Brotherly Love.

Follow and feel.

Oli and I walked are separate way's as I head back for home. I still had a smile on my face as I opened the front door and closed in silently. Mikey was still on the couch staring at the television which screen held what look liked hip hop music videos. I walked passed him and chucked the pop tart's to him. "Thanks Gee." He said opening it excitingly.

"Sure thing, you owe me seventy five cent's now." I said grinning as Mikey was about to protest but I headed for the kitchen. I open the fridge and pulled down can of diet Pepsi. Mikey came in, chewing the fudge tart rapidly. He leaned on the door way and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "So?" Mikey said and I stared at him waiting for him to finish.

"So?' I said going to the cabinet and pulling out some salt and vinegar chip's.

"Have you notice Frank's been acting a bit strange?" Mikey asked walking over to a stool and sitting down still chewing.

"Uh yeah sure?" I said stuffing the tasty ship's in my mouth.

"Yeah, I tried talking to him but he doesn't say anything, I don't know what's up, but it's kind of freaky." He said staring dead in my eye's. It started to get annoying so I sighed.

"What Mikey?"

"Well, have you tried talking to him?"

"Why do you care?" I said brushing past him and out the kitchen as Mikey followed behind me.

"It seems that everyone is a bit concern about him accept you." Mikey said in a low tone.

"Why should I give a fuck?" I said my tough exterior coming back.

"I mean Frank is really down right now and maybe you should try to talk to him, instead of being so cold hearted towards him." He said a little anger in his tone.

"Oh well Mikey, he's not my son so I don't care!" I said heading up the stairs.

"Yeah, well he's going to be your soon step brother and it will be good for the both of you if you tried to...connect, you know?" I sighed as I never really liked arguing with Mikey, it never was my thing. I always looked like a wise ass, but when it came to Mikey he can see right threw me and why should I protest about this? I mean Mikey is kind of...right. I mean I should try to connect with Frank more, even if he is being a prick, but doesn't he deserve to be?

"Fine Mikes, I'll try." I said letting Mikey win this round.

"I'm serious Gerard, I'm kind of worried, by the way he doesn't make any movement's in his room, he could be dead for all we know." I walked up the stairs and past Frank's door but than stopped. I felt nerves in the pit of my stomach as I leaned my head on Frank's door and glued my ear to the door. I head what sounded like whimpering. I lightly tapped on the door,"Frank?" I said, but it didn't seem like he heard me, he just kept whimpering like a dog in pain. I tapped again,"Frank? Are you alright?" I slowly put my hand on the door knob and slowly twisted it, I lightly pushed the door open and squinted my eye's as the room was dark. The curtain blocked the sunny view outside and the lights were out.

"Frank?" I walked inside and I looked around the room, I didn't see Frank. But I still heard whimpering and I tried to follow it. His room was a mess, his clothes everywhere and wrapper's on the floor. I walked over to his window and pulled the curtain's open, the sun beaming directly in his room, making it the only source of light. As I looked around the room, dust filling the air, the sun was beaming on the floor and I froze. I saw a trail of blood drop's on the carpet and I started to panic as I followed the trail. Than I heard the whimpering again. The blood led to the dark corner and as I drew closer I saw a small figure sitting in the corner, arm's tightly bond together in a little ball."Frank?"

I ran to the nightstand and turn the lamp on. Frank was hugged in a baggy hoodie or two and sweatpants and what looked like two pair's of sock's on each foot. I ran next to him and knelled beside him."Frank?" I said as he just stared dagger's at the wall, a blank expression on his face. His face was so pale and his hair was greasy and hung all over his face. His state was making me scared, he looked so lost, like he didn't know were he was. I touched his hand and looked down, noticing that the blood trail stooped on Frank. Blood stains were on his pants and soaked on the sleeves on his hoodie. I was hesitant on what to do or how to react. I slowly grabbed his arm and pulled up the sleeves of his hoodie, cut's and cut's on his arm. I jumped as Frank withdrew his arm. He's been cutting, something I know so well.

"Why Frankie?" I said in a whisper as I sat next to him on the floor and wrapped my arm around his shoulder's. He pulled in closer and rested his head on my shoulder's. He was cold against my warm skin.

"G-Gerard y-your so w-warm" he stuttered as I pulled him on to my lap and he wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped my arm around his waist. As much as this looked weird that Frank was on my lap like a child on Santa's lap it felt...right?

"Frank, why are you cutting yourself?" I asked as he buried his face on the crook of my neck.

"Gerard please don't say anything, just...don't." he said in a raspy voice. I nodded slowly as he sighed. I don't get t, I'm so confused. One minute he kicks me out his room and we don't talk for about three, four week's, the next he wants me to hold him close. I don't get him, but I won't question him, I just want to hold him.

We sat in the corner, cuddled together, which I hate to admit I liked very much. "It's hot Gee." Frank said in a huff. I pulled away from him to zip down his hoodie's, all the way down to his bare chest, which was extremely pale and a few cut's and wound's that were slowly healing. For the first time, Frank looked at which felt like forever. His bright hazel eye's, now looked a dark under the lamp's light. I shuddered a bit as Frank leaned towards me a bit his face not even an inch away from me. Something in the pit of my stomach told me to lean in, I followed my gut. Beads of sweat formed from under my brow as I couldn't believe what I was about to do, I leaned in and soon I closed the gap between us.
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