Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side


Katrina's POV:
"Lucy, can I stay with you tonight?" I'm 19 and homeless. My parents don’t understand me so I did the logical thing and ran away.
"You know what my parents think." She tells me. I'm what you call, a bad girl. I had a C- average in high school and can't afford college. Not that I have any intention of going. Lucy, my best friend in the whole world, is the complete opposite. She's a 4.0 gal and just finished her first year of college.
"Whatevs. I'll find somewhere. Just like I always do." I hug my motorcycle jacket closed and start walking.
"Kat! You can stay with me." I wave her off. I find my normal crew.
"Yo, Kat! How you doin'?"
"Go away, Jack. I'm not in the mood."
"What happened, sweet thang?" He thinks he's cooler than he is, but he's my friend. Tonight, though, he’s drunk. Again.
"Do you wanna talk about nothing?" He asks and I don’t.
"Imma go rob a place. I need some smokes."
"Get me some?"
"You wish." If I get caught, I'm really going to jail this time.
"Kat, are you sure? I can hide you from my parents." Can’t she leave me alone?
"Lucy, I'm heading to a hotel right now." Total lie and she knows it.
"Okay. Do you have enough money for it?"
"Yeah. I'm good." Last time I said this I spent the night in a hotel bathroom. Apparently the lobby is for paying guests only.
"I'm worried about you, Katrina. I don't want my best friend in prison."
"I'm wearing all black. They'll never catch me."
"Kat, that's not funny. Please spend the night at my house. My parents will learn to deal. You're too stubborn to admit it right now, but you care. You have feelings and a soul. You're not a lost cause."
"No. I don't. I'm a tough girl, always have been. L, I've done this for the past 2 years! I'll be fine."
"No you won't. What about the guy that...."
"Don't even bring that up right now." My first night out, I was almost raped by a guy.
"Okay, Kat. I'm sorry. If you end up needing a place, come find me."
"I will."
"Don't rob any place. You have a record, Katrina." I just stand there, then start to walk away.
"Whatevs. See ya tomorrow." My boots echo as I walk down a tunnel. I check my phone and see it's almost 11. For whatever reason, my parents still pay my phone bill. Every so often I'll find clothes and food in my normal hangout or they send em through Lucy. Finally I end up at the convenience store. I am about to break the window when arms stop me.
"I don't think you wanna do that." Shit, it's probably the cops.
"Do what?" I turn around and am staring into piercing blue eyes. No, I can't get attached.
"You were going to break in. Come stay with me tonight." He is sweet, but I can't do that.
"No, thank you. I was just looking for hours. I'm on my way home." It's sort of a lie, but it's not like I've been very truthful tonight.