Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Twelve

Marcus face was grim as he looked at his family.
“Don’t you see? Melody when the King capture you, you managed to get away from him. He wasn’t able to use you for his evil plans. That’s because you weren’t suppose to be the main key to the prophecy! ‘She will be born Dragon, yet also as Human. Princess in more ways than one. Scales and eyes that shine brighter than emeralds, and a soul that is full innocence. Used against her will, to bring destruction to the world. War. Power. Blood. He lingers around, his heart all for her. Fate decides, Death or Love.’ Emily is a princess because of your father and you. You’re a princess, and so that makes your daughters princesses too!. But then there is Adrian who is also a prince. That automatically makes his children royal. Princess in more than one way. Through you and Adrian. Emily also has Melody’s eyes, that are just like emeralds! She is also really innocent, being just a child and protected from this harsh world!” Marcus stopped talking and took deep breaths.
“But then that means…” Melody said, then stopped.
“That Emily can turn into a dragon,” Adrian finished. The two looked at each other with shock. They had thought they had been lucky and their children weren’t dragons. A blessing and curse to be a human dragon.
“But then who is the person in love with her?” Greenfire asked.
“Ah, but that’s the thing! Prophecies are tricky things. Does it say what kind of love for her? No it does not. Any type of love, including family love is what the prophecy might mean,” Marcus said.
“My baby,” Melody cried, and collapsed to the ground.
“We have to go and get her now!” Adrian demanded!
“If it was that simple, Adrian, there would not be a prophecy about our situation!” Greenfire said, looking at the sky sadly. His old eyes were full of hurt, as he remembering how he had lost the first Emily, his lover, and now his grandchild was gone too.
“Then what are we going to do?” Lilith suddenly asked, trying to hug her mother tight to comfort her. Baby Adrian began to cry from Marcus arms, as if sensing his mother’s distress. What were they going to do?
“I want my mommy! I want my mommy!” Emily screamed. Those strange men had suddenly showed up and then took her away from her mommy and daddy! Then they had locked her up in a big lonely room in the castle! She kicked the door, and cried out in pain when it hurt her little toes. Mommy wasn’t around to kiss her better! Then Daddy to tickle her to make her laugh. Then Lilith to play fun games with her! Then Baby Adrian to make her smile when he made cute noises!
Emily ran to the giant bed in the room and began to sob. Why did these strange people want her? Suddenly the door opened and in walked a beautiful woman with golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. She walked slowly over to Emily and sat down on the bed.
“You poor child. You must be so scare,” the pretty woman said, and began to stroke Emily’s hair softly. “
“Who are you?” Emily asked. The woman laughed softly.
“My name, dear child, is Cinderella,” the woman said, her voice full of merriment.
“The one with the glass slipper?” Emily asked, her eyes going wide.
“The very same,” she said with a graceful nod.
“Daddy told me stories about you!” Emily said. The woman’s eyes seem to turn sad for a moment, and Emily wondered what she had said wrong.
“Your father talked about me a lot?” Cinderella asked, looking at Emily thoughtfully.
“Yes he did!” Emily said. Cinderella smiled at Emily.
“I know you miss your Mommy and Daddy but for now you have to stay here. I’ll try to make you as happy as possible,” Cinderella said.
“Until my mommy and daddy show up?” Emily asked.
“Yes, possibly until then.” Cinderella got up and walked out the room. Emily heard it click after it was shut, meaning she was locked again in her lonely prison. Never in her life had she been alone. Where was Mommy and Daddy?
Emily spent the next few weeks locked away in her room. The door was only opened to give her food. Cinderella tried to play games with her, but Emily ignored her. She wanted her mommy and daddy. Why hadn’t they shown up yet? Had they forgotten about her? Did they not want her anymore and now were happy to have her gone? Mommy and Daddy could do anything. So why hadn’t they found her?
Cinderella walked in on one of her daily visits. Emily did her usual and ignored her and just laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling.
“Emily?” Cinderella said, and sat on Emily’s bed. Emily said nothing. Cinderella sighed.
“I know you miss your daddy,” Cinderella began.
“And mommy,” Emily interrupted.
“And mommy,” Cinderella said a little coldly,”But you are here to help the world get better.” Emily sat up. Was she finally going to be told why she had been kidnapped?
“How?” she asked.
“My husband and I need your mother for a special cause. The problem is, your mother doesn’t want to help us,” Cinderella said. She got up and walked up to the castles window. The view showed a forest, and just barely beyond that you could see a meadow. It reminded Emily of her home.
