My Beautiful Blackbird.

The Beautiful, the Dangerous and the Proud

“-we've been working on it for months, it's a nosebleed nougat.” Fred stated, placing the small toffee into Harry's palm. He looked down on it and turned it in his hand, obviously tempted to try it but too scared to.
“Harry, I'm going to warn you, you don't want to eat that,” I said, picking a treacle tart off the platter in front of me with the tongs. I sat it on my plate and looked up at him.
“Prior to the twins' strong belief, those aren't done yet. Trust me, they made me the guinea pig for that one. The bleeding lasted hours.”
“Oh shut it you, you willingly became the guinea pig.” George said, nudging me playfully. I rolled my eyes.
“Brilliant.” Harry finally spoke. George was about to speak, probably to convince him to eat it, when Dumbledore began his speech.
“Now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement,” He stated, looking out at us over his half-moon spectacles. “This year, Hogwarts is not only your home, but the home to some very special guests as well.”
Suddenly the door flung open and in ran Filch, panting madly as he ran up the aisle towards Dumbledore. Many of the students giggled and whispered amongst themselves, as Filch was basically the laughing stock of Hogwarts.
“You see, Hogwarts has been chosen-”
He began whispering something to Dumbledore, who nodded knowingly before Filch ran back down the aisle and out the door. The headmaster cleared his throat and began again.
“You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event; the Triwizard Tournament.”
Excited whispers erupted throughout the hall and I felt nothing but a small hint of fear in the bottom of my stomach; Fred and George would surely-
“Let's do it.” They said together, excited smiles on their faces and their eyes locked on me. They obviously expected my approval. I took a bite of the tart to stop myself from saying anything.
“Now for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests, and from each school, a single student is elected to compete.”
“Now let me be clear,” He said grimly. “If chosen, you stand alone, and trust me when I say that these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later,” He smiled.
“For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxine.”
The doors burst open suddenly and in walked about a hundred of the most beautiful women I had ever seen in my life. They all wore blue uniforms and stood tall, doing some kind of weird gesture every time they passed a male.
I snorted and stabbed my treacle tart with the fork, not looking up at the passing women. George and Fred both nudged me, since I was sitting in between them, and smiles grew on their faces.
“Jealous much?” They said together. I sat down the fork and hit both of them.
“Definitely not.” I stated proudly. They shrugged and went back to swooning over them and I exchanged glances with Hermione, who was sitting opposite me; she had the same disgusted facial expression as I.
“Oh bloody hell, will you two cut it out?” I questioned, hitting each of them on the arm with Hermione's book. I sat it back down on the table and glared at the girls, my arms crossed.
“Blimey, calm down Blackbird. And you say you're not jealous.” Fred spoke.
“I'm not. It's just-”
Their little show ended and everyone (mostly the guys) cheered and clapped, not really wanting it to be over.
“And now our friends from the North, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their highmaster Igor Karkaroff!”
These guys were actually pretty scary, definitely a step up from the Veela's stupid butterfly act. They walked in stone-faced, looking straight ahead as they started their performance. After most of them made it to the front of the hall, in walked Igor Karkaroff and Victor Krum, just as stone-faced as the rest of them and wearing long fur coats. Dumbledore greeted them kindly after their performance was over and even hugged Igor.
“Now please, let us continue our feast!”
The chattering commenced and Harry turned back to the three of us, still holding the candy. He smiled a bit.
“Reckon I could use this on Malfoy?” He questioned.
“Definitely.” We said together.
“No, you most definitely cannot!” Hermione began. Ron leaned across the table to look over at her, Harry sitting in between them.
“Loosen up a bit, will you? Blimey, it's like being around Percy.”
“Oh come on now Ron, Percy's a complete prat, there's no need to put that on Hermione.” George said, snatching a pumpkin pasty off the platter.
“Your attention please!”
Dumbledore's voice echoed through the hall and we all fell silent, mesmerized by the large tower-like object that had been placed at the front of the hall in our distracted state.
“I'd like to say a few words,” Dumbledore sat his hand on the object and began. “Eternal glory... that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks.”
“Wicked.” The twins said together. I rolled my eyes.
“For this reason, the Ministry sees it fit to impose a new rule. To linger on this, we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch.”
It literally started raining inside the hall when Dumbledore spoke these words and many people screamed, confused and scared. That's when someone put it out with their wand and every head turned to see who it might be.
“Bloody hell, it's Mad Eye Moody.” Ron stated in awe.
“Alastor Moody? The Auror?” Hermione questioned.
“Auror?” Dean Thomas chimed in.
“Dark wizard catcher. Couple cells in Azkaban filled thanks to him. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter these days.” Ron commented.
We watched as he made his way to the front of the room, shaking hands with Dumbledore when he got there. He turned and quickly took a swig from a brown flask before stowing it away in his coat pocket.
“What's that he's drinking, d'you reckon?” Seamus questioned. Harry sighed.
“I don't know, but I don't think it's pumpkin juice.”
“After due consideration.” Barty Crouch began, “The Ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student that is under the age of seventeen should be allowed to put forth their name in the Goblet of Fire. This decision is final.”
“That's rubbish!” Fred and George yelled. “Absolute rubbish!”
The entire hall was soon yelling, angered by this decision.
“Silence!” Dumbledore yelled. And so there was silence.
He waved his wand and the tower-like structure fell, revealing a cup that had been enclosed inside it; the Goblet of Fire.
A blue flame erupted within it and lingered, never growing smaller nor larger.
“The Goblet of Fire,” He said, “Anyone who wishes to put forth their name for the Tournament merely write their name on a slip of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly; if chosen, there is no turning back.”

“As of this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun.”