Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Nine

Marcus was startled awake by urgent knocking at his door. He looked around and realized he had fallen asleep in his study again. He sighed and got up to answer the door. Melody had always made sure he went to bed, instead of stay up all night to the point he fell asleep while reading. The knocking continued.
“I’m coming,” murmured Marcus and finally opened the door. James came barreling in, and he didn’t look happy.
“What is it boy?” Marcus asked.
“M-melody! She is getting married tomorrow. It’s all over the town! Everyone is invited to watch, and the messenger told everyone that she will visit our town to join in our celebration we’ll be holding for her! Marcus! She can’t get married!” James yelled frantically. Marcus put up a hand to calm him down.
“Yes, but now this is also our time to see her! Maybe this is the time for you to do what the prophecy wants. Protect her from becoming the weapon to hurt everyone,” Marcus said thoughtfully.
“What? But how Marcus?” James said with worry etched on his face.
“I don’t know boy! You read the prophecy, did it say how? No! If you truly love her, as the prophecy says “his heart for her” then you’ll think of a way. The point is, she’ll become the weapon for sure if we don’t try and stop the King.” Marcus turned away from James and looked out the window.
Soon he would see his daughter. His beautiful daughter that he missed so much, that sometimes he thought he was going mad. He would swear he sometimes heard her voice in the halls, her laugh echoing off the walls. Or sometimes when he was hungry, he almost felt like he heard her in the kitchen making him dinner.
Soon Melody. Soon I shall see you, Marcus thought.
****************************************************************************** “Oh you look so gorgeous! Oh, you make me want to get married again!” Queen Ella said, clapping her hands and jumping with joy. Melody smiled at her, and looked at herself in the mirror. She was getting married in an hour, and the Queen at helped her get in her wedding dress and had done her hair herself, instead of letting a servant do it. Melody felt touched by her dedication to her son’s wedding.
She had gotten fittings down for her wedding dress the day Adrian announced they wanted to get married sooner than expected. Melody had been scared the wedding dress wouldn’t be done in time, but it had been. It was such a lovely gown, Melody loved it. It went down to her feet, and flowed around her nicely. When she twirled in it, it spreaded out and lifted off the ground! Then the corset was tight but shaped her figure nicely, and the sleeves were puffy.
Queen Ella had put her hair up the way it was done when she went to the ball, but this time had pearls laced through it.
“So are you excited?” Queen Ella asked. Melody smiled at her reflection and nodded.
“He’s all I want,” Melody whispered to herself, and felt a tear escape. Just where was her father on the happiest day of your life? Queen Ella grabbed Melody’s shoulders reassuringly.
“You two are perfect for each other! I also can’t wait to get some grandchildren,” giggled Queen Ella mischievously. Melody blushed, and looked away from her reflection.
“That can take time,” Melody blushed harder.
“I know dear. Took me a 2 months to get Adrian! Now before we head off to your wedding, our personal wizard gave me this key to unlock your bracelet so you can even leave the castle to your own wedding!” Queen Ella unlocked the spell bracelet on Melody’s wrist. Melody was so glad it was finally off. “
Now let’s get you off to the carriage! By the time we’ll get there, it will be time to start the wedding!” Queen Ella grabbed Melody’s hand and led her out. Melody felt butterflies in her stomach. She was going to be married to Adrian soon!
Melody felt her heart beating fast, almost like it was trying to come out her chest, as she walked down the pathway where Adrian was waiting for her at the end. Melody had her eyes locked on him, and zoned everyone else out. His heart was in his eyes as he looked at her, and it was at that moment when Melody realized that she had made the right choice. After falling in love with Adrian, she still had some doubts if she was making the right choice, marrying her enemy’s son. Now though, we knew she was making the right choice. She loved Adrian with all her being, and she knew he felt the same. Melody stood in front of Adrian and smiled at him. He smiled back, and turned to the Priest to start their vows.

A little bit away from Melody stood Marcus and James. As Melody had walked down the aisle, James had almost lunged at her to stop her from marrying the Prince. Marcus had been staring intently at her, trying to realize that look in Melody’s eyes. Something didn’t feel right to him. James kept looking angrily at Melody and Prince Adrian when she stood in front of them. Both of them ignored the Priest’s vows, only focusing on the couple, until the end.
“I now declare Princess Melody and Prince Adrian husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” The Priest announced, and cheering was heard all around. Marcus watched at the two kissed, and he heard James breath catch in throat.
“Why does she have to go through this! She probably is disgusted she has to kiss him!” James murmured sadly.

Melody kissed Adrian, putting all her love and happiness in it. Their kiss had never been so sweet before. Melody pulled apart from Adrian and smiled at him.
