Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Eleven

Melody looked at the stone with horror. Her perfect life was now shattered. Melody quickly spread her wings and took off into the air, first grabbing Adrian with her talons, and flew to her family. Marcus was holding the children, Emily and Lilith’s terror in their eyes. They knew what the stone meant. Melody landed in front of her family in a protective pose, and Greenfire landed next to Melody. He didn’t know what the stone meant, but it didn’t take much to know that Melody was scared for her family.
Melody watched the forest in front of them, and her heightened hearing told her that the intruders were close.
“Daddy, who’s coming,” Lilith whimpered as Melody let him go and he hurried to the children.
“Shhhh Lilith, just be quiet for now,” Adrian said, and Melody heard them moving, and she knew Adrian was holding his girls.
The rustling from in the woods came closer and King Henry emerged from the woods, and three other men, all of them on white horses. Behind them was King Henry’s most trusted wizard, riding a magic carpet.
“Hello Melody! Also I big hello to you King Greenfire!” King Henry said, laughing mockingly at the two dragons. Melody let out a low snarl, which made the human king laugh.
“You were hard to find Princess Melody, but I knew I would find you sometime. It’s thanks to your father that I am here today,” King Henry said, a evil smile playing on his lips. Melody and Greenfire looked at each other with confusion.
“Yes, most thanks to you Dragon King,” the wizard suddenly said, clapping his hands merrily as he flew his carpet next to his king.
“How did I help you?” Greenfire’s deep voice asked.
“I do like a good story. Go ahead and tell,” King Henry said, giving the wizard a nod.
“Well Greenfire, when we capture your wife Emily, with her she carried a claw. The claw was yours, that you had given to her before you had lost her. When Emily had ran from our clutches with your daughter and went into the future, we didn’t get the baby, but we did get something that would help us find her. The claw sensed your daughter. In the castle in shined just barely, letting us know she was nearby in the three towns closest to the castle. When we found Melody and she was moved into the castle, it shined brighter than the sun! When she had ran away, it stopped shining, except for a slight glow that you could only just barely see in the dark. We knew that meant she was still alive. Then you flew to see your daughter, and it shined brighter than ever before, and actually came warm to the touch, and I knew it was sensing the owner to the claw. We followed your trail and well, here we are now!” Greenfire’s eye grew sad, and he turned to Melody.
“I am sorry. I have failed you again,” he said.
“It wasn’t your fault, none of us had any idea,” Melody said.
“Well now that I’m here, I’ll be taking you home with me. My plan can finally start working again. You had ruined it when you had ran away and killed my son,” King Henry said, glaring angrily at Melody.
“Killed your son?” Melody asked with surprise.
“Yes. Never would my son betray Ella and I,” King Adrian said.
“I would for love,” Adrian said, stepping out from behind Melody and Greenfire.
“Adrian?” the King said, looking at his son with astonishment.
“Yes it’s me Father,” Adrian said. Melody turned back into a human, and beckoned for her daughters and Marcus, holding Baby Adrian, to come to her. Adrian picked up Emily and Melody picked up Lilith.
“Wh-what?” King Henry said.
“Melody and I fell in love with each other. I didn’t want you to use her for your evil plan anymore, so I was the one who came up with the idea to run away after our wedding. We came here and started a family. This is Emily, Lilith, and our son Adrian,” Adrian said, looking at his family lovingly.
“So I have grandchildren?” King Henry said, walking to the children slowly. Melody looked at Adrian with worry but he nodded reassuringly at Melody. King Henry looked at Emily, who looked at him back.
“Emily, this is your grandfather, Daddy’s Father,” Adrian said to Emily.
“Nice to meet you,” Emily said, holding out her hand. King Henry grabbed her hand and then suddenly pulled her to him. She was forced out of Adrian’s arms and into the King’s.
“Wizard,” King Henry called, and the wizard flew over to the King and grabbed Emily and put her on the carpet.
“Since you don’t plan on coming to me, I’ll just take something valuable to you to make you come,” King Henry said.
“Father!” Adrian said, running after the wizard who went high into the air and began flying away.
“Mommy! Daddy!” Emily yelled, before the wizard teleported. Melody put down Lilith, and ran to King Henry and slapped him.
“Give me back my baby,” she screamed.
“You know where she’ll be,” King Henry said, glaring as he rubbed his cheek.
“How could you Father?” Adrian yelled.
“How could you betray me?” King Henry replied, then murmured a word under his breath and disappeared, along with his men.
“I know we shouldn’t of trusted him Adrian, and now they have our little girl!” Melody screamed.
“It’s all my fault,” Adrian said, tears falling down his cheek.
“He won't hurt her. He needs her. Or he is going to realize real soon why he needs her,” Marcus said, looking at his daughter with sorrow.
“What do you mean?” Melody said.
“He needs her to get to you,” Greenfire said. Marcus nodded.
“But that’s not all. I just worked it you Melody,” Marcus said.
“Worked out what?” Lilith’s little voice asked, her face red from crying. Melody ran to her and picked her up.
“You are not the princess in the prophecy Melody, your daughter is.”
“What?” Adrian, Greenfire, and Melody asked at the same time.