Status: It's a work in progress, so not the final draft! It didn't format well, sorry!

Dragon Princess

Chapter Eight

Marcus sighed heavily, as he looked at the sunset through his window. He use to enjoy looking at the sunset, when he had someone to enjoy them with. He missed Melody so much. The house was quiet, without her laughter filling the now empty sound. Days went by, without Marcus saying a word. No one to say them to. The only days he hadn’t ever didn’t anything now, was when James came over.
He had begun training James. He had taught him of Melody’s story, and of the prophecy. After learning that Melody was a dragon, Marcus feared James wouldn’t want his daughter anymore. He surprised Marcus though, and he stuck around. James would come over on his free time from his family’s farm, and together they would read books about anything they could think of that would get them back Melody. Marcus knew the King had wizards much stronger than him, so his spell books were left untouched. The read books about dragons, the history of the kingdom, and about wars where kingdoms took over other kingdoms. Marcus had begun to feel frustrated. Nothing they could read helped all that much. He didn’t know what the King was exactly planning to do, and why he hadn’t started yet. Or had he?
Next he had begun training James how to fight. He had made him a sword through magic, and he taught James the necessary skills needed to have good swordsmanship. James was doing brilliantly, but how far would his sword take him on this journey? How long until he would see his daughter? Would he ever see her again? Marcus feared the answers to those questions lingering in his head.
Marcus sighed again, and closed his old eyes. What was Melody doing right now he wondered? Was the Prince treating her with some decency? Most of all, what was the King’s next move?
Adrian let out frustrated groan, as he paced around in his room. He didn’t know what to do! Melody had declared that she was in love with him. Oh, how happy he had been. He had truly fallen in love with her, with the way she laughed, how her eyes shined when she talked of the past, and how he always had an amazing and fun time with her when it was just them. Now they were truly together.
Then he thought of his father and what he had told him to do.
“Get her use to living with us. Possibly even like us. If we get her to feel connected to our family, she’ll be more willing to help us. So son, I want you to make sure she falls in love with you.”
He had basically done just that, but why did he feel guilty? He knew why. His father wanted to use Melody for evil, to help rule magical creatures and humans alike. He knew Melody would never want to do such an awful thing. She was such a gentle and kind person, and she adored animals. Adrian had done as his father had said, made her fall in love with him, but now he was also truly in love with her, not just her beauty.
Melody had been living with them for three months, so he still had nine months before his father was going to put his plan in action. He had to figure out something to keep Melody safe from his father by then. But what? Then a small idea popped into his head.
Melody laid on her bed, content for the first time since she had moved in. She blushed as she remembered the kisses Adrian and her had shared during the sunset. She had truly fallen in love with him. He wasn’t the brat she once knew, but someone who understood her, and truly cared for her. Beauty was important to him anymore.
An image of James flashed though Melody’s mind and she winced. Hadn’t she thought she was in love with him for awhile? Now that she knew was love really felt like, she wasn’t so sure she had been.
But what of Marcus? He wouldn’t want her in love with Adrian. That was helping the King’s plan.
Melody heard a knock on her door, and she got up and answered it.
“Adrian! You aren’t allowed near my room!” Melody whispered frantically, and grabbed him so no one would see him in the hall. She quickly shut her door and turned to him.
“Hi,” he said sheepishly.
“Adrian, I know I told you my love for you and all, but that doesn’t mean to sneak down her!” Melody said. Adrian walked over to her, and put a hand on her cheek.
“Mel. I need to tell you something really important,” Adrian said, his face turning grave.
“Adrian what’s wrong?” Melody questioned with worry. Adrian grabbed her hand and walked her over to the bed and they sat down.
“I need to tell you why my father wants you,” Adrian said with whisper.
“Adrian before you go any further, I already know he wants me to help him rule over magical creatures and humans,” Melody said softly. Adrian looked at her with surprise.
“My mother found out, and told Marcus,” Melody said. Adrian nodded and sighed.
“My father told me it was time to marry, and I really didn’t want to. He also told me I didn’t have a choice in who. He set up a ball, like how he met my mother. The thing was, he had only invited a couple towns, and our noble friends. That way, if you showed up, we could easily narrow down our search. You did show up. You were so beautiful Mel! I had looked at you, right when your hair had fallen out of it’s bun. I wanted you so bad. I was now glad I had no choice who I married, because I only wanted you anyway. You also weren’t like all the other girls, giggling like idiots when they looked at me. You wanted nothing to do with me at all! You left, and I still found you again. Now I wish I hadn’t,” Adrian looked at his hands, sadness in his eyes.
“Even though it’s bad that you found me, I’m now glad you did Adrian,” Melody said, placing her hands on Adrian’s.
