Status: Completed

Shake Me Awake

Chapter 12

“Kent, I want you to stay with Spencer at all times. I will call your Chief and fill him it. Is shouldn’t be a problem,” My father continues after he and his army of offices have assessed the situation. “Spencer, I mean it; everywhere.” His eyes are intense. I know he means well, but this is exactly why I didn’t want to tell him in the first place.

“I know, Dad.” He continues to stare at me and it’s making me nervous. “Yeah, okay, I got it, Chief.”

Dad thinks this guy might just be getting started. I told him how long it’s been going on and what he’s said and he’s not at all happy that I kept it from him.

Kent and I settle in my room as Dad’s guys continue with their show; making sure they go over every inch of my door and the parking lot just in case Kale left something behind.

I’ve been alternating from sitting on my bed to pacing my floor since we’ve been in here. Thoughts are running themselves tired through my mind. What does my dad think of me now? I lied to him. Stay strong, Spencer. You do not want to come off as a wimp. You can take care of yourself. This Kent thing will blow over soon. You don’t need to be watched like a baby.

Kale won’t come back… Will he?

Kent interrupts my thoughts as he stands from my bed and wraps his arms around my neck, catching me off guard. My muscles relax and I embrace the comforting hug for a moment. An all too comfortable silence befalls us as we stand there enjoying the company of each other.

I feel the need to break it with gratitude. “You have been so great to me through all of this, Kent,“ I say into his chest. “I’m not sure why, but you have.” I remove my head from his chest and raise my eyes to meet his. “Thank you.”

“You’ve helped me just as much, Spencer.” There’s something different about his eyes today. They’ve always been sincere and caring, but today there seems to be more feeling behind them for some reason.

As I can feel myself getting lost in Kent’s eyes a muffled throat clearing interrupts the indifferent moment. Dad is standing at my bedroom door. “Kent, may I have a moment with my daughter please?”

“Yes, sir; of course.” Before he releases the hug he gently kisses my forehead, and then exits the room.

As soon as the door closes I rush into my father’s loving arms. His embrace relaxes all the possible tension I could still be feeling. After only a moment we release and he ushers me to sit with him on my bed.

“How are you doing with all of this, love?” His voice is very calming.

“I’m doing okay, Dad. Just kind of freaked out, you know?” I’m fiddling with my hands again. Okay, so I guess this is a nervous habit of mine, because I do it a lot.

“It’s okay to be freaked out, babe. I know you’re a strong women, but it’s okay not to be, you know.” I know he’s right, but I can’t let myself show fear. He pauses for a moment before he continues. “I just don’t understand why you felt that you couldn’t come to me with this, Spencer.” This time his voice almost sounds hurt, and I don’t like it. At all.

“It’s not that I couldn’t, Dad. It’s just I knew that if I did, it would make it all real. Telling you would make it seem like a big deal, when really the guy’s just a coward.”

“But, Spencer, you don’t know that. Obviously he has enough balls to find out where you live and continue to harass you even though he knows you’re my daughter.” He waits for me to reply but I have nothing to add that won’t make me sound weak. I think he realizes that I’m done with that conversation because he changes the subject. “So, ah, what’s going on with you and Kent?” His eyes get bright like he’s excited for me.

Well that was definitely a drastic change in subject.

I release a light chuckle as I see his facial expression. “Nothing, Dad. We’re just friends,” I assure him. But I know he doesn’t believe me. “Speaking of Kent, I don’t think I ever asked you about the night of the wreck. You know, when you whispered something to him and then he shows up in the ambulance with me. What was that all about?” I give him a curious stare.

“Oh, that? Nothing. We’re just friends,” he says and soon after lets out a laugh.

“Ha ha, very funny.”

“Well, I just wanted one of my men with you is all. I had known Kent for a while and thought you guys would get along fine.” He looks over to the door then back at me. “And from the looks of you guys when I walked in here, turns out I was right.” He then stands and gives me one more warm hug before leaving the room. Once outside I see him tap on Kent’s shoulder, whisper something in his ear, and then point in my direction. Oh boy.

I mean, we really are just friends…right?