Fire Starter

Intro: Crystal Marie

My body is tied to what looks a cross. I say looks like because I can't tell being tied to it. It's now that I realize a few different things happening. 1. I'm 99.9% positive that I am tied to a cross. 2. There are people all around me dressed like this is the middle ages or something. 3. A man with a torch of fire is coming towards me. 4. I'm pretty sure I'm about to be burned on this cross. How do I know you ask? Well I do see a man staring at me with a look that only be described as the look of death. I study him as I try to get off this giant cross. The man has black long hair with a long beard. He's kinds gross looking, I only say that because of the missing teeth and he looks like he hasn't bathed in god knows how long. The fire that's coming out of his hands is the only thing that makes me pull on the ropes harder until the point where my wrists, my neck, my ankles, and my stomach are starting to bleed.

While I keep pushing and pulling my body off of the cross the same man, with the hands of fire, comes and stands in front of me. He says something I don't understand. I see his lips moving but no sound comes out. I try to tell him that I can't understand him but my eyesight becomes all blurry. His voice is muffled when he looks to be yelling at me for something that I don't know. Suddenly my life flashes before my eyes when a light of fire comes at me. I know then how all of this is happening. Being the All Powerful Witch I have to know when a black magic witch is trying to kill me in my sleep. Well not just me but anyone for that matter. My body starts shaking from the crowd of black magic witches chanting words to a spell I very well know. I then smell something burning. I hear a piercing scream that I've never heard in my life.

I look in the crowd of black magic witches for the sound not realizing that the scream is me. I'm being burned alive. I start to chant in Witch language with stench of black magic in the air. I then rip my body off the cross and surprise the crowd of witches when I twist my hand to the side and Boom! I hear their bones cracking and I then burn these filthy witches alive. In seconds half of the crowd is in ashes with the rest of witches running for their lives. They are obviously not going to get very far.
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Sorry for this being short but let me know if you like what you read!