My Twisted Teenage Romance

Chapter 12

''Ooh I love the way you, love the way you love me.'' she sang along with the radio and I laughed. I scooped the garlic up and danced over to where she was. She laughed and bumped my hip with hers as I put the garlic in a bowl, she always added the garlic last.

''There's no where else I'd rather be!'' we sang and then laughed.

''It smells good in here.'' someone called from behind me. I jumped and turned to see Jacobs standing in the doorway to the living room.

''Jacob! Hi!'' I said and my mom turned the radio down a bit. A little to the left of Jacob was my dad, standing with his arms folded, eyeing Jacob suspiciously.

''Mom you know Jacob, Jacob this is my dad, daddy this is Jacob'' I said, gesturing to everyone as I said they're names. My dad nodded, still eyeing Jacob.

Thankfully he was wearing his 'not-so skinny' jeans with a white golf shirt and a nice black jacket. He looked very worthy of normal parental approval, but my dad gave new meaning to the term above and beyond.

''Good to meet you sir.'' Jacob said holding out his hand to my dad. My dad unfolded his arms and smiled slightly as he shook Jacobs hand and I breathed a sigh of relief. Jacob had been given a passing grade.

''What're you making?'' Jacob asked, stepping closer, but not too close, to me.

''Spaghetti.'' I said happily. He smiled and my mom nudged me slightly in the back.

''Do you maybe uh-'' I started but my mother intervened.

''Do you want to stay and have dinner?'' she asked and I nodded.

''I'd love to.'' he said and my stomach did a tiny leap.

''Well you'll have to earn your keep, grab an apron.'' my mom said and I blushed. Way to go mom, put my date to work. There was a faint ringing sound coming from the other room and my dad perked up.

''That's me.'' he said, hurrying into the other room.

As I passed Jacob and apron, I gestured for him to take out his snakebites. I knew they were the reason my dad was still a little unsure. He nodded and took the rings out then put them in his pocket. He slipped the apron over his head then grinned at me.

''Oh now I feel manly.'' he whispered and I started to laugh.

''What do you need me to do?'' he asked my mom.

''The tomatoes.'' she answered. ''Nikki, why don't you show him how to do them.'' she said with a slight grin.

''So you have to cut them into little chunks, like this.'' I said, showing him one of the tomatoes my mom had started on before.

''I think I can handle that.'' he said with a smile.

''Here, use this knife.'' I said, running the knife I had used earlier under hot water and then handing it to him.

''Yes ma'am.'' he said and I laughed.

''So Jacob do you cook at home?'' my mom asked, not looking up from the pot.

''Yea, my brothers are pretty well incapable of handling hot or sharp items.'' he said and my mom laughed.

''Nikki loves to cook, when she was little she wouldn't leave me alone until I let her help with dinner.'' she said and groaned.

''Mom.'' I said and she laughed.

''But its safe to say that all the time we spent in the kitchen haven't gone to waste.'' my mom said, taking out a spoon of sauce and holding it out for Jacob to try. He looked at me as if asking what to do and I nodded towards the spoon.

''That's great Mrs. Jordon.'' he said and a look of pride swept over her face.

''Thank you.'' she said, putting the spoon in the sink.

Jacob went back to cutting the tomatoes and I realized that I had been standing there doing nothing as I watched my mom size him up.

''Mom what should I-'' I started.

''Garlic bread.'' she answered before I had finished.

''I don't mean to be a party killer but I'm allergic to garlic.'' Jacob said, looking up from the tomatoes.

''Well then, toast it is.'' my mom said and he smiled.

''Jacob watch what you're- AH!'' I said as I watched Jacob slice into his finger with the knife.

''Uh oh.'' my mom said, putting everything down and grabbing a paper towel. Jacob looked down at his finger, looking almost surprised that he was bleeding, like he had expected it not to hurt.

''Jeeze Jacob, I would think you of all people would know knives are sharp.'' I said and he smiled. My mom wrapped his hand in the paper towel.

''Here go wash your hand and then put this on'' she said, handing him a band-aid.

''Up stairs, the first door on the left.'' I told him and he disappeared up the stairs.

''He seems nice.'' my mom said as soon as Jacob was out of earshot.

''He is nice.'' I corrected her and she smiled slightly.

''Let's just keep him away from the knives for now.'' she said and I laughed.

I grabbed the chopped tomatoes and put them into the saucepot. My mom gave it a final stir and it was ready.

''Tyler! Set the table!'' my mom called into the living room and my dad came into the kitchen in search of table settings.

''For four I assume?'' he said, casting a quick glance my way. My mom nodded and he got out some utensils.

''All fixed.'' Jacob said as he reappeared in the kitchen doorway.

