Status: One and Done

Two Problems

Chapter 1

The bright sun was beaming down on the city of Miami. At 98 degrees, it was a perfect day for beach goers.

Miami Beach was littered with umbrellas and towels, as well as the douchebags with two many chains around their necks, whores who were wearing too much spray tan, families with crying babies, and the occasional couple that weren't a bunch of whores.

Michael Del Zotto and Hannah Smythe fell under that category.

They were two completely different people. Hannah being a lawyer at one of the biggest and most well known law firms in the country. Michael was a star forward for the New York Rangers, one of the two hockey teams in the area.

Usually the adorable couple, today, Hannah was not having any of that.

"Fuck you, you told me that you wouldn't dunk me!" Hannah screamed as she surfaced from the cold, ocean water. Goosebumps covered her tan skin as she swam towards the shore.

"Hannah, I was just kidding! Hannah!" Michael shouted from the water.

She ignored him completely as she reached the sand. As if it was a scene from a movie, she emerged from the water in her tiny white bikini.

"If it's any consolation, I still think you have a nice ass!" Michael shouted.

She continued to ignore her boyfriend, furious that he had woke her up from her nap. No one, absolutely NO ONE, messes with Hannah's naps. After three years of dating each other, she was amazed that he still decided to wake her up.

She took her first step onto the hot sand, cursing the sun. She trudged up the beach towards the spot that they had decided to put their beach towels. She picked hers up and shook the sand off before folding it up. She took the large, graphic t-shirt that she had borrowed from Michael and put it on her tiny body.

At 5'3", she was smaller than most people. Seeing as how Michael was 6', the shirt was like a dress, going down to mid thigh.

Michael swam towards the beach, knowing that he had pissed his girlfriend off. He reached the beach quickly and ran up the sand quickly.

A nearby couple looked at Hannah and Michael.

"What is this, fucking Baywatch?" The boy asked, throwing his hands in the air. "Exactly what I'm thinking." The girl replied.

"Hannah! Why are you leaving?" Michael asked, grabbing onto her arm. "Michael, I can't do this right now." She whispered. "Okay, you never call me Michael anymore, what is the problem?"

Hannah shook her head and tried to walk away. "Hannah, please, tell me." Michael asked quietly.

"I'll tell you later, it's not important." "It is, you have been off all day. When I woke up, I found you crying in the bathtub. When we went down to the resort's buffet, you gave everyone working there the evil eye. And now you won't even talk to me! What the hell happened to the Hannah I fell in love with?"

"SHE LOST HER JOB. SHE LOST HER FUCKING JOB. YOU HAPPY NOW???" Hannah screamed, trying not to cry.

"Babe, you could've just told me, I can help you. You can-" "That's not the worst part."

Michael looked down at his girlfriend, worry taking over his features.

"Then what's wrong?" "Can we go back to the room? I wanna tell you there." She whispered. "Yeah babe, just promise me you're not breaking up with me." Michael smiled, pecking her lips.

"I'm not. Let's just go." She grabbed his large, bear-like hand and they started walking towards their room.

Mike kept looking over at Hannah, wondering what was bothering the blonde. Her grip on his hand was tighter than he was used to, and she was looking down at her feet.

As they walked down the hall to their room, Hannah kept thinking about how she would tell him. She was running over many different scenarios in her mind. She looked over at him and caught him looking over at her.

She blushed before looking away. After three years, she still blushed every time he looked at her.

Michael still wondered everyday how he had gotten so lucky. The big surprise that he had planned for her later was going to be something he hoped she would remember forever.

Michael opened the door to their room with a quick swipe of the card and they walked in. Hannah dropped her towel and threw her beach bag by the king size bed and plopped down on the side.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" Michael asked, sitting down beside her on the plush mattress.

"You remember when we came back from your family barbecue? That night?" Hannah asked. "Yeah? You did that thing with your tongue! Oh my god, you have to do that again!" "Yeah, that night."

Hannah looked down and mumbled something indecipherable.

"Babe, what did you say?" Michael asked.

She mumbled a little louder, but it was still unintelligible. "Hannah?"

Hannah stood up and walked away from Michael.

I'm just gonna come out and say it, she thought to herself.

"Michael, I'm pregnant."

He didn't speak for a moment, taking it all in. He was gonna be a father.

He jumped up before picking her up and swinging her around. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He asked as he set her down. "No, I'm dead serious." Hannah smiled.

He kissed her before sitting her on the bed.

"When did you find out?" "Last week I wasn't feeling well. I went to the doctor's office and he had me take a test. Five minutes later, well, we're pregnant."

"That is the best surprise you've given me since that free blowjob on my birthday last week." He laughed, kissing Hannah again.

"I have a surprise as well. I was gonna wait until after dinner, but now seems like the best time."

He grabbed a small velvet box before kneeling in front of her.

"Marry me?" He asked, smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
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