Fire Starter

Chapter Two

Crystal's pov

An abusive father. You'd think that would make me hate him but I don't. I feel bad for him. He lost his love because of his actions. This is all I could think as my father gave me his daily beating.

He pulled my hair hard as I tried not screech in pain. That's what he loves. My screams of pain, seeing the fear in my eyes. I was not letting him have that satisfaction of getting the best of me.

He continued without a second thought, then he threw me across the room and beat me with his special Knife. This wasn't just any knife, it was a knife my mother gave me for energies to protect myself. So of course my father took it from me and used it on me.

Taking the knife and sticking all over my body. In and out, on my on both of my legs, on my arms, my hands, my wrists, and all over my face and head. I think you get the idea. I could smell the blood as he stabbed deeper than before. He made a deep and long gash from my chin to my left thigh, I think. I couldn't tell anymore.

My eyesight was getting blurry fast. I felt my breathing getting slower. My father then took the edge of my shirt and used his other free hand to twist my arms around. My shoulders made a ear piercing cracking sound. I started screaming when he put me down only to step on my ribs which are now broken. This is my father going easy on me. He's usually much worse.

He finally left me alone but not before snarling at me and walking out of the house without another word.

After a few minutes of taking deep breaths, I slowly got up to get ready for class. Actually I teach a class first then go to my regular human high school.

I went upstairs to my bathroom and used the cover spell for my injuries. You's think that I would be dead but it's impossible to kill me. Being the all Powerful Witch gives faster healing abilities than a werewolf.

"Amino Convo Skino" I whispered and seconds later my skin healed itself. Well it was more of a cover up.

After that, I headed into my Witch lair to get my things for my class today. Today was our first day of school at the Marie Witch Academy. I go straight to my bookshelf and pull the second to last book on the top shelf.

Entering my lair, I pass through the Vampire Country portal to quickly say hi to Henry and Martin. The two brother, over 3 century old vampires, come running toward to kiss me on the cheek.

"My dear Crystal! We missed you!" Henry exclaims as he looks me over. Martin then looks me straight in the eyes and says "Your only passing through aren't you?", I nod while sticking my tongue out "Well then get out of here and go to your class." Martin then looks at me and peers at something behind me.

I turn around to see Prince William of the Vampire country. His parents absolutely adore me, as the Old Ones call it, they like me so much because they know what I'm capable of.

William looks at me with a soft expression. I know that expression all too well.I know what he was going to do. He keeps trying to make me his princess. I keep telling him NO. But of course he continues to try and try again. Like come on dude! Take a hint! At that I take my leave to teach my class.

I flash out to land right in my office in the Witch Academy. My best friend Jamie is there sitting at my desk. With her feet up without a care in the world.

"Why the hell do you have your feet on my desk! Woman I have important papers on my desk!" I say in a mock pissed off tone. I have no clue if that is thing but now it is. "Oh calm your dragon balls, I know you never keep anything out on your desk. Paranoid much?" she says sticking her tongue out. "what are you five? And don't you have a class to set up for?" I give her a knowing look and ended up setting up for my own class. I walked out the office shaking my bum as I walked. "You like that don't you, Jamie?" She laughed so she fell out of my chair. At that I left the room and headed down the hall.

I walk in the nick of time. Whipping my finger around and the room is ready for the students just as bells rings. I nod my head to everyone as they walk in and smile. I love these kids to death. Today is a big day. Today is the day not only day when I tell them the story behind me and Selene's rivalry.

Once everybody is seated I begin my story. I start from the beginning. "Please remember students, this isn't some legend or some story to get you scared. This actually happened. Because of Selene's actions we are about to go to war." I look down at their innocent faces and know in my heart they don't deserve this.

I take a deep breath, here goes nothing.
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~Author note: Please comment what you think and what you like and don't like. This chapter is also a bit brutal. You'll understand soon. And also I'll be adding another chapter within less than a week. Sorry it's short, I just wanted to get something up.~