My Immortal

Chapter 8

I was so mad and sad. I couldn't believe Draco for cheating on me. I began to cry blood, which I still didn’t go to Popey for, against the tree where I did it with Draco, which could be any tree in the entire fuckin forest. It was amazing how I found that tree. It could only be a clearing with tree threes. Then all of a suddenly, a horrible man with red eyes and no nose and everything started flying towards me on a vacuum! He didn't have a nose (basically like Voldemort in the movie) and he was wearing all black but it was obvious he wasn't gothic. It was… Voldemort!
"No!" I shouted in a scared voice but then Voldemort shouted "Imperius!" and I couldn't run away.

"Crookshanks!" I shouted at him. Voldemort fell of his broom , which at first was a vacuum, but whatever, as Hermione’s cat jumped out of the bushes and scratched him, and started to scream. I felt bad for him even though I'm a sadist so I stopped.
"Ebony." he yelled, completely oblivious to the fact that his face was bleeding and his eye was scratched. "Thou must kill Vampire Potter!" He was talking in an odd old style of talking, almost like Shakespear, what the fuck. Who even cares?

“No!” I shouted back.

He threw me a gun, which was completely unnecessary and useless since I have a wand and yelled. “Thou must! If thou does not, then I shall kill thy beloved rolling Draco!”

I started crying tears of blood but then got surprised. “How did you know?”

“Magic.” He made jazz hands and then vacuumed into the sunset. It was nice of him to do that. At least the floor wouldn’t be so dirty then.

Suddenly Draco planted face first into the ground beside me and I screamed and shot him because I got scared. He died. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“No.” He answered, obviously coming back to life because my power of love and awesomeness and gothicknes brought him back to life!

“I’m sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you cheated on me.” I said.
“We never were together-“
We then went back to Hogwarts happy and making out while walking, which you shouldn’t really do because we tripped and fell into the grand canyon, killing ourselves again.
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I should seriously stop with this. It's literary killing me XĐ