Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

Surprise Stranger

Katrina's POV:
Zach doesn't seem like too bad of a guy. Lucy loves the guys, especially Cameron what’s his face. I run straight to Lucy and throw a rock at her window.
"Are you okay?" The first thing she always asks me.
"I'm fine. I'm going on a date with Zach Potter."
"His last name is Porter, not Potter."
"Oh. Well, I told him to pick me up here. We're going out tomorrow night." She screams.
"That's amazing! Why'd you give him my address?" She is completely clueless sometimes.
"Sorry, I’ll give him my real address. Except, I don't where I'm living tomorrow!"
"Oh, yeah. Why not make up with your parents?" Lucy's sweet, really, but she doesn't get it.
"I ran away. I can't just go back and say I have a date so everything should be normal. I need to be who I am and sometimes, that means I need to be alone. You're the only one who gets that."
"Oh, Kat. Are you going again, or staying?" I think for a minute and start to climb out her window.
"I'll see you tomorrow, L. Thanks for letting him pick me up here."
"Anytime." I can tell she is upset. She isn't even trying to hide it. I start walking and end up by some apartments. I run into a lady.
"I'm so sorry." She starts.
"It's fine. My head's not exactly here." Her face softens.
"I understand what that's like. You like a boy, don't you?" She's crazy. I don't like Zach.
"Yeah, but I can't let myself. I'd end up hurting us both." She sits on a bench.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I start to say no, then start crying.
"I'm sorry. This isn't really me. I don't cry. I don't have feelings.” She holds me close.
"Believe it or not, I know what you're going through. I was just like you, but then I met this wonderful guy and he changed me." That's not possible. This woman is so classy and polite.
"Really? How nice. I don't think my perfect guy is out there."
"He is, sweetie. Hurry home, your group of friends are probably worried." Maybe she really does know.
"Excuse me?"
"You live where you can find a place. Let me guess, one night was a hotel bathroom. Come stay with me. My son recently moved out, so we have an extra room."
"Thank you, but I’d-"
"Rather be alone? No, I won't allow that. You will stay at my house. You may be gone in the morning, but at least you'll have had a few good hours in a real home." I get up and follow her.
"Thank you."
“I’ve always wanted a daughter. 2 sons and a husband, oh goodness."
"Really, thank you." She puts her arm around me and it feels like I have a mom. "Wow! This house is amazing!"
"Thank you. I worked many hard years to save up for it." Around 4 in the morning, I wake up. It's now or never. There's a ladder by the window. I guess this boy snuck out a lot, not surprising. I go to Lucy's and climb through the window. I crawl into my normal place on the floor and fall asleep.
"Kat, it's 8. My parents will be up soon." I wake up.
"Alright, I'm gone. I'll go to the door when you give me the sign." Whenever she shuts her window, I know it's safe to knock.
“Katrina, you always wait until we're downstairs. It's like you and Lucy have a sign." Her mom laughs, but I know she hates me. Lucy almost got busted for drugs and her parents blame me for it, but it was the rich girls.
"Yeah, I guess I just judge right." She looks me over.
"I guess you're just lucky. Come on in." She hates me.