Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Ten

Melody sighed with content mentally as she flew through the clouds, her giants wings spread out beside her. She could here her children laughing with delight down below, and she could feel Adrian holding onto her as he sat on her back carrying a basket of the food they just caught from the lake.
Dragon Princess and Human Prince.
Life ever since they had escaped the kingdom had been peaceful. Melody knew they had made the right decision. Melody could tell that Adrian missed his parents dearly, and would always ask Marcus if he had heard anything about them. All Marcus had been able to tell that was they were deeply saddened by the disappearance of their son and his bride. Marcus had made it look like there had been an accident and their bodies had drifted somewhere into the lake near the road their carriage had been found.
Now they had three children, and were living a happy peaceful life. Melody could turn into a dragon whenever she wanted to, and Adrian was becoming quite the Dragon Rider! Her children loved to watch her do tricks in the air. The children hadn’t shown signs of being able to turn into dragons, and Melody took that as a good sign. She hoped it stayed that way. She didn’t want her children to go through what she had, even though she had met their father in the complicated situation, and being a dragon was glorious!
Melody did an extra swirl in the air and landed in front of her children giggling children. Emily was holding Baby Adrian who was squirming to get out of her arms. Adrian hopped off her back and Melody turned back into a human, and her children ran up to her.
“Mommy! Can I go fishing next time? I want to ride on your back again!” Lilith asked, running over to her mother.
“Yeah Mommy. Can I go too please?” Emily begged. Emily was the oldest, named after Melody’s mother. The mother she never got to remember meeting, and Lilith was a year younger. They both looked alike, with blonde hair, and looked a lot like Melody did at their age. The only difference between them besides height, was that Emily had green eyes like her mother and Lilith had blue like her father. Baby Adrian also had green eyes, and soft tufts of blonde hair on his little head.
“Only if you two leave your harness on this time. You gave me a fright last time when you took it off. What if you hadn’t been able to hold on when I slowed down?” Melody asked.
“We wanted to try flying ourselves Mommy,” Lilith said, looking guiltily at her feet.
“We will Mommy,” Emily said, mirroring Lilith’s look. Melody ruffled her daughters hair and picked up Baby Adrian who smiled happily at his mother, as bubbles formed on his lips.
“I just want you two to fly safely,” Melody said.
“Daddy! Can I help gut the fish?” Lilith says, as she goes over to her father and looks how much fish are in the basket.
“I don’t see why you like touching their insides Lilith, it’s gross!” Emily said, giving Lilith a disgusted look.
“They feel nice and squishy,” Lilith said, not caring about Emily’s distaste. Adrian smiled at both his daughters.
“Of course you can Lilith!” Adrian said.
“Can I watch?” Emily said, not wanting Lilith to steal all of their father’s attention.
“You didn’t like watching last time,” Adrian said, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Lilith said, knowing what her sister was up too.
“Still, I do at least like helping with the cooking!” Emily ran up to her mother and gave her a hug. “I can give you bigger hugs so I love you the most!” Lilith gasped and ran to her mother and gave her a hug too.
“Mommy, just because I give smaller hugs doesn’t mean I don’t love you the mostest!” Lilith said, looked worried at her mother. Melody laughed and crouched down to give them both a hug with Baby Adrian still in her arms. He cried in protest.
“You both love me equally! Now weren’t you going to help your father you two?” Melody asked. The children nodded and ran into the house with their father, Lilith already talking animatedly what they were going to do first.
Melody smiled down at her son, as he began to fall asleep in her arms.
Suddenly the necklace that Marcus had given her when she was a little girl that she wore around her neck brightened, something it never had done before. Melody for a second thought it meant intruders, but Marcus had told her only the special stone in the house would shine if their was intruders. Just then Marcus appeared besides her, and looked at her necklace and nodded with approval.
“Father, what’s going on?” Melody asked.
“Melody, ever since you and Adrian moved in here, I knew it was time to do something very important,” Marcus said.
“And that was?” Melody asked, as her necklace shined brighter.
“To look for your biological father!” Marcus exclaimed.
“What?!” Melody said, not believing her ears.
“It wasn’t easy. He had been in hiding for over 26 years. I finally found him, and told him how to get here. He’s getting closer, the scale in your necklace says so,” Marcus said, nodding at Melody’s necklace.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Melody demanded. Baby Adrian began to play with the necklace, curious as to why it was so bright.
“I didn’t want to disappoint you if I couldn’t find him,” Marcus said, pleading for an apology with his eyes. Melody didn’t know what to do. Was she about to meet her father? Or for that matter, another dragon?
Melody began to hear swooshing sounds up ahead, and saw a dragon a lot bigger than she was when she was a dragon too, flapping his wings in the sky making the wind whistle through them. He drifted down to land, until he was in front of Melody and Marcus. Melody looked at the house, and saw Adrian holding the children inside. She nodded at him, and beckoned for them to come outside. If Marcus trusted him, so did she.
“Hello again Wizard Marcus,” the dragon said. He was huge, and his scales were a lot like emeralds, how her father had told her they were like. Just like her eyes. Just like the scale in her necklace which had stopped shining, much to Baby Adrian’s disappointment. Now he eyes turned big as he looked at a dragon much bigger than his mother ever was.
