Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Seven

A week passed by slowly for Melody. She stayed locked up in her room except during meal times when she was forced to eat with the King, Queen, and brat Prince. She missed her old simple room, filled with books and memories. This room was full expensive cloths, woodcutting, and boringness. She spent most of her day laying on her bed thinking. During meal time, she ate in silence, no matter what was said to her.
On her seventh day of being at the wretched castle, she heard a knock on her door before it was even time to eat. She got off her bed and opened the door to see Prince Adrian standing before her. He looked a little nervous, and kept looking away from Melody.
“Yes?” Melody asked, wanting to get this over with.
“I was wondering if you would like to go horseback riding with me,” Prince Adrian asked. Since no one had to worry about her getting away, it was okay for him to ask her to do something outside the castle. Before she had gone to bed on her first night, one of the King’s wizards had put a bracelet on her. The bracelet would let the wizard know if Melody had left the castle’s grounds. It also made it so Melody couldn’t use her magic.
“No I would not,” Melody said, and went to close the door. Prince Adrian put his foot in front of the door so she couldn’t close it.
“Please? I know you don’t want to marry me, though I don’t understand why, but you are going to be marrying me in the future. Might as well get use to being around me now,” Prince Adrian said. Melody realized he did have a point. Maybe she should get use to his bratty self now, before she didn’t have to be near him all the time yet.
“Fine,” was all she said and closed the door in his face.
“I’ll be waiting in the courtyard when you’re ready!” Prince Adrian called through the door. Melody sighed and looked through her wardrobe. Queen Ella had sent her a bunch of her old clothes for her to wear until she had a proper fitting for some new dresses. Melody found one that looked the lightest and less frilly and put it on. She missed her old simple dresses.
“Here goes nothing,” she murmured to herself, and headed off to the courtyard.
When she got outside, she couldn’t help by smile. She hadn’t been outside for awhile and the sun felt nice, shining on what skin the stupid dress didn’t cover. A light breeze blew through Melody’s hair, and Melody laughed softly.
“First time I’ve seen you look happy since the ball,” Prince Adrian said with a smile, destroying Melody’s peace. She glared at him and he lost his smile.
“Well let’s get this over with,” Melody said. Prince Adrian quickly nodded and let her over to the horse stables. Inside lots of horses were eating hay and neighing contently. Melody couldn’t help but smile. She loved horses.
“I, uh, have surprise for you,” Prince Adrian said hesitantly.
“Yes?” Melody said. Prince Adrian tried to grabbed her hand, and Melody quickly moved away from him.
“Sorry. Follow me,” Prince Adrian said with a sad smile. Melody followed Prince Adrian until they reached the back of the stable, and what she saw brought tears to her eyes.
“Chestnut!” She squealed with delight. She ran over to her horse and wrapped her arms around the horses neck. The horse neighed happily to see her owner.
“I’ve missed you girl. You’re such a pretty girl!” Crooned Melody.
“I got her brought here so you could have a piece of home. I know you miss your home, but I’m too selfish to let you go,” Prince Adrian said, looking at his feet as his face got red.
Maybe he has a heart after all, Melody thought, as she pet her horse lovingly.
A few minutes later they were both outside, and on their horses. Prince Adrian’s favorite horse was white, and bigger than Melody’s horse.
“Well, just stay with me,” Prince Adrian said, and they were off. Melody felt peaceful, just riding Chestnut and looking at her surroundings. The servants had made a trail for when anyone wanted to go horse riding, so the horses had to just follow the trail without need of guidance from their riders. The only thing Melody hated was having to ride her horse with both legs on one side. Why did women have to wear dresses which made them have to ride horses in such a silly and stupid way?
“I use to go down here a lot when I was younger,” Prince Adrian said, breaking Melody’s peace again. She didn’t reply. The silence continued on.
“Look Melody, can we talk?” Prince Adrian said, ten minutes later.
“You are already talking,” Melody said sarcastically. Prince Adrian frowned and looked away.
“Why can’t you just let yourself be happy? You’re living in castle, get to have all the food you want, all the clothes you want, anything you desire, yet you sit around in your room and be unhappy,” Prince Adrian said.
“Are you serious? You took me from my home, where I was already happy! I loved my little house, and I had enough food, and I had better clothes than I do now. I loved sitting around at my house, reading about the next spell I was going to try, thinking about what to make my father for supper, and then looking forward to a visit from James. My life was happy. Now it’s miserable,” Melody ranted, tears forming in her eyes. She felt them escape her eyes, and flow down her cheek. Prince Adrian looked at her with shock. He didn’t think anyone who could have everything they wanted would be unhappy.
