Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Three

Marcus sighed as he looked at his spell books. He couldn't concentrate tonight. He hated fighting with Melody. She was his world, and he loved her dearly.
He still clearly remembered that fateful night when Emily came to him, clutching a beautiful baby girl.
"Marcus, I didn't know who else to turn to. I need you!" Emily had yelled at him frantically, after barging into his house.
"What is it my dear Emily?" Marcus had asked, looking at her tear stained face, and looking down to see a crying baby in her arms. Her eyes made him think of emeralds, and she had soft golden hair growing on her head.
"They are after her, my baby," Emily yelled with fear.
"Why would they be after your baby?" Marcus asked, then looked at the baby again and understanding filled him. Her eyes, like King Greenfire's scales. "She's the legendary Dragon Princess." Emily nodded, and looking sadly at her baby.
"King Henry is after her. He found about her from spies he has at the Dragon Kingdom. He wants her to grow up in the palace, and when she turns 16, to marry his son. He knows that if he gets her in his clutches, he can rule over the dragons. If he rules over the dragons, he can rule over anyone and anything. Please, I need to hide us from him. Isn't there a spell you can do?" Emily pleaded. The baby began to wail louder. Emily began singing to her and she stopped crying.
"Her name?" Marcus asked.
"She doesn't have one yet." Emily said sadly. "I wanted Greenfire to have helped pick her a name."
Marcus looks at Emily and turns to look through his spell books. A spell to keep the King off of them. Invisibility? Disguise? Shield? Time? Time.
"Do you trust me?" Marcus said to Emily.
"Even though your sister but that curse on me, I trust you." Emily declared.
"I am going to hide you in the future. I don't know if it will hide you. The King has wizards and witches working for him to." Marcus said.
"I understand. I'd rather try then stay waiting for them," Emily said. She reached to her neck and clutched at a dragon claw that was around his neck.
"Why do you have that?" Marcus questioned.
"Greenfire gave it to me, as part of him to keep with me always. I think it's connected to the baby. It was a dull black color, you know like all dragon claws, but when she was born it began to shine like it is now. It senses her I think."
"I see. Now give it to me." Marcus said. Emily hesitated, but then handed it to Marcus.
"Dragon Claw of Greenfire,
Hear me now.
No matter where,
No matter how far,
In distance,
Or time,
Let me hear her call for help,
If my next spell shall fail."
"It will only work once, since I don't have the time to make it work forever. You need certain ingredients. I am going to put you forward in time, if they find you, tell me you need my help and I'll find you. I can only carry one person unless you manage to hide more than a year," Marcus said, giving the claw back to Emily. She nodded her understanding.
"Thank you for your help, even if it doesn't end of working, thank you for trying. If....if they find me before a year, take care of my baby. Raise her as your own. Let her have a family," Emily said softly.
"I will, I give you my word," Marcus said.
"Thank you. I'm ready now."
"Take this mother,
And her babe,
To the future,
Let's say a 1000 years."
A flash of white light filled the room, and then was gone. Emily and the unnamed baby were gone. Marcus went to bed a little time later, when a voice whispered in his dreams.
"Marcus, if there is anytime I have ever needed you, it's now. You helped me once, now please do so again. Help me." Marcus opened his eyes quickly.
"Take me to the Dragon Claw,
That once belonged to Greenfire.
That he gave to the love his life,
Who gave birth to his babe.
But only for a second,
For I can't stay too long."
Marcus instantly found himself in front of Emily and without a seconds thought grabbed the baby and the spell forced him back home.
And now 16 years later he was a proud father of the baby now named Melody. He had done as Emily wanted and raised her as his own daughter, something that had never been given to him in his long life. She was very talented girl, and even had a knack of magic. Marcus felt it was because of having the blood of a magical creature in her. She was a lot like her mother and father, and she didn't even know it.
He had met Emily when she was only 16. She had sneaked into his garden and to steal some of his vegetables since she was homeless and hungry. His sister had been visiting, and didn't understand why Marcus wasn't outraged. His sister, Miley, always had a bad temper. She took matters into her own hands.
"To this day and from this hour,
You shall now be a dragon.
A creature feared far and wide,
And too big to hide,
So now too big to steal,
Without being seen.
The only way to end this curse,\
Is to come to me,
And I will turn you back,
Only when I have forgiven."
Poor Emily had been turned into a blue dragon. She wept giant tears when she saw her fate.
"I can't undo the curse, only she can," Marcus told her, as Miley cackled and walked away. "I can help you though. I have some dragon friends."
"Take this poor human,
That is now disguised as a dragon,
To land where other dragons dwell,
Where King Greenfire,
Will take her under his care."
"Thank you," Emily said, before a bright light carried her off.
Later on, a little after Melody had been in his care, rumors about Greenfire would tell him a little about what happened. About how Greenfire had fallen in love with a mysterious blue dragoness with no name. They named Watershine after her scales, probably since Emily was not a dragon name. They had gotten married and she was later pregnant with a child. It was obvious she didn't plan on coming back for forgiveness and it made Miley mad. She undid the curse, and all the rumors told him was that she had disappeared. Greenfire went into depression and into hiding. No one knew where he was, so for now his brother, Firestorm, was King. Luckily he was like his brother, so there wasn't much changes to the dragon kingdom.
Marcus just wondered how much Melody was like her birth father. He just knew she could turn into a dragon. She was conceived while both parents were dragons. He had a feeling that if Emily had been a dragon when giving birth, Melody would of been born a dragon. But what was it that would make Melody transform into her birthright? And her mother, what had happened to her? Marcus feared the worse...
All Marcus knew right now, was that he was sad. He hated fighting with Melody, and maybe it was time she knew the truth. Maybe then she would understand why she couldn't go to the ball. The King might see her and know who she is, since she looks so much like Melody. Then he'll demand his son to choose her, and he would lose his daughter. The King would only use her, and he had people more powerful than his sweet Melody. He already knew the King knew she lived nearby, he had to have the dragon claw...the dragon claw the shined when she was near. It had to be shining now. Always shining when she is near.
Marcus had made up his mind. It was time to tell Melody everything. He got up and went to his cabinet.
"Open," he said to it. It was locked to only open to his voice. He grabbed a scroll, the only thing in there, and opened it.
~She will be born Dragon, yet also as Human. Princess in more ways than one. Scales and eyes that shine brighter than emeralds, and a soul that is full innocense. Used against her will, to bring destruction to the world. War. Power. Blood. He lingers around, his heart all for her. Fate decides, Death or Love.~
Marcus remembered seeing Melody and realizing the truth.
"She's the legendary Dragon Princess," He had said to Emily. He had found this prophecy long ago and never believed it would come of importance to him. He walked out of his study and went to head for Melody's room. He grabbed her door handle, and took a big breath. He pushed the door open.
"Melody there is something I want to discuss-," Marcus stopped talking as he realized he was talking to an empty room.
He knew she wasn't in a different part of the house. She had gone to the ball.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignore my grammar :P
~I haven't really separated my story into chapters yet, so this is just a section~