Status: This story will have an alternate ending

Dark Side

It Can't Be Over

Zach's POV:
Does she not love me? I take her out for dinner and we get home around 7.
"I'm kind of tired. Can we just relax tonight?" She asks me.
"Sure!" I go to sit next to her but she moves. "What is wrong with you?"
"Nothing, Zach." She blows it off.
"No, something's up with you. Your first night here you climb into bed with me, now you don't wanna look at me. Do you even love me?" I always told myself I'd never be with a girl who didn't love me like I loved her.
"Of course I do, Zach. I'm just scared." She has nothing to be scared of.
"Because if I get too close, let myself fall, we'll both end up hurt. If I let myself love you, I'll end up crying. I can't do that, Zach."
"Fine, I can make sure you never get hurt." I get up and head for my room. She follows me.
"Zach, what are you doing? Don't go." I am so mad nothing she can say will stop me.
"Give me one reason not to."
"You're my boyfriend." That’s not the answer I want.
"What's that have to do with anything right now?"
"You shouldn't leave me, Zach, I need you."
"For what? Company?"
"I'm in a dark place still. I really thought you were helping me." She's giving me bull.
"Whatever, Katrina. You only care about yourself. Did you ever once care about me? You don't love me and I won't be with someone like that. You only came to me because everything you had was gone. You didn't come to be with me."
"That's not true, Zach. I could have gone to anyone, but I came to you!"
"Why? Cause I have the money to buy you stuff? You probably thought I'd buy you a wardrobe like my mom has then buy you a house. You were wrong!" I regret that.
"I hate you!” She doesn't hate me, does she?
"I'm out of here." I am tired of her being like this. There is no possible way she ever loved me.
"This is your place. I should leave." She says, but I am already packing.
"I can find a place easier than you can."
"I found a place for myself for two years! I can do it again!"
“I'm leaving, don't argue!"
"I will stop arguing when you start unpacking!"
"Then I guess you'll argue forever! But I won't be here to hear you whine!" I head for the door.
"Zach, I love you." She whispers it and I slam the door. I have one place to go.
"Zach, what are you doing?" Mom asks me.
"Katrina and I had a really big fight. Can I stay here?"
"Of course you can! Do you wanna talk about it?"
"She refuses to say she loves me. Then, as I'm leaving, she says it. Sure we said things we didn't mean, but she's afraid to love me. I left so she won't have to worry about."
"Don't you think that hurt her more?" Mom's insane.
"No, she was putting on an act. She doesn't love me and I don't think she will."
"Zach, is this going to end up like it did before? Are you going to rewrite Teenage Hearts and make it about Katrina?"
“I just want to go to bed now."
"Well, your room is the same as always." Except Kat was once in here.
"Thanks, mom." I sit on my bed and get on Twitter. The first question I see asks if I have a girlfriend. I think for a minute then reply with the truth.