“I love you Princess Melody,” Adrian murmured to her. She felt herself glow with happiness at his words.
“I love you too Prince Adrian. My prince,” she said softly, and they took each others hands. They were expected to go to Melody’s hometown and join in the festivities, and then go off on a mini vacation for a week. Though, unknown to the King, much longer than a week.
The newly wed couple hopped into a waiting carriage and Melody cuddled against Adrian.
“Adrian?” she asked.
“Yes my love?” Adrian replied.
“Do you think we’ll see my father?” Melody said. Adrian grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.
“Hopefully sweetheart. And then we can tell him our plan. We can keep him in our lives, unlike my family,” Adrian said. Melody knew it pained him to lie to his father and mother. He loved them dearly. Melody squeezed his hand back.
“Thank you.” She didn’t have to say for what, for Adrian to understand what she meant.
They rode the rest of the way in silence, just enjoying each others company.
George watched at the married couple left in their carriage. Now he knew it was a good time to tell the King of what he knew. Ever since he had spied on the Princess and Prince in the meadow he had been eager to tell the King of what he had heard, but King hadn’t even been home! He had gone off to meet someone, and didn’t come back until last night. He had gone right to bed, and wouldn’t see anyone.
“King Henry sir,” George said, as he saw the King head to carriage to follow the couple with his wife.
“Not now son, I’m busy!” King Henry said and hurried past.
“Argh!” George said, frustrated.
“What was it that you wanted to tell him,” a man asked, walking up to him.
“Just that the Princess and Prince planning on running away! Oh, I really shouldnt of told you that! I’m just so frustrated that the King won’t stop to listen to me,” George said frantically.
“Are they? Hm. Something the King shouldn’t know if it is true. I really need to get to Melody and talk to her,” the man said.
“Marcus, come on, we need to get to the celebration. The King’s wizard put spells on the carriages to make them go faster than normal carriages, or it would take three days to get there,” a boy said, walking up to the old man. “Who’s this?” the boy then asked.
“He seems to know something very interesting. Something the King can’t know if it’s true. Think I’ll make him forget,” Marcus explained.
“F-forget?” George asked.
“Yes sir. Hm let’s see.
This man knows something he shouldn't,
About a girl named Melody,
And a boy named Adrian.
Make him forget it,
Whatever it was,
To keep Melody safe,
And I guess the boy too.” Marcus said, pulling together a quick spell. George eyes glazed over and he fell to the ground.
“What happened to him? And that didn’t sound much like a spell,” James said.
“He’s sleeping away the memory. As for the spell, now all spells rhyme or sound the same you fool! Now let’s teleport to the town’s celebration,” Marcus said.
“And save Melody,” James said. Marcus looked at James thoughtfully. From what George was telling Marcus, the couple were planning on running away together. Something just didn’t add up.
Melody and Adrian were having such a great time! The town folk had prepared great food, and great music. Right now Melody and Adrian were dancing off all the food they had just ate, and laughing happily. Suddenly Melody felt a tap on her shoulder.
“May I have this dance,” someone asked. Melody turned around and saw Marcus looking at her. Tears instantly came to her eyes, and she let go of Adrian and flung to her father’s arms.
“Oh Daddy! I’ve missed you so much!” Melody exclaimed, and began crying harder.
“I’ve missed you too,” Marcus said, clutching his daughter tighter, and tears glittering his own eyes.
“Father, I think all of us need to have a talk,” Melody whispered in Marcus ears. Marcus understood immediately, and before she knew it, Adrian, herself, Marcus, and James were in the meadow Melody had learned how to turn into a dragon at. Melody smiled, and twirled around happily. Adrian, Marcus, and James all stood there smiling at her lovingly.
“Not to ruin your fun Mel, but we really need to discuss Princy boy over here,” James said, angrily looking at Adrian. Adrian backed away, and Melody ran over to him and grabbed his hand.
“James leave him alone,” Melody said, her smile leaving her face.
“What did you just say?” James shouted. Melody winced. Marcus held up a hand to try to calm James down.
“Don’t yell at her,” Adrian yelled.
“We all need to talk calmly and rationally right now,” Marcus said.
“Yes we do. Father, Marcus...Adrian and I are in love,” Melody said, smiling at Adrian lovingly, who did the same.
“What? Marcus, a spell was obviously put on her!” James shouted.
“No there wasn’t!” Adrian and Melody said at the same time.
“Father, I truly love Adrian. I didn’t at first, I mean, you saw how he was. But he means the world to me,” Melody said.
