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Like Father...

Like Father Pt. 1

I almost hit the mail box as I swerved my Silverado into our driveway. As soon as I placed my truck in park I ripped the keys out of the ignition and slammed my trucks door. I walked briskly towards the front door of my house, shifting my eyes from side to side, observing the surroundings connected to my house, hoping I beat her home. I don't see her car; I guess the coast is clear. Let me hurry up and get in this house before this wo... Cling-cling, click! Cling! Cling! Cling! I continued to force my keys into the door, but it wouldn't turn. I quickly did a full circle to check my surroundings again. I never wanted to be that guy to get caught with a bottle upside the head, or car keys to the jugular. Then I saw it, out of the corner of my eye, my babies dark blue 550i BMW tucked away in our neighbors drive way. I remember helping her pick it out, pretending like I actually knew anything about cars. It's hers alright; she's the only person in the world with plates that read "Hot911." Damn....

How long had she been home? Did she find it? I needed to get into this house ASAP! I felt stupid knocking on my own door, but I did it anyways. I began to think, how can I spin this if she found it? I've spun a lot of things in my time, but this takes the cake. Come on man think! You've gotten out of jams before, she really can't prove anything if I don't give it away. Ugh, that's stu.. Before I can finish my thought the door opens slowly. She must be behind the door because I couldn't see her. I felt as if I had just walked into the lions den, but this is MY house. I pay the bills here; I refuse to be treated as some outsider inside my own refuge.

"Hey baby, why'd you park at Marks? Why isn't my key working?" I uttered as I leaned in for a kiss. She avoided my attempt with a swift head move as she closed the front door and began walking towards the stand alone bar in the kitchen. "I know. I changed them. Sit down. We need to talk," she responded coldly. No man ever likes hearing "we need to talk" come out of his spouse’s mouth.

Still thinking of my way out I responded, "Look baby, whatever it is you think is going on, it isn't. I promise, we've been married for nine years and together for seven before then. You're my high school sweet heart. You KNOW me. So again, whatever is in that head of yours need to calm down and hear me out." There was a long period of silence before she spoke. Her eyes never left me, I hated that glare. I haven't seen it in a while, not since the incident that happened a while back. Damn thing is still haunting me, if she finds out. I can't let that happen, but what if she already knows?

"You're right. I do know you, all too well Jason. So, I'm going to give you the opportunity to tell me how this could have happened. I've fought so long for us and you keep dropping the ball. I'm sick of it, you make me sick and I can't stand to look at your ass right now!" Her rage was beginning to build. I shouted back, "Baby listen! Like I said it's not what you think, just give me a chance to explain." She gave of an awkward chuckle as she responded, "Ni... Did you think I wouldn't find out?! I'm your wife and this is my house too! Well, this was my house. If you take a look around you will find some items missing. I've already collected my things and put them into storage. I will get the rest of my things tomorrow. Here are the new keys, and my old ones." She threw the keys towards my chest; luckily with the help of my quick reflexes I caught them just before the newly sharpened keys made contact with my chest. I could see her eyes began to water as she spoke, "I wanted to change the locks so I wouldn't try to get back in here. No matter how much I missed you. Oh and what you rushed home to try to beat me to is on the bed."

I stood there frozen. I wanted to move my feet, to stop her, but I couldn't. I just let her walk past me with my face still facing towards the kitchen as I listened to the front door slam. Shortly after I heard a car start up and drive off in the distance. Not sure if it was hers or not, but guessing from the sound of rubber peeling from the tires, it was my baby driving off. I began to get feeling in my legs again and once I felt feeling back in my toes I started walking towards the bedroom.

Four doors down and to the right stood a room built for a king. We always joked about being able to fit four king size beds side by side in our room. We both had our own TV's, walk in closets, and bathroom. The room was that big. It seemed like it took me forever to past the first door. I can't believe this, how did I let this happen? My hands began to quiver as I passed doors two and three in the widened hallway. I could tell based on the light entering the hallway that she left the door open and ceiling light on in our room. Before I could even enter the room I saw it. Still in its original fed ex package.

I could see Shauna's signature on the package where she signed to receive it, which to her at the time was a random package. I couldn't have imagined how she felt when she saw it. I couldn't help but notice how neat and clean the room was. If I hadn't ever been in here before I would have never guessed someone just moved out, but I have been here before. I walked towards the envelope, elegantly placed on my pillow. It's time to face the music Jason. Maybe it's not it? Yea, it's definitely it, or she wouldn't have left. Sure enough, as I peeled back the package slip I could see the writing on the front of the package, "Paternity results for Jason Mitchell and Julia Stevenson."

To be continued...