My Beautiful Blackbird.

The Yule What?

“And there you have it! All four champions have retrieved their golden eggs!”
I sighed in relief as Fred groaned, handing over five galleons to George.
“Thanks Freddie.” He beamed, counting the gold coins in his hand. Fred rolled his eyes.
“Shut it.”
Soon afterward most of Gryffindor house was in the Common Room, cheering and yelling as Fred and George hoisted Harry up on their shoulders, him holding the golden egg. He held it up as the twins jumped up and down, obviously more than proud of Harry.
“Hello Juliette.”
I recognized the voice as Angelina Johnson's. I turned and smiled at her, happy to see her; I hadn't spoken to her since we left for our summer holiday.
“Hello Angie! How was your holiday?”
“It was lovely, thanks for asking. I'm assuming yours went well?”
“Quite. I spent it with the Weasleys as I always do, so it was quite enjoyable.”
She smiled. “Ah, I see. About the Weasleys, how things with you and George?”
I furrowed my eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
“Don't play clueless with me Jul, everyone is just waiting for you and George to get together.”
“I don't like George.” I was lying through my teeth and she knew it; Angie just knew me too well.
“Uh huh, I'm certain. The two of you-”
I wasn't really sure what the hell happened, but the most terrible, high-pitched ear-splitting screaming echoed through the common room, everyone instantly dropping to their knees as they covered their ears. After a moment it stopped, my ears ringing at the silence as everyone stood up.
“What in the bloody hell was that?”
It was Ron who had spoke. Everyone turned to him, me obviously being the only one who didn't know why that was such a big deal.
“Alright everyone, go back to your knitting, this is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in.” Fred spoke. Most people went up to the dormitories whilst a few stayed.
“What was that?” I questioned.
“Harry opened that bloody egg of his.” She said. “Anyway, you and George would-”
“Hello ladies.” The twins said together. I swear I jumped a mile into the air and my face got beet red, Angelina chuckling at my reaction. I hit her arm.
“Erm- h-hey guys.” I stuttered.
“And what are the two of you up to?” Fred questioned, a smile tugging at his lips; I was almost certain they had heard Angelina.
“Nothing, just talking.” She said. George smiled.
“Talking? About what?”
“Erm- I think I'm going to go to bed, I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow.” And with that said, I quickly walked up to the dormitories, my heart racing; yeah, they definitely knew.
“Good morning.” George said as I sat between he and Fred. I smiled.
“Morning. And how are you two on this lovely morning?”
“Grand.” They said together. I picked a piece of toast and some sausage off the platters in front of me, placing them on my plate with the tongs.
“How are you then, Blackbird?” Fred questioned, taking a sip of pumpkin juice.
“Lovely, thanks for asking. Anything new?” I motioned towards the latest edition of the Daily Prophet sitting in front of Fred, the pictures of Harry on the front page moving rapidly. He shook his head.
“Not at all, just more and more garbage about Harry and how he supposedly 'hoodwinked' the Goblet of Fire.”
I sighed and took a sip of my own pumpkin juice, watching the students come and go through the door of the Great Hall. One particular first year was running as fast as he could, holding a giant package. I watched as he ran up to Ron and sat it in front of him, smiling broadly at the sight of Harry.
“Package for you, Mr. Weasley.”
“Ah yes, thank you Nigel.”
The first year ran off and I looked at Ron quizzically, as well as the others.
“What was that about?”
“I get busy. It helps to have an assistant.”
I rolled my eyes and took a bite of toast, watching as he studied the package.
“Oh look, Mum's sent me something.”
I nearly choked on my food when I saw him open it and pull out this ghastly pair of dress robes, looking as though they'd been stowed in someone's dusty attic for the past century. He held them up to himself and looked absolutely appalled.
“Ginny, I think these are for you.” He said.
“Are you serious? I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly.”
“Oh my God,” I whispered to George, referring to Molly. “She didn't.”
“Oh, but she did.” He whispered in return. We exchanged glances and erupted in laughter.
“Ron, they're for you! They're dress robes!” Hermione giggled.
“Dress robes? Why in the hell do I need dress robes?”
“The Yule Ball, you idiot.” I stated, still giggling. Everyone looked at me.
“The Yule what?”
“Students, please meet me in the next room over, I have an announcement to make!” McGonagall said. I turned to the guys.

“That would be the Yule Ball.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohoo another chapter because I have absolutely nothing to do. I don't know about you guys, but I'm actually really excited to write about the Yule Ball :)