My Immortal

Chapter 4

“DRACO!” I shouted. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”

He starred at me with wide eyes. “What do you mean?! I didn’t do anything! It’s this things fault!” He yelled.

“What the fuckin hell?!” I asked angrily. It wasn’t Draco’s fault, but still, he sat in the front so it must have been his fault.

“Ebony? What the hell are you doing-“ I leaned in extra close and I looked into his grey eyes. I knew they were only lenses, because I knew deep down he was a born gothic and his eyes were actually red and held evilness and depressing sorrow in them. I could feel it, because after all we are connected.

I kissed him passionately, Draco letting out a horrified muffled scream. I knew it was all out of love. We are, after all, connected and I know all about him.

I ripped our clothes to shreds, not breaking the kiss which was a slight bad idea because Draco suffocated. But whatever. He’ll come back to life. It was just getting heated when suddenly…

“What in the name of Merlin is going on?!”