My Beautiful Blackbird.

The Four Champions

“Harry Potter.”
Not many people heard what he said at first because he muttered it to himself, probably unsure if he had read that right. After a few moments of staring intently at the parchment, he raised his head and looked out at all of us.
“Harry Potter!”
My mouth slightly ajar I looked over at George, my eyes growing wider at his expression; I guess I did hear right.
“George.” I whispered. Fear bubbled up inside me as I thought of Harry competing in the Tournament, dying all because of a stupid competition. George, who was always good at reading me, took my hand and shushed me quietly.
“Shh, love, it's okay.”
Harry slowly made his way up the aisle, fear glistening in his eyes as he watched Dumbledore study him intently. Albus Dumbledore, the man who was always calm and cheerful, looked stuck between being truly astonished and truly angered. Either way, he led Harry into the door at the head of the Hall, closing the door behind them with a loud bang. Scattered whispering broke the silence of the Great Hall and I looked at the twins, my mind racing. I didn't notice my hand was still in George's.
“Did he-? Who-? What's going on?”
“There's no way. He couldn't have.” Fred said in awe. I shook my head.
“I need to write to Sirius.” Sirius Black was mine and Harry's godfather, although I'd known about it my entire life, whilst Harry had learned just last year.
Freeing my hand from George's, I stood and walked quickly down the aisle, almost all eyes landing on me as I did so.
I ignored George's call and kept walking, anger and fear bubbling up at the bottom of my stomach. I made my way up to the Owlery and looked for Mooney, my brown barn owl that I had named after Lupin.
I began pulling the stationary out of my bag before stopping myself, mentally slapping myself in the face; this was ridiculous. I was ridiculous. Everything would be fine, it had to be.
“Are you alright?”
I turned to find George standing there by the ledge, looking at me as if I were insane. I sighed and stood next to him, looking out over the ledge.
“Yeah, I'm fine. I just overreacted.”
“You didn't overreact. Everyone was spazzing, in case you didn't notice.”
We chuckled at this as we looked out at the landscape, the gold and orange trees contrasting the snowy white mountains in the distance. I felt him gently take my hand in his, his fingers slowly entwining with mine. My heart skipped a beat.
“You know, Blackbird, you really do worry too much.”
I sighed. “I know.”
He turned to me and smiled slightly, his hazel eyes meeting my gray. I couldn't help but look at his neck for that mole, because I didn't exactly want to be, well- kissing Fred.
“You sigh too much, too.”
“It's hard not to sigh these days. Given everything that's going on.”
“Still. You need to be happy. Why do you think we do what we do?” He looked down at my Deathly Hallows necklace and straightened it out, so the clasp wasn't visible anymore. He then gently laid the pendant on my chest, his touch giving me goosebumps.
He met my eyes again. “Jokes and pranks make people laugh. Well, maybe not those on the receiving end, but you get the point.”
We laughed at this and before I realized what was happening, we were getting closer and closer to one another, our lips just inches apart. He took his free hand and brushed a few pieces of stray blonde hair out of my face, both of us smiling slightly at one another as we realized that it was finally going to happen.
“George? Juliette?”
We pulled apart quickly as Fred came up the stairs, a concerned look on his face.
“Are you alright Jul? We were worried about you.”
I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. “No, I'm alright. I was just, erm-”
We noticed we were still holding hands and withdrew from each other's grasp awkwardly, whilst Fred winked in that stupid way of his.
“Ah. Gotcha. Come along then, it's curfew.”
We trailed behind Fred awkwardly as he led us to the castle, going on and on about how much he loved spending time with Angelina. I smiled at this; I always knew it would happen.
Just like I always knew I would end up falling for George.