Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

Zach and Kat

Zach's POV:
"Kat, what's wrong? Is something wrong with the paper work?"
"No, Zach. It's not that, it's...." I know what this is now.
"Look, I'm fine paying the hospital bill. I got ya covered."
"Zach, it's a love letter. From Jack." She's just standing there, not moving.
"I'm sorry. What?" She hands it over.
"Jack wrote me a love letter and I guess put it in my bag when he left." The bag that I was so kind to bring her, well, out of guilt. I read over it.
"I don't get it. Does he love you or is he moving on?"
"I think it's both. He says he's happy for us and getting help. Maybe the help will make him meet a girl." I take her hands and look her in the eyes.
"There is no one as special as you."
"Zach, this feels like a Cory and Topanga moment." I laugh and kiss her. I link arms with her and we walk out of the hospital.
"It is kind of creepy that he said he was watching me and always would." She says. This boy has an issue, but I can't tell her that.
"Yes, it is. What's worse is I've never seen him around."
"Neither have I! Zach, what if he's watching now."
"I'll do this." I take the letter and rip it into tiny pieces and throw it out. "Take that, Jack!"
"Zach, you're overreacting a little. It's cute when you're jealous and protective. Sorry, Jack, but Zach is mine forever. Until we die." This definitely isn't the same Kat I first fell in love with, but I like this one better. "Whatcha thinkin bout?" She asks on the way home and I want to tell her so bad, but now isn't the time.
"Just life. How glad I am to have you back in my life." It's not a lie, I am thinking about that. It just isn't the full truth.
"I'm glad to have you back in my life. You are amazing, Zachary Porter."
"You are way more amazing, Katrina Mitchell."
"No, we are not going to have this fight. I don't want to be one of those stupid, sappy couples who do this every week or so." I can't help but laugh at her. "What's so funny?"
"You are. Just when I think you're those sappy girls, you go back to your old ways. I like how diverse you are."
"I'm diverse? Really, Zach. Let's think about this."
"You are. You were this sweet girl then you became this tough girl now you're both. You're sweet, but call sappy couples stupid." Now she's laughing.
"Okay, fine. I don't exactly think that counts as diverse, but who am I to argue with Zach Porter? There are a million girls who would kill me for that."
"Speaking of, I want do a chat tomorrow. We're all going to introduce you girls. I need to correct my terrible Twitter mistake." I still feel bad about doing that, even if it was true at the time.
"Zach, we were broken up. I wouldn't have wanted you to lie to them or give me false hope."
"If I wasn't driving, I’d kiss you."
"Then I guess you'll kiss me in about a minute." She says and I turn into my spot. Then I lean over and kiss her.
"I really do love you, Kat." I say as we walk inside.
"I really do love you, Zach. Oh, it's so good to be home."
"So, what do you wanna do Kat?" She looks at me.
"Funny business."