Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

Toxic L Word

Katrina's POV:
We head to the mall and Lucy runs over to us.
"You went shopping! I'm so proud of you."
"Don't count on it happening a lot. I only did it because my clothes are ashes."
"I know. I'm so sorry that happened. Who do you think did that?"
"No clue, but it doesn't matter right now. All that matters is I have my friend and boyfriend."
"Did you just say that?"
"I guess I did." I've never felt this way before. Zach is changing me and Lucy can tell. I'm changing and I'm done fighting it.
"Whoa, who is she?" Zach comes over with Cameron.
"This is my wonderful girlfriend, Katrina Mitchell, and her friend, Lucy Filler."
"Hi, Lucy." Cameron says and she giggles.
"Hi, Cameron." She starts blushing.
"Katrina, I hear you don't like our music." Cameron says.
"It's okay; I'm just not a huge fan. Sorry."
"Don't hurt Zach." Someone's a protective friend.
"I won't. I see how you look at Lucy. If she dates you, which she's in love with you so she’ll say yes, don't hurt her. I can be one tough nightmare."
"Whoa, I was just kidding." Cameron surrenders.
"I wasn't. She's my best friend. I don't want her to end up in tears because of a boy."
"Okay and I won't hurt Lucy.”
"So, got any more friends?" Michael looks at me.
"Nope, sorry."
"That’s alright." He pushes me out of the way and starts stalking a random girl. I hear a scream and Lucy runs over.
"Cameron just asked me out!"
"That's awesome." I look at him and he nods. "Well, you two crazy kids better go talk or whatever."
"You wanna be alone with Zach?" Cameron asks.
"No, that's not it. You just should." I'm still a little afraid to be falling so much. I just have a bad feeling about this.
*2 months later*
Today, Zach and I have officially been together two months. He says I need more clothes, but I'm happy with what I have.
"Kat, I love you." Zach tells me.
"I'm sorry, what?" He can't say that. I like him, but I'm not ready to love.
"I love you, Kat." He repeats.
"You know what, clothes don't sound that bad. Let's go shopping." I grab his arm and run out the door.
"Uhm, okay." I hurt him, but I can't feel this way. As expected, I can't find anything I want. I need to get Zach's mind off what he said.
"I'll be right back." I tell him.
"Go." He tells me unaware of what’s happening. I call Lucy.
"Zach just said he loves me."
"Oh, my gosh! What happened when you said it back?"
"I didn't say it back! I can't feel this, but I do. I told him we should go shopping."
“It’ll be okay. You'll feel it one day and be able to say it. Don't be scared. You are Katrina Lane Mitchell. Girl who's not scared of anything."
"Now I'm Kat, the girl who's changing and has a softer heart. Who loves Zach Porter."
"You may wanna tell him that." She suggests.
"I can't."
"Go back to him." Lucy hangs up.
"Hey, Zach."
"Done being alone?" He is acting really rude about this.