''Good we're just about ready to eat would you mind helping my husband set the table?'' my mom asked and Jacob smiled.

''Not at all.'' he said, taking off his apron.

My mom put the spaghetti onto four plates and then we took it out into the dining room.

''I hope that’s enough for you Jacob.'' my mom said, taking off her apron.

''It's plenty ma'am.'' he said.

''Tina.'' she corrected. She and my dad went into the kitchen to get glasses and put the aprons away and I hurried to Jacob's side.

''She loves you, and my dad seems to like you so you must be doing something right.'' I whispered.

''Yea I got the sympathy vote when I cut my finger open.'' he said, showing me his band-aid. I giggled and my parents came back into the room.

''Please, sit down.'' my mom said, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table. My dad sat down at the head of the table and Jacob stepped back a bit. He pulled out the chair next to where he was standing and gestured for me to sit down. I blushed as I sat down and I saw my dad give him the look of approval as Jacob took the seat next to him.

''So Jacob, is that your car in the driveway?'' my dad asked as he poured a glass of water.

''Yes sir'' Jacob replied and I knew this was going to go well.


''That's exactly what I've been trying to tell them!'' my dad roared and Jacob laughed.

''Well it's good to know I'm not alone.'' Jacob said and my dad laughed.

''I like this one.'' my dad said to me, pointing at Jacob with his fork.

''Me too.'' I thought.

''Thank you sir.'' Jacob said.

''Is it eight already?'' my mom said, looking down at her watch.

''I believe so.'' my dad confirmed.

''I hate to be the first to leave this lovely dinner but if we don't go now we're going to miss our show.'' Jacob said, sliding back from the table. My parents stood up as he did and I followed suit.

''Well it was good to meet you son.'' my dad said, holding out his hand to Jacob.

''It was good to meet you to sir.'' Jacob replied. He really did the 'meet the parents' thing well.

''You two have fun.'' my mom said as I opened the door.

''Bye!'' I called as we walked out. They closed the door and I turned to Jacob.

''You were amazing in there! They love you!'' I said happily, practically jumping up and down.

''So I've been told.'' he laughed.

''And my dad! He likes you!'' I said, still buzzing.

''I take it that never happens?'' he asked.

''Never.'' I answered.

''Come on we're gonna miss it.'' Jacob said, nodding towards his car.

''Miss what? A show? We're not going to the movies are we?'' I probed as we got into the car.

''It's a surprise.'' he said, starting the car. I sighed and did up my seat belt.

He pulled out of the driveway and started down the street. I reached for radio, but then quickly dropped my hand.

''You can change it if you want.'' he chuckled and I smiled.

After I had found a suitable station, I turned and looked out the window and the trees we were passing, it was almost dark but I could make out the shapes. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the side mirror, which was adjusted in such a way that I could see Jacob. He was looking at me and I smiled, this was the Jacob I knew.

''We're almost there.'' he said as we drove on a curved road.

''Where is there?'' I asked.

''You'll have to wait and see.'' he told me and I sighed, making him chuckle a bit. I noticed we were driving up and I had an idea as to where we were going.

When we reached the top of the hill, we pulled off onto the grass. We were at the cliff Jacob had taken me to that night after the movies.

''Ta da.'' he said as he shut off the car.

''I hate to be the one to crush your hopes, but I am not swimming in this.'' I said and he laughed.

''Who said anything about swimming?'' he said as he got out of the car.

''What are we doing then?'' I asked as I got out as well.

''Watching.'' he said, sliding up onto the hood of his car.

''Watching?'' I asked.

''Watching.'' he confirmed.

''Watching what?'' I asked, standing at the front of the car.

''You'll see.'' he said, holding out a hand to help me up. I got up onto the car and sat next to him, leaning back against the windshield.

''I don't see.'' I whispered after about a minute of silence and he laughed.

''Watch.'' he said, pointing out across the water. On the other side of the water, the sun was setting beautifully. The sky was a deep red and there were virtually no clouds.

''Tonight's a perfect night for it.'' Jacob said.

''For what?'' I asked.

''Look.'' he said, pointing at the sun. There was only a tiny sliver left of it, but as soon as that sliver disappeared, the sky above us was virtually black, save for the uncountable amount of stars above us.

''This is why we came.'' he said, leaning back and looking up at the sky. I did the same.

Out of nowhere a brilliant light shot across the sky, then another, and another.

''Jacob! Look!'' I said, knowing perfectly well that he was.

''It's a comet showe.r'' he explained. My eyes remained fixed on the specks of light that were continuously shooting through the sky.

''It's beautiful.'' I stated.

''This is the only place you can see it from this town. Everywhere else, the lights or clouds drown it out, but there's something about this spot that makes it clear.'' he told me.

