Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

The Reunion

Zach's POV:
"Oh, my god! You're awake!" Here she is, staring right at me.
"First face I see." She smiles.
"Kat, I'm so sorry. I don't know how you can forgive me, but if you do, I will never doubt you again. I love you and I know-”
"That I love you. I heard." She says and I put my fingers on her lips.
"Don't speak right now. Just blink. Once for yes, twice for no." I want her to have all the energy she can before doctors start showing up. "Could you hear the others talk to you?" She blinks once. "Did you only react to me?" She blinks once. I kiss her and her monitor goes crazy. The doctors run in. "She's awake." I say.
"Kat! I'm so sorry I left you." Lucy yells. The doctors are taking measurements, shining lights in her eyes, and just being invasive.
"It's not your fault, L. Yours either, Mikey. If any of us are to blame, it's me. I took the stupid pills.The blame is on me 100 percent."
"So, are we back together Kat? Am I forgiven?" She blinks once. I don't know why I love this girl, but I do.
"What's that mean?" The other three are confused. I kiss her.
"That's what it means. Look, I'm sorry about everything."
"I know you are. We were both angry and hurt. Things happen and get said."
"Kat, I want our love to be like Cory and Topanga." I know how much she loves Boy Meets World.
"What, break up at every small bump just to realize it was stupid?"
"No, realize that we were made for each other and that our love is the strongest thing in the world." She starts to cry.
"Zach, that's adorable." I reach in my pocket.
"I brought your iPod. Figured you might need some cheering up."
"Thank you so much. Wait, don't hit play!" I see it’s When You're Gone.
"Let me listen to it. I want to know what you were feeling. Obviously it meant something if you have it on repeat."
"Zach, you'll just feel worse. Please don't." It’s too late; I am already a minute in. This song is so sad. Finally, it ends.
"Kat, I'm so sorry I put you through this. I'm guessing you still have my jacket?" I was looking everywhere for it yesterday.
"And it smells just like you."
"How can you possibly forgive me? It's clear that I hurt you when you needed me the most. You finally softened, became vulnerable, and I left."
"Because I'm soft and vulnerable I can forgive you. I forgive you because I love you." She finally says it and I'm finally listening.
"I know you do. I love you, too, Kat."
"I know you do." Her face drops.
"What's wrong?"
"I kind of miss my little sister. She's 2 years younger than me exactly. She'll be 18 and I'll be 20 in 2 weeks."
"Then I guess we'll have a party for you in 2 weeks."
"Can we be invited?" I turn to the door, but don't recognize who's standing there. The man and girl kind of look like Kat. Oh, this must be them.
"Mom, dad, Lana?"
"Hi, sweetie."