Status: hope you enjoy my story..

Paul Lahote's Love for Khaleesi

A long time ago when just the animals were around, they had made peace with each other, and mother nature became a way of living and life. They didn't know, by any means, that one day man would walk into their lives with the help of other creatures as well, and take away their own way of living. Will Khaleesi fulfill her destiny, as her ancestors before her, to keep peace? Who knows when she meets a hot-headed Paul who loves to fight. When he imprints on her and she doesn't want nothing to do with the imprint or her gift...
  1. Abir and the gift
  2. The Trip To My New Home :(
    khalessi didn't understand why she had to leave. it all started when she told her mom about a dream she had,her mom then told her she was going to stay with her granddad..
  3. I want my granddad back!!!
    she didn't know when her granddad left she would get a call.. a short trip into town became more then that..
  4. I don't need a babysitter!!
    Waking up in the morning to find another boy sleeping on her couch... She don't need a babysitter but Sam seems to think that ..
  5. Seeing granddad,, and now at Sam's house joy
    she get's to finally gets to see her ganddad she's so happy about that. But then her granddad makes her go stay at Sam and Emily's where she hear's Sam talking to guys about keeping a eye on her,one of them is rude about it... wonder who that one is.
  6. My Peacefull Place is real!!!!
    She finally got to see the real place in her dreams..