“I see,” was all Marcus said. He knew there was no spell, he could see it in Melody’s eyes.
“No!” James shouted.
“You two plan on running away?” Marcus asked.
“How do you know?” Adrian questioned.
“A spy told me.” Marcus saw the couples panicked look, “Don’t worry, I took care of it.”
“Thank you Father!” Melody said with relief.
“Yes, thank you sir,” Adrian said, protectively holding Melody. James stayed quiet, but shot Adrian plenty of glares.
“James. I’m sorry,” Melody said sadly. She hadn’t meant to hurt him. James shot a glare her way, then sighed.
“It’s not your fault Melody. I had my chance, and then it was his turn. He obviously won. I will still help you live though, I don’t want to be your enemy,” James said. Melody smiled.
“Thank you,” she said.
“So what’s the plan?” Marcus asked.
“We are going to a week vacation to be alone. Or so my parents think. We are going to run away, and hide from my parents and have our own life together,” Adrian said. Melody nodded in agreement.
“Well it’s going to be hard to hide from the King with his wizards and spies, you’ll really need my help,” Marcus said.
“Please do help us father,” Melody asked urgently.
“Of course my dear! The plan might be actually really simple. You could live here! Remember, this place is where no one can hear us, nor see us. I can put a ward around it to alert you when people are near. Also, I know a spell that will disguise you from other people who you don’t want to see the real you. When we see you, you’ll look the same, but say if the King sees you, you’ll look like different people,” Marcus said, plans coming to him easily. Melody ran to her father and hugged him tightly.
“Sounds wonderful!” laughed Melody merrily.
“Great, now I’m going to send you two back to the party before you’re really missed, and then when you are set to leave get in your carriage and when you are out of prying eyes, whisper my name and I’ll teleport you here,” Marcus said. Melody and Adrian nodded and before they knew it, were back in town.
There spirits were high, and they spent the rest of the day in pure bliss. Where it was time to leave, Adrian hugged his mother, and shook his father’s hand, and said goodbye. Melody knew it was more than a short goodbye. They may never see them again. Melody bowed goodbye, and they hurried into the carriage. It was a magic carriage, that didn’t need anyone to drive it. Adrian waved to his parents until they were out of site. They waited for awhile before whispering Marcus name.
Marcus teleported them a few moments later, and the first thing the two of them saw was a small cottage.
“Wedding present,” Marcus said, smiling happily at his work.
“Thank you Father,” Melody said.
“There is one last thing you need to do Melody,” Adrian said.
“What’s that?” Melody asked.
“Something you have missed doing. Become a dragon for me. I want to see how you look,” Adrian said. Melody instantly smiled. She backed far away from her father, James, and her Adrian. She closed her eyes, pictured becoming a dragon, and opened them. Her hearing became better, her sight became clearer, and she was huge! She spread her wings out, and flew. Oh, how she had missed it. She heard Adrian laughing, and telling Marcus she was looked so beautiful! It was nice knowing Adrian thought she was beautiful as a dragon and a human. When she was satisfied enough to be human again, she changed and ran to Adrian.
“I’m going to love being able to be a dragon again,” Melody said.
“I know sweetheart, no one will stop you anymore.” Adrian said.
Marcus and James left a little while later, and Melody and Adrian walked into their new home. It was time for a new a beginning, and they were going to share it together.
Marcus teleported to his daughter’s house, carrying a present in his hand.
“I hope she likes it,” murmured Marcus as he knocked on the door. Adrian answered, and smiled, happy to see Marcus. Marcus smiled. He had grown quite fond of Adrian.
“Marcus is here Mel,” Adrian called, and let Marcus into the house.
“Grandfather!” a little girl yelled, and ran up to Marcus and gave him a big hug.
“Careful honey,” Melody said, smiling at her father.
“I know Mommy, just Grandfather doesn't come over as often anymore,” the little girl said, giggling as Marcus ruffled her hair.
“I’m sorry Emily, I’ll try to come over more okay? Now Happy tenth birthday!”
"I want it to be my birthday," someone else pouted, walking into the room.
"Lilith, you're ninth birthday just passed!" Melody said, laughing, and picking up the little girl.
"I know Mommy, but I like presents!" Lilith sighed unhappily.
Adrian, who had left the room, came back in carrying a baby boy in his arms.
"Jr. just woke up from his nap," Adrian said, as the baby yawned in his arms.
"I still remember just moving you two into this house 11 years ago as if it was just yesterday. And now look how much our family as grown," Marcus said.
"We couldn't be happier," Melody said, looking at her family lovingly. Her only fear was the King was going to find her one day, unexpected.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignore my grammar :P