Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Two

"Lay out the fabric,
Now make it straight,
We don't want any wrinkles,
Or any disgusting stains!
Scissors cut the pattern,
We want it fashionable and elegant!
Don't mess up,
We're almost done.
Sew the seams,
Now do the sleeves.
Before we know it,
We have a dress.
Fit for a queen."
Melody chanted the spell for the fifth time that day. The other four had failed, but she knew she got it this time. She could just feel it. She jumped for joy when she saw she was right. It looked like a ball gown, with a flowing bottom, and puffy sleeves. She couldn't wait to try it on!
Melody started to undress when she heard a knock on the front door. She hurried to the door and smiled when she saw who it was. It was James, the farmer's son who dropped off milk once a week to them.
"Hi Mel," James said, his blue eyes twinkling.
"Hi James," Melody said cheerfully. James handed her the milk.
"Hope I didn't come at a bad time," James said. Melody shook her head.
"Not at all. Would you like to come in for some tea?" Melody said.
"You were my last delivery for today, so I have a little time," James said, and walked into the house. He sat down at the table, and Melody began to make tea. The room was silent until Melody set a cup down in front of James.
"You hear about the ball?" James questioned.
"Yeah I did. I was in town when it was announced," Melody replied.
"I heard that some of the other boys are taking dates," James said, his cheeks began turning red.
"Really? I thought it was just for the Prince," Melody said.
"Yes it is, but the Prince isn't going to dance with every girl or even look at them. We aren't the only town," James said.
"I see," Melody said. James looked at Melody, and his cheeks turned redder.
"Mel?" James said.
"Would you-,"James paused.
"Would I?" Melody said, her heart began to beat fast. Was he going to ask her to the ball?
"Would you pass the sugar?" James said. Melody felt crestfallen.
"Uh, sure. Here."
"Wait. That wasn't what I was going to ask." James took a deep breath. "Will you go the ball with me?"
"I would love to! I have to ask my father though. He doesn't want me going, but if I tell him it's with you, I'm sure he'll agree," Melody said happily.
"Absolutely not," Father said.
"But Father, it's with James! I'll make sure the Prince won't see me!" Melody insisted. Her father glared at her.
"No Melody," Father said roughly. Tears filled her eyes. She knew she was spoiled, her father rarely told her no, but she didn't see why he wouldn't let her go.
"Please!" She pleaded for the final time.
"No. Now go tend to your studying. This conversation is over."
King Henry stood in his room, looking out the window, watching the sunset.
"Are you sure she'll come?" Duke Yale asked him. King Henry turned around and nodded. Duke Yale stood there looking at him, dressed in his noble wear.
"I'm sure of it. We know she lives nearby, the claw says so." He turned back to the window, "Any young girl would want to come to the ball."
"Yes but what if she knows of her blood right?" Duke Yale questioned.
"We don't know who stole her from us. I do know though, that she doesn't know," King Henry said.
"How can you be so sure?" Duke Yale said.
"She'd of transformed by now. The palace would of heard of a dragon in these parts." King Henry said and sighed. Why did they have to go through all this for one girl?
"How do you know she would have transformed?" Duke Yale asked. King Henry raised an eyebrow at him.
"We are sure full of questions tonight, aren't we? Let me ask you this Yale. If you didn't know you could turn into a dragon, would you try?" King Henry implored.
"Well, uh, no Your Highness," the Duke said, understanding lighting his face.
"Exactly. Soon though, soon we'll have her in our clutches." Determine lighted the King's eyes.
"How will you know which one she is?"
"She'll look like her mother, with her long golden hair, beautiful face, and elegance she didn't have to study to get. From her father though, green eyes. I'm sure of it. Now leave me be Yale, I've grown tired of this talk," King Henry said, waving his arm in dismissal.
"Yes Sir," Duke Yale said with a bow, and left the room.
"I'll have you soon girl, and when I do, I shall rule the dragons and every other living creature in the boring world."
The rest of the day and the next day Melody ignored her father. She knew she was being a brat, but her feelings were hurt. James stopped by and she told him the the news. He left the house looking like a sad puppy, and it hurt Melody to see him like that. The night of the ball came, and Melody stayed sulking in her room. No fair. Why couldn't she go? She hadn't wanted to go at first, but now she had a date.
She tried distracting herself with one of her books. Just her luck, she had picked Cinderella, who had managed to find a way to the ball. Hmph, why couldn't her father being like the fairy godmother? Cinderella had also the Prince's mother. Irony was evil.
Melody looked at the emerald dress she had made herself with longing. She hadn't tried it on yet, and decided to do so now. She got up and grabbed the dress and put it on. She looked in the mirror, and she gasped. She looked so beautiful! She put her hair up in an elegant bun and she smiled at her reflection. She looked like a royal. She looked at her bare feet and frowned. The an idea came to her. She looked in her closet and found a pair of ratty shoes.
"Take these old shoes,
and turn them nice and new.
Make them look fancy,
Make them look green."
The shoes turned into fancy green heels, that only someone wealthy would be seen wearing them. Melody slipped them on and knew her outfit was almost complete. She looked in her jewelry box and found the green emerald necklace her father had made her. The chain was silver and hung a little loosely around her neck. Coming off of the chain was a brooch, with a emerald in it. In the emerald was something small, as if trapped inside. Her father told her it was a small piece off of a dragon scale, something to help protect her when she wore it. The necklace was one of her most treasured possessions.
When Melody looked in the mirror again, she looked like a royal. She was beautiful, full of grace and elegance, and confidence that only the wealthy seemed to carry. Oh, how she wanted to go to the ball. Melody looked at her window, and a thought came to her. She could sneak off? Her father would be furious when she came home, but all the same, she felt the need to go. For all she knew, her father wouldn't even check up on her. He usually didn't when she was sulking. He waited for her to come to him.
Melody went to her window and looked down. She'd break her ankle if she jumped.
"Air I need you,
Please come to me.
Carry me gently,
Just to the ground."
Melody felt wind grab her like a hand, and gently take her from the window and onto the ground.
"Thank you," Melody murmured. She felt wind brush her cheek gently in reply. Melody rushed to the stable and walked to Chestnut, who neighed happily to her. Melody climbed onto her and sat like a royal women, to not ruin her dress. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it would do. Melody was off to spend the night at the royal ball.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignore my grammar :P
~I haven't really separated my story into chapters yet, so this is just a section~