Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Thirteen

“My, don’t you look splendid!” Cinderella exclaimed, as she looked at Emily who was standing in front of a mirror. Emily gave a little twirl, and giggled as she looked at her reflection. Cinderella had given her a pretty new, sparkly, blue dress. She had then put her hair up in a little bun and put a tiny crown on her head. Mommy always made pretty dresses for her to wear, but not like this one. Emily’s smiled dropped as she remembered her mother.
Her mother who was not who she thought she was. She who had tricked her father and was endangering the whole world! That big dragon who had visited their house before she had been taken by the men had said he wanted her blood...but maybe he meant the whole word’s blood. Did dragons eat people? Her mother never showed signs of wanting to eat them, but Cinderella helped her find out her mother was good at lying. At least she could trust Cinderella, who was also her grandmother!
“Smile sweetheart,” Cinderella said, putting her hands on Emily’s shoulders.
“How could Mommy turn out to be a bad person Grandmother?” Emily said, looking sadly at her reflection. Cinderella sighed softly, and turned Emily around to look at her.
“I’m sure your mother loves you very much dearest. She just also loves her dragon family and wants them to rule the world,” Cinderella said.
“Your aren’t helping,” Emily muttered, and ran to look out the window.
“I’m sorry Emily. It’s just, I’m worried for your father,” Cinderella said.
“Grandmother? When can I leave this room?” Emily asked, looking outside with desire in her pretty green eyes.
“That depends Emily,” Cinderella said. Emily turned around to face her.
“On what?”
“Whose side you’re on.”
“Who’s side I’m on?” Emily whispered. Whose side was she on? She loved her Father and still her mother after she had found out what she was doing. Though wasn’t Cinderella her family too? If she joined Cinderella to save the world, that didn’t mean she didn’t love her Daddy and Mommy right? Then the fact they hadn’t shown up yet to save her left her questioning if they even loved her.
“I’m on the good side Grandmother. Your side,” Emily said, looking hopefully outside. Cinderella clapped her hands merrily and walked to the door.
“Let me talk to your Grandfather, and before you know it, you’ll be playing outside again!” Cinderella exclaimed and left the room.
Cinderella smiled smugly as she left her granddaughters prison. What Emily didn’t know was she was in a tower, not really in the castle. Outside her room was just another room that held only a giant mirror. It wasn’t a mirror though, it was a portal to the real castle. Cinderella walked through it, and found herself in her and her husband’s bedroom. Henry was sitting on the bed waiting for her return. He hadn’t heard her appear though. He looked as handsome as ever, as he looked out the window.
Cinderella stilled loved him as much as she had when they had gotten married. She still remembered the day he found her put the glass slipper on her foot. How his smile had lit up when he saw that it fit perfectly. Cinderella lived a happy life, always getting waited on by servants and their wizard had made it so she would never have a gray hair or her bones would never go frail. When she had given birth to Adrian, her happy life had only grown more complete. She had given birth to the perfect son for her loving husband.
Now though, her son wasn’t so perfect. He had betrayed him. She had thought that Melody had killed him, but it was harder learning he had willingly betrayed his family. What had she done wrong in raising him.
“Ella?” Henry said, noticing her arrival. Ella walked to her King, and sat on the bed beside him. He put his arm around her, knowing her anguish about Adrian.
“Today went well with Emily. She is now on our side,” Ella said. Henry chuckled.
“I knew you could do it, but not only that, children listen easily to lies,” Henry said.
“Now what darling?” Ella asked.
“She is still the perfect bait, but now that she is on our side, Melody will do whatever she can to get her daughter with her again but that will be proven harder when her own daughter is against her. She would even sacrifice herself to be put in her place. When that happens, we can finally do what the prophecy foretold. Greenfire will tell the dragons to surrender to us, giving me the power of Dragon King,” Henry smiled a cold smile that made Ella shiver. She wanted to be Queen of the whole world though, just as much as her husband wanted to be King.
“So is it time to let Emily in the real castle? I know she won't try to escape,” Ella asked. Henry nodded.
“Make sure she grows more attached to you,” Henry said, and kissed Ella’s forehead. Ella sighed contently. Maybe she should stay a little longer with her lord.
“The scent, it is strong!” Greenfire exclaimed, as he flew over the trees in the forest, Marcus on his back, who was also holding Baby Adrian. Melody flew beside him, Adrian on her back, holding Lilith to him tightly.
“Yes, I can smell Emily! The fortress must be nearby!” Melody exclaimed, excited that she might have her daughter again soon!
Greenfire and Melody glided through the air faster, following the scent as it grew stronger. Suddenly, as they passed over the mountains, a single tower was seen surrounded by forest. Melody and Greenfire landed, and Melody quickly turned back into a human once Adrian and Lilith were off her back. Melody ran to the only door that was in sight, and silently begged for it to not be locked. It opened easily. Melody ran inside, and she heard Adrian following suit. It was a lot of stairs, but Melody didn’t noticed. Finally they reached the top, but there was nothing.
“What?” Melody exclaimed. The stairs just lead to the ceiling! But how…? Adrian caught up with her, and looked at the dead end. He walked up to it, and hit it. It moved. There was a secret door! Adrian pushed it open climbed into the room, Melody just behind him. They found themselves in an empty room, with nothing in it. There was another door though, and Melody walked over to it. Emily had to be in here!
Melody pushed it open, and saw a bedroom. It had a big bed and mirror in it, that was it. No little girl, and most importantly, no Emily. Melody sank to the ground and sobbed. Adrian crouched down, and hugged her to him. Tears were glittering his own eyes. When was he going to get his family together again?
Emily ran outside happy, loving the feeling of the grass beneath her feet. She ran over to Cinderella and hugged her. Cinderella looked shocked, but smiled as she hugged the little girl.
“Thank you for keeping your promise! It’s so nice to be outside again!” Emily giggled, and began to jump and skip around the meadow. Cinderella laughed softly to herself. She felt a little sad, as she remembered her want of a little sister for her son, but had had no luck of having any more children after Adrian. Cinderella found herself hoping that Melody would stay away a little longer, just so she could have Emily to herself for awhile. Emily could be her daughter for a bit.
Emily looked at the sky happily, feeling more joy than she had since being kidnapped. The queen was looking at her with a smile on her face that made Emily glow. Maybe being kidnapped wasn’t so bad? She didn’t want her evil mother to come get her anymore.
“Come here sweetheart,” Cinderella called, and Emily skipped over to her. Cinderella sat down, and Emily curled into her lap.
“It’s nice having a little girl around,” Cinderella said, and began to play with Emily’s hair.
“You like having me around?” Emily asked, and sighed with content.
“Yes I do dearest. I always wanted to have a little girl, and now I do,” Cinderella said.
“If Daddy and Mother don’t come to get me, can I stay here with you forever?” Emily questioned. Cinderella paused, and then smiled to herself. How easy it was to corrupt children. Emily already wanted to be with her forever, and wanted her mother to stay away from her. Everything was going smoothly.
“Yes my little princess, you can stay with me forever!”