My Beautiful Blackbird.

His Eyes Light Up Like New York City, Whatever That Is

“I honestly don't understand why you and George aren't together yet.” Hermione stated, making her way to the covered bridge with us. We had a free period and whilst Fred and George were off doing something as well as Harry and Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I decided to go on a walk on the grounds. We all needed a break from the guys and more than anything wanted to discuss the ball with one another.
“He's seeing 'Alexandra'.” I mocked his voice as I said this, each word dripping with bitterness and sarcasm. The plan, in my mind, was simple; George asks me to the ball, I say yes, we go together, snog, start dating, and we all live happily ever after. But it was never like that. It never could be.
I chuckled bitterly. “So I can't exactly break them up, can I? And George doesn't-”
“I swear if you even dare to say he doesn't like you I will hex you right here and now.” Ginny demanded. “George is so madly in love with you he can barely tie his own shoes. You should hear him when you're not around, you'd think you were some kind of saint.”
“I somehow doubt that. Why would he be going with Alexandra if he loved me that much?”
“Because you've only been best friends all your lives, he's probably scared to ruin that. How do you think Hermione feels about Ron?”
Hermione hit her on the arm. “Oh stop it! I do not like Ron!”
“I think she's got a point, Hermione.” I added. “Something is definitely going on there.” She rolled her eyes as we stepped onto the bridge, stopping in the middle and leaning over the edge; that was always my favorite part of Hogwarts. I loved the view, the fresh air, and it always looked wonderful when it snowed. In other words, it was perfect.
Hermione cleared her throat. “But Juliette, you must see it. George truly loves you. Have you not seen the way he looks at you when you talk? When you laugh his eyes light up like New York City.”
“What?” Ginny and I said together. She sighed.
“Right, you wouldn't know. It's a muggle city in America. But anyway-”
“What she's trying to say is that you need to talk to him. You need to tell him how you feel.” Ginny finished. Hermione nodded.
“Hey, what are you guys up to?”
We turned to find Harry and Ron walking toward us, Hermione's face turning a bright shade of red. She looked out at the mountains to hide it, hoping they wouldn't notice.
“Nothing, just discussing some stuff.” Ginny said.
“Right. So have you lot figured out who you're taking to the ball?” Harry questioned.
“I'm going with Neville.” Ginny smiled.
“Erm- it's a surprise.” Hermione said.
Ron looked at her curiously as Harry turned to me, obviously to ask me the same question.
“Who're you going with? George?”
“Blimey, why does everyone think I'm going with George?” I sighed.
“Well, it just seems like you would, you've only been flirting with one another for the past year.”
“And Fred caught you snogging in the Owlery a few months ago.” Ron added. Now it was my face that got red.
“What? Fred told you that? And we weren't snogging!”
“Fine, nearly. And yes, he did. He was happy because he thought something would finally happen between-”
“Can we just drop it?” I questioned. “My love life is none of your concern.”
“So it is love?”
“Drop it!”
The four of them laughed at me and I turned away, shaking my head in frustration.
“So who are you two taking?” Ginny asked. Ron's ears got red and he turned away too, telling us all that he didn't have a date yet. She turned to Harry, who had a grim look on his face.
“I was going to go with Cho, but she erm- she-”
“You got rejected then?” Ginny teased.
“No! It wasn't rejection, she just- she's going with Cedric.”
“So rejection.” Ron and Ginny said together. He sighed.
An idea came to mind that I had frequently thought about, an idea I despised yet admired at the same time. This time I shrugged it off; I really didn't want to do it. But then again, I didn't exactly have any other-
“So you're not going with George then?” Harry asked. I nodded.
He cleared his throat awkwardly. “So, erm, do you think that we could- as friends, of course- maybe, if you're okay with-”
“Spit it out, will you?”
He sighed. “Would you want to go together then? Since we can't exactly go with who we'd like to go with.”
There was the idea, one that Harry had apparently also had. Ginny, Ron and Hermione were repressing laughter whilst Harry's face got red, mine probably turning the exact shade of scarlet. I sighed.
“Sure, why not. But rule one; no dancing. Rule two; no awkward hand holding or arm-locking or any of that. Rule three-”
“Brilliant, got it.” He said. “I wouldn't have it any other way.”
“Blimey, isn't this a sight? Juliette Von Teese and Harry Potter going to the Yule Ball together.” Ron snickered. I threw a pebble at him that had been sitting on the ledge.
“Oh shut it, will you? You're just jealous because you're the only one here without a date.” Ginny retorted. Hermione snickered and Ron stared at her for a moment before leaving awkwardly, obviously having attempted to come up with a good comeback but failing. We all returned to the castle together and my head ached, dreading the night that was soon ahead that I would have to spend dancing with this kid who was basically my little brother.