Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter One

Melody giggled as the bubbles around her popped, each one letting out a musical tune as its soapiness popped and fell to the ground. She had been around magic for 16 years and she never got tired of it.
"Shouldn't you be studying, not playing Melody?" A voice said, interrupting her fun. Melody turned around to see her father standing there, a smile decorating his old face. His face was aged, a long white beard went down to his knees, and he wore a green robe and hat. Melody smiled affectionately at him and turned back to the bubbles.
"Yes Father, but I do love music," She sighed dreamily, "It can help you escape reality for a bit and dream of whatever you fancy." Her father walked over to her, his wooden cane clicking on the floor.
"I remember when I first brought you home. You wouldn't stop crying until I played the musical bubbles to amuse you. You stopped crying and began laughing up a storm. I knew then what I was going to name you," The old man smiled at the memory.
Melody looked at her father and grinned. She loved when her father told her stories of when she was little. She knew he wasn't her blood father, but she loved him all the same. He raised her as his daughter, and she knew they both forgot they weren't related by blood. Her father told her that he had found her in the woods, all by herself, just wrapped up in a blanket. Melody always wondered who her blood parents were, but also why they had abandoned her. Sometimes, she felt like she didn't want to know.
Father got up from his seat and groaned as his joints cracked. Melody looked at him with worry. Her father, being a wizard, has been around for centuries, but he was starting to show it. It worried Melody immensely.
"Back to studying, my dear." Father said, and walked out. Melody watched as the door closed behind him and left her alone in her room again. It was a simple room, with a bed and a desk piled high with magic books. There was also a mirror, that Melody looked in now. She was wearing a simple blue dress, and her bare feet poked out from under it. Her blonde hair covered her back, and her green eyes twinkled with joy. She had a happy life, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.

"Light the fire, make it hot.
Now add the cauldron,
We mustn't forget the water!
Now add some carrots,
Chopped nice and finley,
Add some potatoes,
Peeled and sliced,
Now don't forget an onion,
Please don't cry!
Now add the beef,
Can you hear it mooing?
Stir real nicely,
and cook the soup.
It's time to eat,
Before it gets cold!"
Melody watched with delight as she made her father magic soup. It wasn't a very rhymey spell which were Melody's favorite to chant, but it got the job done. She poured some soup into a bowl, and headed to her father's study. She knocked lightly and headed in. Her father was pouring over a book, his beard touching the the pages. This was a usual sight growing up, and it always made Melody smile.
"Father, I made some soup," Melody said. He looked up at her, and smiled warmly.
"Thank you dear," He said and grabbed a bowl and took a gulp of the soup. He smiled with pleasure and took another gulp.
"Cooking spells have always been your best," He praised. Melody blushed happily.
"Father?" Melody asked.
"May I go to town to buy some fabrics tomorrow? I found a spell for making beautiful dresses and I want to try it out!" Melody said.
"Girls and their clothes! Yes you can go to town tomorrow and buy some fabrics, but only if you take some of my potions with you to give to Mr. Johnson to sell." Father said, smiling. Melody nodded her head quickly.
"Of course I will father! Thank you!"
"Hey there Chestnut," Melody crooned as she walked into the stables to her horse. She had a bag over her shoulder, carrying the money and the bottles full of potions. The horse neighed in delight to see her, and nudged her hand with her nose. Melody climbed onto her, and headed to town. It was a mile from their house, but Melody didn't mind. She watched the scenery go by and sighed contently, listening to Chestnut's hooves clapping onto the ground.
Before she knew it, she was in town and went to find Mr. Johnson's stall. He was an enchanted cat, not an unusual site around these parts. He stood on his hind legs, his fur was orange, and he wore a tailored outfit.
"Why Miss Melody, what a pleasant surprise! Does your father have more goods for me to sell?" Mr. Johnson said when he saw her. Melody nodded and smiled at him, she had always liked him growing up.
"Here you go sir," She said, handing him the potions.
"For colds, sneezing, back aches, and fevers," Reading the labels on 4 different colored varieties of potions,"These should sell nicely! Now here is half the money from last stocks potions." Her father split half the profit with Mr. Johnson that was gained from selling the potions, as payment for selling them.
"Father says you should come down for tea soon, and would like to see you himself, but he's been quite busy lately," Melody said with a smile.
"I will stop by when I can!" Mr. Johnson said with a nod, and began organizing his stand. Melody walked away and looked around to see what stand to visit next. She saw a dwarf selling precious gems and rocks, fairies selling special wines and dresses made out of leaves, a forest nymph selling flowers, and a lot more. She finally spotted a young women selling just fabrics. She walked up to her and looked at what she was selling.
"Good afternoon Miss," The women said. She was middle ages, her brown hair in a bun, and clothes simple wool.
"Good afternoon Ma'am," Melody said with a nod. The fabrics weren’t fancy, but they would do. She was about to pick something when a horn blew. A man was blowing it at the fountain in the center of the marketplace.
"Ahem. The Royal Court would like to make a very important announcement. It is time that Prince Adrian chooses a bride to be his princess. We will be holding a royal ball in two days where everyone is invited to, poor or rich. The girl to catch the eye of the prince will be the lucky bride. That is all." The man walked about, but the excitement around the marketplace continued. Girls were swooning, parent's with daughters were squealing. Each thinking they could win the prince. Melody wasn't interested, and turned back the stall. She picked some emerald green fabric and left for home.
"How was your trip dear?" Her father asked, as she showed him her fabric.
"It was okay. Mr. Johnson says he'll stop by when he can, and thanks you for the potions. Oh, and get this. The Prince is holding a royal ball to pick a bride. Everyone is excited," Melody said. Her father turned pale.
"You are to not go to that ball," Father demanded. Melody filled with shock. She hadn't planned on it, but his outburst surprised her.
"I wasn't going to Father," Melody said softly, pain in her eyes. He never yelled at her. He saw the hurt in her eyes.
"I'm sorry Melody. It's just, I don't want you to leave me yet," He said gently. Melody smiled a small smile.
"I'm never going to leave you," She said. Her father cupped her face with his hand, and smiled lovingly at her.
"You are the best thing to have ever happened to me in my 300 years," He said.