Status: Work-In-Progress (Being updated)

One of Us Is the Killer

Chapter 4

All the men's eyes left Tay's body, and Tay's head lifted up from the pillows on the bed.
"David, are you okay!?"
Austin sat up and looked over.
"Is he on the floor?" He chuckled a little.
Kellin chuckled, too. "Tay's too hot for you, man?"
Vic was the only concerned one. "Is he okay?"
Tay fixed her shirt and hopped off the bed.
Kellin followed her actions and looked down over the bed.
Vic pushed passed them both, though, and grabbed one of David's arms. He felt for a pulse.
"Guys, he has no pulse. He has no pulse!"
"What do you mean he has no pulse!?" Kellin exclaimed, feeling for one after Vic. But there was nothing.
Austin checked, too. Nothing.
"I wonder what happened," Tay started saying. But interrupting her, Alex walked in.
"I heard a party of 5 was going on in here," he chuckled. His eyes looked down to see David. "Well, 4 now."
"He just... Dropped dead!" Austin said, bewildered. None of them understood what could have possibly happened.
Alex shrugged and sat down on the bed. "You heard the message. Whoever that was, they're going to get us."
"Then we have to leave," Vic said, standing up straight again.
"We're on an island, how do you expect to leave?" Kellin sighed, bringing realization to them all. They were stuck there.
The two men sighed, and the room fell quiet. Small sobs were heard. Austin looked to Tay.
"Are you-Wait, why are you crying?"
"Because we're stuck on this island with some insane murderer who's going to kill us!" She shrieked.
Austin sighed and rubbed Tay's back. "It's okay, Darling. Just... Why don't you get some sleep?"
"I need some water."
"Me too," Kellin sighed.
"I'll go with you to get some," Alex said quickly. Kellin nodded, and the two left the room, leaving Vic, Austin, Tay and David's dead body behind.
"Sorry things didn't go as expected," Tay sighed. "It's alright," Vic shrugged.
"Tomorrow's another night," Austin smirked.
"Yeah, if we're still alive..." Tay mumbled.

"Just two glasses of water," Alex said, Kellin next to him.
Devin got them water.
"How's your party going?" Devin chuckled.
"David died," Alex said with a shrug. Kellin looked at him strangely.
"How can you just say he died so calmly?" It was abnormal for someone to be so nonchalant and normal about someone randomly dying.
Alex shrugged again.
Devin's eyes were wide.
"What do you mean!? A-Are you serious?" Devin was talking weirdly. But nobody knew if it was it was because he was nervous, worried, or both.
"He just fell down."
"Dropped dead," Alex sighed.
"We should probably tell the others then, right?"
"Everyone knows," Kellin said, taking the waters from Devin.
"The other three don't," Said Alex.
"I-I'm going to tell them," Devin stuttered.
"I'll come with you," Alex said after.
Kellin drank his water, then delivered Tay's to her room.

Kellin's hand left his pocket to knock on the door, but Vic swung it open first.
"T-This is all too weird for me. I'm going to bed," he said quickly, darting out of the room to his.
Kellin walked inside.
"Your water, Miss." He put it on the nightstand.
"Thank you," Austin said for her. She was shaking underneath the blankets, her eyes still wet from crying before.
"What has Vic's panties in a bunch?"
"Everything!" Tay almost snapped. "I'm going to blow my top in a second, too!"
Austin looked from Kellin back to Tay. "Just sleep, you'll feel better tomorrow. We'll try and get this sorted out."
"I'm not sleeping with this dead body on the floor," Tay said straightly.
"I'll get someone to help me carry it out," Kellin started, walking back to the door. "Ben's big, I'm sure he can help. Austin, you seem to be doing good already, comfort Tay."
Then the door closed, and Kellin ran down the stairs. Austin laid next to Tay on the bed and played with her hair, telling her stories. She was content now that Austin was there. And so was he.

"Ben, can you help me with something?" Kellin asked him. He was actually a little nervous. Ben was... Strange...
"David's body."
"David's body!?" Ben exclaimed. "What the hell are you talking about!?"
Kellin looked back to Devin and Alex who were still talking to Lights and Oli.
"I guess they didn't tell you yet," he turned back to Ben. "David passed away."
"Oh..." Ben stood up. "How?"
Kellin shrugged. "Dunno."
"Ugh..." Ben put his bottle of jack down. "Yeah, I'll help you."
The two men trailed the stairs to Tay's room.
"I expected this," Said Ben. "I honestly did."
"That's the scary part."

When they got back to Tay's room, she and Austin were still laying in bed, Austin draped over Tay, their lips attached.
"Guess you're feeling better, Miss. Jardine," Kellin chuckled.
Tay and Austin looked up. Tay rolled her eyes, but Austin blushed.
"Just get this body out of my room."
Kellin picked up David by his feet, Ben by his head, and they carried David out.
Ben's eyes locked with Tay's, and he smirked, winking. Tay just looked at him strangely. When Kellin was situated, Ben looked back to him.
"Where do we put him?" Ben asked.
Kellin looked around. "Ugh... Put him in his bed. Nobody'll be using that room now anyway."
Ben nodded, and they brought David to his room. Kellin said a prayer, then they left.

Austin kissed Tay's head and turned the lights off.
"Sleep tight, Princess."
She giggled. "You too."
He handed Tay her water, then left the room.
She didn't close her eyes until she heard the door click shut as it locked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 4/?
I liked this chapter. I don't know why, just did xD
Any guesses on what happened to David? Leave it in the comments, I'd love to see what you guys are thinking!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!