“I can’t take you back,” Prince Adrian murmured softly.
“I know. I know a lot more than your whole family thinks I know,” Melody said, with a flare of anger in her voice. Prince Adrian looked surprised at what she said but then just nodded.
“You’re smart. Most girls I have met, peasants and royals, are stupid. All they think about is dresses, and the latest fashion. But what about the truth of the world? How evil it truly is? A secret war that no one knows about. A war against people, and magical creatures? A war I was forced into, and now I want out. I’m too selfish to leave though, it would mean leaving you,” Prince Adrian said. Melody looked at him with shock. She had never seen him so serious before.
“You may not like to hear this Melody, but I’m in love with you. Before it was just your beauty that I wanted, but now it’s more. I’ve seen so many sides of you. I’ve seen you happy, peaceful, angry, and worse of all, sad. I don’t want you to be sad anymore Melody. I want to make you happy, most of all, I want to be the reason you’re happy. I’m going to make you fall in love with me with your own free will Melody, and I never want to lose you. Ever,” Prince Adrian said. His face was painted with such determine, that Melody just sat there dumbfounded. This wasn’t a side of the bratty prince she had seen before. She had seen him act selfish, demanding, and rude, but now she was seeing him serious. She could tell he meant every word he meant. He was truly in love with her. It made her almost like him.
“First though, I need you to not hate me. I have never had a true friend before. Melody, will you become my friend?” Prince Adrian asked. Melody looked at the change and Prince Adrian and couldn’t help but smile.
“Yes,” she said. Prince Adrian’s face lit up with such happiness. Melody couldn’t understand why it made her heart beat faster.
“Then first things first as friends is I know you don’t like sitting like that.You can sit like a man and I won't tattle,” Prince Adrian said with a wink. Melody couldn’t help but laugh. She adjusted herself, and was sitting like Prince Adrian.
“First one to the meadow wins!” Prince Adrian suddenly yelled.
“Hey, you got a head start,” yelled Melody, as she raced Chestnut after the prince.
His horse may know the trail, but I know my horse, Melody thought mischievously.
It wasn’t long before Melody was ahead of Prince Adrian, and she stopped her horse when she reached a beautiful meadow. It made her think of when she became a dragon, and she looked at her wrist sadly. That stupid wizard’s bracelet!
“You were amazing!” Prince Adrian yelled, as he caught up with Melody. Melody smiled.
“What can I say? I’ve ridden Chestnut since she was first ridable,” Melody said.
“I can tell,” Prince Adrian said.
“So now what? We ride back?” Melody asked. She felt herself not wanting to leave.
“No, we can stay longer. Are you hungry? There is some apple trees over there,” Prince Adrian said. He hopped off his horse, and Melody did the same. Melody knew she didn’t have to worry about Chestnut leaving, so she left her grazing. Prince Adrian showed her the apple trees.
“They are all the way up there though,” Prince Adrian said with disappointment.
“Easy,” Melody said, and began to climb up the tree. When she reached the lowest branch she began dropping apples. One hit Adrian on the shoulder, and she laughed. She began pelting him more until he was running around trying to dodge them. They were both laughing until their ribs hurt, and Melody decided to get down, until she lost her footing. She felt the air leave her as she felt nothing holding her, and herself falling to the ground. She closed her eyes, waiting for the impact. Instead, she felt arms. Adrian had caught her!
“Got you,” Adrian said, looking at Melody with worry.
“Thank you! I thought I was going to hit the ground and face a major bruising,” Melody said.
“Just call me your knight in shining armor,” Adrian said. Melody laughed softly.
“Um, you can let me down now,” Melody said. Adrian reluctantly put her down. They spent a while at the meadow, and Melody felt herself having a good time. Adrian wasn’t acting like a prince, but like a normal teenage boy. They talked about their lives growing up, and what they did for fun. They didn’t run out of things to say. The sun was setting when they decided they should get back.
They went over to their horses, to realize that Adrian’s was gone. Chestnut seemed to smugly neigh at Melody, taunting to Adrian his horse was gone.
“Great, I guess I’ll be walking,” Adrian said with a long sigh.
“You can ride with me,” Melody said.
