My Beautiful Blackbird.

Thank God For Legilimency

Two months later, November 13th, 1994
“So which lucky gentleman has the honor of taking you to the ball?” Fred teased. I shook my head.
“No one. I'm not going.”
“And why's that?”
I sighed, placing a History of Magic textbook back on the bookshelf. “Because, I have no one to go with and honestly, I don't really want to go. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering.”
I narrowed my eyes, studying him as he flipped through his textbook. He wouldn't meet my eyes, which got me suspicious, because that's what he always did when he lied.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Juliette, I'm positive. Why are you doubting me?”
I shrugged and waited till he began flipping through his textbook again, while he was offguard, and muttered 'legilimens' under my breath. Before I knew what was happening I was reading Fred's every thought, some about Angie, some about the textbook he was reading, and then there were the thoughts about George.
He jumped. “Blimey, what is it?”
“You're telling George!”
“Telling George what?”
“About what I said about the ball!”
He facepalmed. “Blimey, you know I hate when you do that! There's a reason why you're not allowed to read peoples' minds, Jul!”
I shrugged. “So?”
“So don't do it!”
I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him, opening up a copy of Advanced Potion Making; we had been in the library for about an hour now, because George was busy and I had to study. After an hour of talking, I finally convinced Fred to go with me to the library.
He sighed. “I was planning on telling George because he wants to take you to the ball. There's your answer.”
“He wants to take me?”
“Obviously, you two were nearly snogging that day in the Owlery.”
I threw a crumpled up piece of paper at him. “We weren't snogging.”
“Yes, but you were going to. Don't play stupid with me, Blackbird.” He grinned as he threw the paper back at me.
“Is he going to ask me?”
“He was planning on it.”
“Do I look like George to you? I don't know.”
“Yeah actually, you look exactly like George.”
“Shut it.”
I laughed and continued reading my book when a thought occurred to me. “Where is George anyway?”
He chuckled. “Well, erm... Funny story about that.”
I attempted to read his mind again but he stopped me with Occlumency, obviously expecting me to do it again. I sighed.
“George is in the Owlery with Angelina. He's talking to her about the same thing we were talking about.”
“You guys are just reporting back to each other about everything?”
I rolled my eyes. “You guys are idiots.”
“So we've heard.”
I jumped at the sound of George's voice, my face getting red just like it did a while ago in the Common Room. George chuckled and sat down in between us.
“So how are things?” He asked, looking from Fred to me. I shrugged.
“Just peachy.” I muttered, standing. I went over and placed the book on the shelf before going back to the desk, my heart pounding. I sat down again and watched the rain fall outside, feeling more awkward than ever.
“Are you alright Blackbird?” George asked.
“Yeah, great.” I stated. I saw him look at Fred in the window and Fred smiled slightly, as if they were reading each others thoughts. They always had that weird telepathy thing since they were twins; they always knew what the other was thinking.
“So, erm, I think I'll be going to bed now.” I stood and collected my wand and bag, throwing a few books inside. “I'll see you guys later.”
“You're leaving?” George asked. I nodded.
“Yeah, it's getting late, I'm tired. Goodnight.”
I walked away towards the doors, taking the opportunity to read George's mind as I left. There was only one thought going through his head;

How in the hell am I going to ask her?