Status: Initializing

Fine by Me


Do you know how many miles there is between Brisbane, Australia and Elon, North Carolina? Do you know the time difference between the two?

The answer is 9342 miles, 15,032 kilometres and 14 hours.

It’s a weird thing to think about, and up until a year ago, it’s something that would have never of entered Meaghan Janson’s mind. A year ago she didn’t even know that Elon, North Carolina existed, but its funny the difference 12 months, 52 weeks, 356 days and 8766 hours can make in someone’s life.

There’s two kinds of years, there’s the years which tend to fly by in a blur of mundane tasks and activities with no lasting implications, and then there are the years which completely revolutionise people’s lives forever more.

For Meaghan Janson and Roger Miller, 2013 was the year that changed everything. After that, nothing was ever the same again.

You couldn’t have found two people less likely to fall in love if you’d have tried, but fate has a funny way of taking expectations and flipping them on their head.

For example, when Roger decided to spend a semester studying abroad in Australia, he was expecting laid back classes, afternoons at the beach and minimal worries in general; he wasn’t expecting to stumble upon the love of his life in a history class and fall head over heels for her in a matter of weeks. He wasn’t expecting for her to be so unlike anyone he’d ever met and he definitely hadn’t expected to be so terrified of letting her go.

It was likewise for Meaghan, she had never been the pretty one or the one who went on dates and had boyfriends, but then Roger burst into her life and it was like everything she had ever known was suddenly insufficient in comparison to everything she found with him. He made her feel special and wanted and loved, something she had never experienced before him.

They both found each other right when they didn’t know they needed the other, and they would do anything to hold onto each other.

This story isn’t about that though, it’s about events which occurred leading up to the two of them falling in love, for whatever small time it was that they got to be a normal couple. This is a story about love and confusing, and about holding onto the things you hold most dear and not letting go, no matter what the circumstances.

This is the story of how quickly a first love can bloom, especially with the added pressure of university, friends, family, sex and alcohol.

This is Roger and Meaghan’s story.