Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

Accidents Have Consequences

Zach's POV:
Around 10 mom finally lets us leave.
"I'm so ready to get back to the apartment." I tell Katrina.
"You can say that again." She takes my hand. "Are you sure about this? About us?"
"Kat, I'm positive. I will never leave you again." Her worry is all over her face. "I promise you, okay?"
"Thank you, Zach. I'm sorry I need this."
"Kat, it's fine. I know you love me, I know I love you."
"I do love you, Zach." I turn on the radio and I Love You by Avril Lavigne comes on.
"Kat, you're so beautiful, but that's not why I love you. I'm not sure you know that the reason I love you is you being you, just you. Yeah, the reason I love you is all that we've been through and that's why I love you."
"I don't even know what to say Zach. Ahhhh! Watch out!" Watch out? Then I see that I’ve swerved into the other lane. The truck hits us head on.
*Katrina's POV*
"Watch out!" While singing to me, Zach has gone into the other lane and a semi hits us. "Zach, are you okay? Zach!" He is completely knocked out. I can feel the blood running down my head, but that doesn't matter right now. The truck driver runs over to us.
"Are you guys hurt?"
"My fiancé! Ahhhh!!! Why?!"
"He's not dead yet, miss." Yet? This guy doesn't know true love.
"He won't die! Call a fuckin ambulance!" I am going back to the old new me. I will not cry, not right now. Finally they show up.
"Miss, how do you feel?"
"How do you think I fuckin feel? My fiancé’s been knocked out and my head is bleeding!"
"Please calm down. You can't get too excited right now." I'm sure they're supposed to be like this, but can't they be a little sympathetic?
"Calm down? Calm down. Calm down! Calm DOWN! YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN, I'LL SHOW YOU CALM!" They shoot me with something and I fall asleep. When I wake up my head is stitched up and my parents, Lana, Millie, and Lucy are in my room.
"Hey, sunshine. Are you okay?" My dad asks and I start crying.
"Where's Zach? Can I see him?"
"He's not awake yet, sweetie." Lucy informs me.
"Let me see him!" I need to see Zach. I know he'll be okay.
"Ms. Mitchell?" I sit up a little more.
"We found something when we did your tests." The doctor tells me.
"Well, what is it?" We are all ready for the news.
*Zach's POV*
"Where am I?" I ask.
"You're in an in-between stage." In-between?
"What's that mean?"
"You're not dead, but nearing."
"Dead? No, I have to get back to Kat." I can see my parents, Vic, Cameron, and Michael. They're all crying. "Where's Kat?"
"In her own room. She got stitches and some other news." This weird guy tells me.
"What other news? Is she gonna be okay?"
"That, you will figure out later."
"Let me get back to her. Please. I can't die. Our love is too strong for this.
"You made a mistake, Zach, but as you wish. You can go." I wake up.