My Immortal

Chapter 3

On the night of the concert I put on some dark and depressing clothes and then straightened my hair, which was completely unnecessary because despite gravity and all the factors that made this impossible, I spiked up my waist length hair. I then go depressed and slit my wrists and then read a depressing book, while waiting for the bleeding to stop. I don’t even know why I was bleeding since I was a vampire, but what the hell. Who even cares. I once again tried to drink some human blood but then I saw I didn’t have any, I killed a fuckin prep and drank her dry, before dumping her from the astronomy tower. They wouldn’t find her from there, but even if they did and found out it was me they wouldn’t expel me because I’m a Mary Sure and my name is Ebony-whatever-Way.

I went outside and saw Draco looking at the prep who I just threw off the tower a few second ago. I jumped form down there because it was the quickest way to get down and I died when I hit the ground, but since I’m Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way, I survived, because death is too overrated and I’m gothic and I’m cool like that.

“Hi Draco.” I said in a depressed voice.

“Where the hell did you came from?!” He exclaimed. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the flying black unicorn with the numbers 666 on its ass. I climbed onto the unicorn and the unicorn flew into the air, pentagrams shooting out of its ass while we flew. I don’t know how Draco even ended up on the unicorn, but he did. I smoked weed and pots on the way there, even though that’s highly dangerous because I could fall off the unicorn and then die, but then again, I always come back to life, because I am Ebony-whatever-Darkness Way! And I’m a vampire so I never die.

At the concert we listened to Good Charlotte, while smoking crack and weed. Well, I did. Draco is too much of a fuckin pussy.

“Joel is so fuckin hot.” I moaned, just getting an erection from looking at him. I looked at Draco to see him staring at me with a disgusted look. “But don’t worry, I don’t like him better than you!”

Draco seemed terrified. “Like I’d want you to like me.” He was only terrified that I’d like Joel more. As I said, we are connected!!!

The night went on great and I had a great time. So did Draco. He may have looked terrified of me and wanted to get back to Hogwarts, but deep down, I know he never wanted to leave. After we got some t-shirts and autographs, we returned back to the unicorn and we climbed on top of it, which is rather strange as we never got off the unicorn in the first place. It shot across the sky, shooting pentagrams out of its ass.

Then the unicorn landed. Only it didn’t land in Hogwarts. It flew into…….the forbidden forest!