“My father told me that we weren’t going to put our plan in action for year. In that year I was to make you fall in love with me, and to feel connected to our family. That way you wouldn’t be much trouble when the King was ready to use you. He thinks that sending out a message to everyone knows that you have the King of Dragons daughter, he’ll come out of hiding and beg for his only daughter back. A daughter born from the only woman he ever loved. My father will demand the crown, and if you rule the dragons, the mightiest of all magical creatures, you rule over everyone else. Before this idea had intrigued me. Then I truly fell in love with you Mel. I don’t want to use you for evil. I don’t want you to do something to hurt others, because of me! I love you Melody, and no way am I going to let my father use you!” Melody looked at Adrian with shock. She knew the King was planning on using her, she just didn’t know exactly how. Now Adrian was also telling her how he had succeeded in what his father had wanted, but he didn’t want to do his father’s bidding anymore. He truly loved her. He wanted to protect her. Tears glittered he eyes, and she looked at Adrian, her love for him growing stronger.
“Mel, I have a small plan, and I don’t know if it’s going to work,” Adrian said, his face grim and serious.
“Yes Adrian?” Melody asked.
“Marry me sooner than planned. Our date to get married is in 9 months, but how about sooner? Then we can go off on a little trip, and say it’s to have privacy for our new marriage. My parent’s had done it, so why not us? Though instead of vacationing, we’ll run away! Please say yes!” Adrian pleaded. Melody didn’t know what to say. Getting married was a scary idea, but she also wanted to marry Adrian a lot. He was also trying to protect her, and that was the best plan they had so far.
“Yes Prince Adrian, I’ll shall marry you,” Melody said with a smile. Adrian stood up and grabbed her off her feet and twirled her around, then kissed her sweetly on the lips.
“You make me the happiest man alive Melody,” he exclaimed.
“How is our plan going so far son?” King Henry asked his son. KIng Henry, his son, and his wife were all having a little chat in their tea room.
“Great father, she is hopelessly in love with me,” Adrian said. He hated lying to his father and mother, but Melody was important to him.
“Yes, this is very good,” King Henry said with a huge smile.
“Who couldn’t fall in love with you?” Ella said with a warm smile.
“I, uh, actually have request,” Adrian announced.
“Yes?” his father asked.
“I was wondering if we could get married sooner than planned. Say, next week?” Adrian asked. His was scared for the answer.
“Hm. Since our plan is working so well, I don’t see why not. A few months difference in the marriage won't matter. It might just help our plan more! Son, when you marry her, make sure she is with child as soon as you can. That might just come into our advantage,” King Henry said, a smirk on his face.
“A grandchild,” Ella said, clapping merrily. Adrian felt drained. He had gotten his wish, but what if his Melody got pregnant? He hadn’t even thought about their wedding night. He would just have to make sure they managed not to be found, once they ran away. He couldn’t help but feel thrilled at the thought of Melody becoming pregnant with his child.
Melody felt peaceful as she looked at the clouds. She was snuggled in Adrian’s arms at their special place. She began to feel a little tired, and she closed her eyes. She dozed off, and a scream woke her up. She sat up to find that Adrian wasn’t with her anymore, but she wasn’t alone. She saw King Henry smiling evilly at a women. The women looked at her, and Melody realized it was her mother! She ran to protect her mother when King Henry suddenly transformed into a giant black dragon. He licked his lips and lunged at Emily, but luckily missed.
Frantically Melody tried to turn into a dragon to fend off the King, but the stupid bracelet wouldn’t let her! She couldn’t protect her mother! Where was Adrian?! King Henry lunged had Emily again and managed to get her between his jaws.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Melody screamed. She collapsed to the ground, and wept. She vaguely felt the King’s footsteps coming towards her, but she didn’t move.
“Melody,” she heard someone say, but they sounded miles away.
“Melody! Melody! MELODY!” Suddenly Melody opened her eyes and saw Adrian peering over her.
“Thank goodness Melody! You’re awake!” Adrian said, relief in his voice. Melody looked around to see she was in the meadow, but it was a nice sunny day, and no King Henry as a dragon.
“You were having a nightmare. You dozed off, and next thing I knew, you were thrashing around and screaming in your sleep. What happen honey?” Adrian said, hugging Melody to him.
“In my dream I woke up here, but you weren’t in sight. Then I saw my mother, but your father was after her. He even turned into a black dragon and ate her! I had tried saving her, but Adrian, I couldn’t transform into a dragon with this stupid bracelet!” Melody said, and began weeping. Adrian held her close to him.
“Mel, I’ll get them to take it off before we head off. They can’t keep it on you for our trip anyway, because the bracelet makes it so you can’t leave the castle. Then when we have found a good hiding spot, you can turn into a dragon like you have missed doing. I want to see how beautiful you look as dragon,” Adrian said, wiping her tears from her cheeks.
“I want to marry you right now,” murmured Melody as she snuggled closer to her Adrian. Adrian laughed softly.
“In 6 days, but who’s counting,” he said, and kissed her forehead.
“Not soon enough,” Melody said, and dozed off again. Adrian held her close to him as she slept, scared she would have another nightmare, but she didn’t.
In her dream she had said he was nowhere in sight. He would always be there for her, Melody didn’t have to worry about that. Adrian felt asleep holding his future bride, and he dreamt of a perfect future.
Off in the distance, by the apple trees stood a spy, and he had plenty to tell King Henry.
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Ignore my grammar :P