Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

The Letter

Katrina's POV:
"Happy Thursday, Katrina. Ready to get out of here?" The nurse walks in this morning.
"Yes! Finally. Give me those papers."
"Not so fast, Katrina." What else could they possibly want from me?
"You need to sign this saying you will get help if you ever want to do something like this again. We are letting you get away without therapy and rehab if you swear."
"Give me all the papers. I'll sign anything if it gets me out of here." Zach runs in, out of breath.
"Are you getting sprung today?" He makes it sound like I'm in prison, which I kind of am. This place stinks.
"Yes, Zach. I'm about to sign the papers." He sits by me and I release myself. One good thing about being 19, almost 20.
"Let's go home."
"Zach, those words sound amazing. I can't wait to crawl in bed and be into your arms. I've missed you so much."
"I've missed you, too, Katrina."
"You two were apart, what, a week? Move on with your lives!" I look to see who's there.
"Why is Michael here? I thought today was about us."
"It is. He just wanted to see you." Then Millie comes in.
"And he can't see you if I can't, so I came along."
"Thanks, you guys. Where are Lucy and Cameron?"
"We didn't tell them you get out today." Mikey says.
"I didn't tell you, either, you followed me." Zach glares at Mikey.
"Do you want me to ruin the secret?" Michael asks.
"Okay, never mind." Zach sits still. What secret are they talking about?
"Zach? Is there something I should know about?"
"No, everything's great." Lack of trust broke us up before so I won't go there now.
"Okay. I trust you."
"Thanks, Kat. Now, you get dressed and we'll get out of here."
"I bet you can't wait to get her out of here." Michael winks.
"Michael! Shut up!" Zach chases him out of the room.
"Mil, can you get my stuff out of the bag?" She stands there for a minute, staring. Zach and Michael come running back in.
"Dang, girl. Move your butt." Michael says, then they ran out again.
"Millie? My clothes, please."
"You need to see this, Katrina." What did she find? It looks like a piece of paper that she's holding.
"What is that? Millie, was that in my bag?"
"Get dressed first." She throws clothes at me and shoves me inside the bathroom. I run out in record time.
"Give me." I reach for it.
"I don't know if you want to read that." She tells me but I grab it anyway.
"It's a letter from Jack." I say and I can’t believe it.
I swear I'm writing this sober. I am in love with you and always will be. You're the one girl that gave me hope when I felt lost. I see you're with Zach now, don't think I'm not checking up on you, and I'm happy for you. I wish you both the best of luck. I think I'm going back to my family, you gave me the strength. You are everything I want to be, well, now. I really do love you Katrina Lane Mitchell. Maybe I'll see you around. Maybe I'll find another girl who makes me feel this way. Thanks for being a friend when I needed one.
-Yours truly, Jack.
"Kat?" Millie looks at me.