“Hello again to you, King Greenfire,” Marcus said with a boy. A deep rumble came from the big dragons, and Melody knew he was laughing, yet she also saw sadness glitter his eyes.
“I am not King these days, as you very well know,” Greenfire said.
“Yes I do know, but now to more important matters. Here is the girl I told you about,” Marcus said, gesturing to Melody.
“Hello,” Melody said. She almost felt like she should of bowed.
“Emily?” Greenfire said, putting his face close to Melody. So close, she could feel his breath on her. Adrian came up next to her with the children. It was in Adrian’s eyes that he knew who it was. Lilith, and Emily both looked at Greenfire with awe. He was so huge! Now wonder he had been King.
“Daddy, I’m Emily! Why is he looking for me?” Emily said, clutching at her father’s leg tightly and Lilith clutched the other.
“No Greenfire,” Marcus said. How didn’t he know who she was? Unless...
“You didn’t tell him who I was,” Melody asked Marcus. Marcus shook his head guilty.
“No, only that I knew a human that could turn into a dragon.”
“Who is she Marcus?” Greenfire asked.
“Think about it Greenfire. She looks like Emily. How was Emily the last time you saw her?”
Marcus questioned. Realization filled Greenfire’s eyes.
“Are you....are you my daughter?” Greenfire asked Melody. Melody nodded, and tears glittered her eyes.
“Yes I am,” Melody whispered.
“And this is her husband Prince Adrian, and he is holding their son Baby Adrian. Then those two adorable little girls are Lilith and Emily,” Marcus said, introducing the family. Greenfire nodded, but kept his eyes on Melody.
“Emily was with child when I last saw her. In those moments when she was human again I saw her as you are now. So similar, I can hardly believe. As the dragon king I have seen stranger sights, but this is the closest to my heart," Greenfire said. "Melody, my daughter, can I see if you have your family blood running through your veins?"
“Daddy! Why does that big dragon want Mommy’s blood!” Lilith shrieked. Adrian crouched down to his children and quickly calmed them down.
“You mean, can I turn into a dragon?” Melody said.
“I can,” Melody said with a small nod.
“May I see?” Melody walked away from her family, and transformed into a dragon. She heard her children giggle in delight.
“Think we could fly away a bit and talk, just the two of us?” Greenfire said.
“I know a place,” Melody said, and flew over to the lake a little ways from the house. The rested at the shore, and didn’t say anything for a bit.
“I knew Emily had become pregnant, but I didn’t know if she had ever given birth,” Greenfire finally said. “I remember the first time I had seen her. She had just randomly teleported in front of me in the castle, and told me Wizard Marcus had sent her. I had a lot of respect for that man, always helping our kind out, so I accepted her into our care. She was beautiful though, blue scales that make the sky look dull, and she flew with such grace! I couldn’t stay away from her, everything about her pulling me in, and we fell in love. I asked her to marry me, and at first she was hesitant, and she told me how she use to be a human. I was shocked but I also didn’t care, I loved her for her, not because she was a dragon. Then she told me she didn’t know if her dragon side would prolong her short human life. I didn’t care again and eventually Emily finally said yes to my marriage proposal, and we were married shortly after. Later she became pregnant, and the whole colony was celebrating. The Queen was going to give a heir. Us dragons don’t care the gender of who is ruler, like humans do. In the middle of our celebration a spy showed up, and demanded we hand over Emily. I later learned of the prophecy of the human dragon princess. Either way, I would never give up my child or wife. I took her into our castle to protect her, when suddenly she was a human again. Luckily only my brother and I were in the room. That was until the spies managed to get into the castle and a wizard froze us in place and stole my beloved. I heard she got killed, and so I mourned into hiding. A dragon’s heart is far more attached to their mate than a human’s is nowadays. If I had known she had lived, I would of looked for her...for you. I’m sorry. I had failed you as a father because of a rumor. Forgive me.” Greenfire ended his story, and looked at the sky.
“Did Marcus tell you what really happened?” Melody asked.
“Yes, how he got you. We can’t help but assume Emily was killed when she didn’t hand you over and you disappeared.” Greenfire said sadly.
“She also suddenly turned into a human again because of Miley, Marcus sister. She had heard that Emily was happy as a dragon, when that form was suppose to be punishment. So she took back the curse,” Melody told Greenfire.
“I see,” Greenfire said, staring sadly at his reflection in the water. Tears dripped from his face and into the water. Melody realized she might be the only dragon to have ever since this mighty dragon cry.
“I do forgive you though. I grew up a happy life. I did get kidnapped and the evil King’s plan almost succeeded, but his son fell in love with me and we managed to get away,” Melody reassured.
“So your husband over there is the son of the man who planned to control everyone and everything?” Greenfire asked, surprise in his deep voice.
Melody glancing lovingly at the direction she knew her family was waiting for her, and nodded.
“Princess by blood and Princess by marriage. Princess in more than one way,” Greenfire whispers.
“Isn’t that part of the prophecy?” Melody asked Greenfire.
“Yes. I’m sorry to tell you this, my daughter, but you may think you have run away from the prophecy but indeed you haven’t,” Greenfire said, looking worried.
“It's still following me,” whispered Melody, and her peaceful life shattered before her eyes as Adrian ran up to her panting for breath, holding the stone that meant intruders. It was shining bright.
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Ignore my grammar :P