“Why do you need Mommy?” Emily questioned. Cinderella smiled, and continued to look out the window.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Cinderella asked, finally turning to look at Emily. Secret? Emily loved secrets! She nodded enthusiastically. Cinderella smiled at her enthusiasm and walked over to her. She sat on the bed and grabbed Emily’s little hands in hers.
“Your Daddy is my son,” Cinderella whispered. Emily opened her eyes wide.
“Really?!” She exclaimed. Cinderella laughed, and began to stroke Emily’s hair gently.
“My only child. I was lucky just to have him. He was such an energetic little boy! Constantly wanting to play games and explore! His father doesn’t like to look weak and always likes to look tough, but when it came to his son, he couldn’t resist and do what he wanted! Your father grew up just like how your grandfather and I wanted him too. Strong, smart, and handsome, just like his father.
Then one day your grandfather heard news that the dragons were planning to rule the world! We couldn’t have that! Your grandfather asked your father to find the Dragon Princess and marry her. Use her to stop the dragons from ending the world as we knew it! Your father, being the strong and smart man he is, didn’t hesitate to help our kingdom. He found your mother, and courted her. He fell in love with her in the process, and your mother used that to her advantage. She tricked him into thinking the we were trying to take over the world, not her dragonkind! He ran away with her, and here we are today.” Cinderella finally stopped her story, and Emily looked at her, not knowing what to think. Mommy had tricked Daddy? But they loved each other! Always smiling at each other, kissing, and hugging! When Mommy wasn’t looking, Emily would always see her father looking at her mother so much love! Emily always wanted a love like that when she grew up!
“You’re lying!” Emily yelled, and ran from the evil woman. Cinderella just looked sadly at Emily.
“I’m not lying my dear granddaughter. I know your mother is a dragon. How would I know that unless my story was true?” Emily looked at her, scared that this woman was telling the truth. Her eyes were the same blue as Lilith’s, and her hair the same shade as daddy’s. If they were related, didn’t that mean her story was true? Was Mommy really a betrayer to the world?
“Mommy, I miss Emily,” Lilith said, as Greenfire, Adrian, Marcus, and Melody who was holding a sleeping Baby Adrian, stared into the fire. For days that had been searching for any trails to lead them to Emily. Marcus had snuck to the castle, and later learned that Emily was in an enchanted tower somewhere hidden on an island.
“I do too sweetheart,” Melody murmured, pulling her baby tighter to her. Baby Adrian whimpered softly in his sleep, but didn’t wake up. Adrian pulled Lilith into his lap and she went to sleep, a frown on her little face. It broke Melody’s heart.
“We have to find her,” Adrian said, stroking Lilith’s hair softly. She cuddled closer to him in her sleep, her frown going away.
“I can only imagine the lies being told to the poor child,” Greenfire said, his head resting between his front legs.
“Yes you’re are right Greenfire. They might trick her into believing dreadful lies,” Marcus said. His face had started to look more old lately. It worried Melody.
“My poor little girl might be wondering why her mommy and daddy haven’t rescued her yet,” Melody whispered, tears pouring down her face. Melody scooted closer to Adrian who wrapped an arm around her, his other arm wrapped around Lilith.
“Hopefully they haven’t figured out the truth of the prophecy yet,” Greenfire said, the fire reflecting off his eyes. Melody looked at him, glad to have both her father’s with her. The only good thing about the situation so far had been getting to know Greenfire more. She wished she had been able to do so in a better situation.
“King Henry is smart. Time is not on our side,” Marcus said.
“Nothing has ever been on our side,” Melody said sadly. Marcus, Adrian, and Greenfire looked at her and Melody turned back to the fire.
“We lived under the illusion of safeness. I grew up, worry free of this silent war. It was still there though, waiting to make it’s appearance. Then I ran away with Adrian, the illusion of being away from the prophecy controlling our lives. Now look. My daughter is now caught up in the war, and I can’t even save her.” Melody let more of her tears drip down her face, not bothering to stop them. Tears were always in her eyes nowadays.
“We were still happy,” Adrian said.
“We were living a happy lie,” Melody said bitterly.
“People say they'd rather know the harsh truth than listen to lies, but how can you be hurt by lies when you think they are the truth?” Marcus said. Greenfire nodded with agreement.
“Cherish the happy moments, because you never know when they are going to disappear,” Greenfire said.
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Ignore my grammar :P