Status: I seriously don't know when this will get written, but it will.



So maybe throwing up on hot bartender dude's shoes was the most embarrassing thing I'd done in a long time, but hey. It gave me an excuse to talk to him.

"I'm fine," I told him, staggering to my feet as he stared at his shoes in horror. "I'm so sorry about your shoes, I - "

"No, it's... it's alright, I'll just uhh..." he trailed off, awkwardly looking round before sighing and taking his shoes off and placing them behind the bar.

He walked away from me then and I felt my heart sink a little bit. I wiped my jacket sleeve across my mouth where there was a little bit of puke and cringed at the vile, acid taste in my mouth.

I went and ordered another drink, something with vodka and God knows what in it. It didn't really, matter as long as it got the taste of vomit out of my mouth and made my memory hazy.

I watched him all night, too drunk to care that he knew I was staring. The way he moved was mesmerising, flitting around behind the bar like a small bird with a lot of tattoos and piercings. He would awkwardly glance my way every ten minutes or so to see if I was still watching him, looking away as soon as he met my eyes and averting his gaze somewhere else.

He was currently stacking up glasses and had his back to me. When he turned around, he watched me warily for a few seconds before approaching me. I tried to smile at him, but it probably looked like some sort of deformed grimace instead.

"Sir?" he asked quietly. "I'm sorry, but we're closing in a couple of minutes."

"So soon?" I slurred, grinning.

He gave me a tiny, uneasy smile. "Yes. So would you mind finishing up and heading out?"

" about I buy you a drink first?" I suggested, spinning my glass round in my fingers on the bar.

"I'm sorry, but you really do have to leave now sir," he insisted.

I got up slowly, wobbling. There was no one else in the bar now, just me and him. I swallowed as my head span, clasping on to the bar for support.

"Yeah, I'm going now," I mumbled, turning. "But I'm still gonna buy that drink one day."

"Uh-huh," he humoured me. "You gonna call a cab?"

I paused at the exist, turning to look at him. "Why? You wanna come home with me?"

He rolled his eyes. "No. I just don't want you to end up passed out in the middle of street."

I laughed, stumbling out of the door and waving to him as I left. "See you later."

I never heard his reply, if he ever said one, as I was too busy staggering down the street to see if there were any bars left open.

Just a few more before I went home.

When I finally made it home it was nearly 6:00 AM and the sun was rising. I fell into my bed and drifted into a deep sleep straight away, only to be stirred a few hours later.


The voice made me flinch and my limbs jerked in the darkness of my dream. "Yes?"

"It's time."

"I don't understand, time for what?"

"For you to be forgiven. For you to redeem yourself."

"Tell me," I demanded straight away. "Tell me, please, what - "

"His name is Frank Iero. Help him and I will welcome you back with open arms."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's pretty short, I'm sorry.

Thanks to everyone who reading this, it means a lot :')
