispered.

His left dimple became deeper and he handed me my skirt.

I zipped it back up and took notice of his tight pants again.

“Do you, uh, do you want me to-” I began, my eyes stuck on the sight of him hard through his pants.

“No, trust me, you’ve done enough for me today.” He smirked.

“Right, well, you’ve tired me out to say the least.”

“But you liked it?”

“Loved it, actually. Best Monday I’ve had in a while.” I joked.

“Same goes for me. Now get home, you probably need to sleep.”

“Work never sleeps.” I stated, earning another little laugh from him. “By the way,” I spoke up as I neared the door, “I’m not suggesting that we really have any other place to go but don’t you think we should maybe stop doing this in the office?”
“Are you inviting yourself over to my home?” He grinned.

“No,” I looked at his amused expression, “just think it’s risky do this here, that’s all. Just think on it, alright?”

“Fair enough. Happy Monday.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. “Happy Monday, Mr. Styles.”

On the drive home I realized that it had actually been the best Monday I had ever had.
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sorry that texting looks so weird i've got no idea how to italicize/bold on this website ! I hope it was clear enough (H=harry E=ellie). thank you all for reading, commenting, and subscribing !