Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

Pieces Fall to Place

Zach's POV:
As soon as I get up, my mom calls.
"I met the sweetest girl last night. She's a lost cause right now, but I think you could be the one to change her."
"Mom, do you even know where she is right now?"
"Of course!" Then a few seconds later, "Oh. She left. Guess not."
"It's okay, I have a date anyway."
"Zach, when? I want to meet this girl."
"It's tonight. This is only our first date, so I don't want to scare her off."
"Are you afraid I'll do that?" She fakes being hurt.
"No, mom, I just don't want her to think we're moving too fast."
"That's probably a good idea. Well, if things don't work out with you, I'm sure I'll see that girl around sometime soon. I hope you don't mind she slept in your old room." My mom did what now? I have valuables in there.
"Mom! Is everything still there? If that girl took anything from my room-"
"Zachary! You don't even know this girl. She may be tough on the outside, but I know she's got a soft heart. Do not judge her. Everything's right where you left it."
"Okay. I'll let you know how it goes tonight."
"Yes you will, Zach. Good luck tonight. I hope she's everything you dreamed of in a girl." I don't think Katrina's that girl yet, but I appreciate mom's words.
"Thanks. So do I." I call Cameron next.
"What's up, man?"
"I have a date tonight."
"Zach, that's amazing!" You know what, who cares how she is now. Mom's right, I can help Kat change.
"Yeah, it is. I think I could really love this girl."
"You don't know?"
"I like her now, but I don't love her. I don't know her. I, uh, kind of, uh, stopped her from, uh, robbingaplace."
"From what?!" So he understood me.
"She almost robbed a place. She said she was just checking hours, but I don't buy it."
"Zach, don't get messed up with the wrong crowd."
"I won't. If you remember, my mom was like that once. Then she met my dad and it changed her."
"Yeah, now she's super awesome."
"That she is."
"So, when do we get to meet this wonderful, tough girl?"
"Eventually. I don't want her to feel like we're rushing anything."
"Sounds good to me."
"Cam, you will get to meet her." I know his tones. He's just like a girl sometimes, but he's my best friend. Besides Mikey and Vic.
"We better. We'll hunt her down if you don't show her off."
"Oh I plan to show her off. She's special, I feel it."
"Well, you better get ready for your date."
"Oh, there's one other thing. She said she's not a fan of us."
"That's just great. Real catch you got there."
"Cameron, come on."
"Okay, I'll give her a chance. But she steals and doesn't like us? You better hope there's another girl under that shell she has on."
"You're weird."
"I know. Thank you." I hang up and make breakfast.