Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess


The sun was sinking into the horizon, telling the moon it was time to open its eye's to the world below. Awake as the humans were settling into bed, relaxing after a long day of work, playing, or whatever their fancy was. But someone was not in a cozy little house, settling for the night, but sneaking through the shadows outside. The figure was tall, wearing a red hood, and carrying a small bundle in their arms. The figures head kept looking around, anxious as if they were going to be seen.
The bundle began to squirm, and let out a small cry. A woman's voice escaped the figures mouth as she whispered "hush" softly. She kept walking until she reached the edge of a forest. Reluctantly she walked into it, looking around the forest with the little remaining light. She kept walking until the moon was high in the sky, the moonlight glaring down onto her. She shied from the light, as if scared to be seen.
The cracking of branches was heard behind her and she hurried on, sensing that she was being followed. The footsteps behind her got closer, and she began to run. She ran through the woods, clutching the baby to her. The baby whimpered, but did not cry, as if sensing the tension. Suddenly the woman was grabbed by her arm and whipped around.
"Give me the baby, and I shall not harm you," A harsh manly voice demanded.
"NO!" The women screamed, struggling to get away. The man lunged at the baby, but missed.
"You thought time would stop me from finding you, but I have wizards of my own that help me," the man chuckled evilly.
"You shall not have my baby!" The women screamed.
"My Master demands the baby, and the baby he shall get," The man hissed, backing the women up against a tree. The women shook her head frantically, clutching the baby to her so tightly that it let out a cry of pain.
"He shall not have her for his selfish reasons," She cried.
"She will live in a world of wealth and the only price she has to pay is to marry his son when she comes of age. Now hand over the baby!" The man took out a knife, and the moonlight hit it threateningly. Tears covered the woman's face, she knew she was running out of time. She grabbed the necklace around her neck and clutched at it. It was a claw that seemed to of come from a huge animal. She kissed her baby, and closed her eyes.
"Marcus, if there is anytime I have ever needed you, it's now. You helped me once, now please do so again. Help me," She whispered. A brilliant white light flashed into the opening and was gone. The women stood their, the bundle gone from her arms. She collapsed to the ground and sobbed, as the man in front of her stood dumbfounded.
"My baby, my poor poor baby," She cried.