My Immortal

Chapter 5

After Draco somehow got back to life, we had to follow Dumbledore to his office, but ass naked. I was crying tears of blood, which I should really get checked out because something might be wrong with me. Draco stayed a distance away, but again, I knew it was because of his reputation.

Snape glared at us and I cried harder, my tears eventually turning rainbow and pentagrams. “Might want to explain what happened?”

Draco the bastard screamed. “That bitch kidnapped me to Hogsmeade and then she suffocated me in the forbidden forest and raped my corpse! Expel her for Merlin’s beard! She’s a lunatic!”

“I DID THAT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!!!” I screamed at that son of a bitch. “And I didn’t rape you!”

“Very well.” Snape muttered. It was actually quite stupid of him to do that, I mean I should actually go to Azkaban but what the hell. I’m Ebony Dark’ness whatever, so they know better than to do that. “Go to your rooms.” Draco bolted out of the office still butt ass naked and I slowly and depressed went to my room, also naked because I ripped our clothes to shreds.
I went to the girl's dorm and brushed my teeth and my hair and changed into a low-cut black floor-length dress with red lace all around it and black high heels, because that’s how I got to bed. When I came out….
Draco was standing in front of the bathroom confused, and he started to sing 'I just wanna live' by Good Charlotte. After he finished he looked freaked out. “What the hell?! How did I get here?!” He yelled. He turned around and went to run out of the room, but I grabbed his face and twisted his neck, killing him for the second time that day and kissed his dead lips. I let go of him and watched him fall down the stairs.
“Goodnight Draco!” I called after his corpse. People screamed when it fell into the common room. “I warned you about the stairs!” I then went onto the roof and fell asleep there, but not before falling to my death.