“Are you sure?” Adrian asked. Melody smiled and gestured for him to get on. She climbed up after him, held the back of his short with her hands. They walked home peacefully, no one talking. Melody get herself grow tired and she closed her eyes. She opened them to find herself in front of the horse stable. Her arms had wound themselves around Adrian’s waist, and her cheek pressed against his back. She had fallen asleep!
“You awake?” Adrian asked.
“Yeah,” Melody said, her cheeks burning red.
“Might want to get off before someone sees how you’re sitting,” Adrian said with a little laugh.
“I’ll go head inside,” Melody said with a wave.
“Melody?” Adrian called.
“Yeah,” Melody said, turning around.
“Can we do something again tomorrow?” Adrian asked, worry about her answer was seen in his blue eyes.
“Yes,” Melody said. She walked into the castle, and found herself looking forward to tomorrow.
***************************************************************************** The weeks passed by faster for Melody. She found herself becoming great friends with Adrian. Every day they did something together. Sometimes they just went for walks or horseback riding. Other times they play child games like hide and go seek. When it was raining out, they would stay indoors and read to each other, or just talk. He had truly become her best friend. Melody liked this Adrian. At mealtimes she was still silent, under the eyes of the King and Queen, but the moment she was alone with Adrian she was a chatterbox.
After living with the family for 3 months, Melody truly accepted the fact that she was going to marry Adrian. She was getting ready for their latest activity of just horseback riding, when she realized she didn’t mind. She wasn’t in love with him, but at least she would be marrying her best friend. It shocked her to see how she calm she was about it. Melody felt like she had changed. She still missed Marcus and James, but she wasn’t miserable anymore.
Melody got to the stable and smiled at Adrian when she saw him. He beamed at her, and they both got on their horses and headed to the meadow. When they knew no prying eyes were on them, Melody changed her sitting position, and they raced to the meadow. Adrian still hadn’t managed to beat Melody yet. This time they had brought good with them, and they sat down on the grass and ate and just talked like they always did. Afterwards they laid down and looked at the clouds.
“Mel?” Adrian said, calling her by the nickname he had adopted from James.
“Yeah?” Melody said.
“Do you think of our future a lot?” Adrian asked, hesitation in his voice. Melody knew he thought it might be a forbidden subject.
“Yes I do,” Melody replied. Adrian was silent for few moments.
“Do you mind that I’m in it anymore?” he asked softly. Melody turned her head, and saw how close their faces were. She couldn’t understand why it made her heart beat fast, and her cheeks burn red.
“No I don’t,” she said, her voice just a whisper.
“I’m glad,” Adrian said with a smile, that made Melody’s heartache. Why did it though? Melody quickly turned away, and looked at the clouds again.
“I’m glad you’ve turned into my best friend, instead of that snotty prince I once knew,” Melody said, and she felt herself beamed with pride when she heard him laugh. Melody couldn’t understand why she had been feeling this way lately.
“I’m glad I have you,” Adrian said, his voice serious. Melody faced him again. His face, just inches from hers, looked into her eyes. Melody blushed under his gaze, so full of want and love for her. Adrian moved closer to her, and then Melody felt his lips on hers. Melody squealed unladylike, and quickly got up.
“I’m sorry Mel, I shouldn’t have!” Adrian said, scolding himself crossly. Melody turned and ran towards the horses. Wanting to get away. What was she running from? The fact she wanted to kiss him back? This couldn’t be happening!
Adrian ran over to her, and grabbed her hand.
“Look, I’m sorry. But please don’t leave,” Adrian pleaded.
“Y-you, shouldn’t of k-kiss me,” Melody said, her body trembling. Tears began to brim her eyes.
“I know. I’m sorry!” Adrian said, looking at Melody with concern.
“This can’t be happening!” Melody said, looking at Adrian.
“What?” Adrian asked.
“Adrian. Kiss...kiss me again,” Melody said. Adrian looked at Melody like she had lost her mind. When she didn’t say anything else, and leaned forward. He kissed tears off her face, and then his lips met Melody’s. Then Melody knew it was true. She had fallen in love with the new Adrian. The one that was so much to fun to be around, that understood her, loved her, and had become her best friend. Melody wrapped her arms around Adrian’s neck and kiss him back. Adrian was the one who broke the kiss.
“Mel?” he asked, his voice out of breath.
“I’m in love with you Adrian. You did it. You told me you would make me fall in love with you at my own free will and I have. I want to marry you, because I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ignore my grammar :P