''I've never seen a comet shower before.'' I said, unable to look anywhere but up.

''A lot of people haven't.'' he said casually. I managed to pull my eyes away from the sky long enough to look at him, but much to my surprise he wasn't looking at the sky.

''What?'' I asked and he smiled his mesmerizing smile.

''Nothing.'' he replied.

''Why on earth would you look at me when this is going on?'' I asked, gesturing towards the sky.

''I don't know.'' he answered and I rolled my eyes.

''The same reason I adjust the mirrors.'' he said.

''And that reason might be?'' I asked.

''I don't know.'' he said with a grin.

''Isn't that just the answer of the night.'' I said and he chuckled.

An hour and a half later, the comets had stopped.

''It's over?'' I asked, as one stray comet flashed across the sky.

''For now.'' Jacob answered.

''What is that supposed to mean?'' I asked.

''Well, in a month, there'll be another one, but at that time, one of the comets will get caught in orbit of the earth. No one knows why but it only happens once every ninety years.'' he explained.

''That's amazing.'' I said softly, looking back up at the now motionless sky.

''Yea.'' was all he said. Out of nowhere I felt a huge yawn escape my mouth.

''Tired?'' he laughed.

''Maybe.'' I said, shuddering slightly at how cold it had gotten.

''Cold?'' he asked.

''Yea.'' I said, rubbing my arms.

''I knew it.'' he said.

''Knew what?'' I asked, completely dumbfounded.

''That you'd make up some outrageous reason like being 'cold' just so that you could get close to me.'' he said and I burst out laughing.

''You're so full of it!'' I laughed and he also started to laugh.

''Here.'' he said, taking off his jacket and handing it to me.

''Aren't you going to be cold?'' I asked.

''No I'll be fine.'' he said and I smiled.

''Thanks.'' I said, laying his jacket over me like a blanket. His jacket was warm and I soon warmed up too.

Jacob suddenly slid closer to me and reached with one hand to the other side of my waist. My heart did a back flip and my stomach knotted. His face was right next to mine and I tried to look anywhere but at him. I glanced quickly over to his face and, big surprise, he was looking at me. I felt my face turn red and quickly looked away. I felt him reach into the pocket on his jacket and as soon as he had pulled something out, he moved his arm from its position around me and the knot in my stomach loosened.

''Sorry.'' he said, showing me his phone, which he had pulled out of his pocket.

Even though he was finished in his jacket, he was still laying right against me. It was silent, neither of us daring to break it. I could hear him breath and it was soothing. My eyelids soon got heavy and, even though it was early, I could feel myself falling asleep.

**Jacob's Point of View**

She was right there lying next to me, sleeping peacefully, so close. She had asked again, ''Why do you look at me like that?'' and again, I couldn't answer. It was impossible to explain why I looked at her like I did, how in my eyes she was absolutely mesmerizing.

I wished I could tell her. Tell her how something bigger than both of us had drawn me to her, how by some inexplicable feeling I would do anything for her, how I couldn't leave her, even if I wanted to. But how do you explain something like that? How do you tell someone you needed them even before you met them? These were the questions that had been bouncing through my head since I met her.

I looked over to her; she was still sleeping. I brushed a stray piece of hair away from her face. She had been sleeping for a half an hour and it was just past ten. I knew I had to take her home so I started to shake her a bit.

**Regular Point of View**

I felt someone shaking me and looked up to see Jacob smiling down at me.

''Rise and shine sleeping beauty.'' he said and I smiled.

''Oh god not again.'' I groaned, suddenly realizing that I had been asleep and my whole perfect evening with Jacob could have been just another dream.

''What?'' he asked.

''Pinch me.'' I said and he looked at me questioningly.

''Pinch you?'' he restated.

''Pinch me.'' I confirmed. He shrugged and pinched my arm.

''OW!'' I screamed and then started to laugh. It hadn't been a dream.

''What was that about?'' he asked.

''Just checking.'' I said.

''Checking?'' he asked.

''If this was a dream.'' I admitted.

''Do you dream of me often?'' he asked, raising one eyebrow.

''Yes Jacob every night.'' I said sarcastically and I laughed.

''Come on, I've got to get you home if I want to maintain my perfect record with your parents.'' he said, sliding off the hood.

''If they knew it was you who stripped me down and put me in your clothes you wouldn't have such a perfect record.'' I said, also sliding off.

''Yes Nikki, cause I forced you out of those mud covered clothes.'' he said, rolling his eyes and I laughed.

''So what happened in your dream?'' Jacob asked as we got in the car.

''What dream?'' I asked.

''The one about me.'' he said like it was common knowledge.

''Oh nothing.'' I said sweetly.

''Liar.'' he retorted.

''Hey you wouldn't tell me where we were going so why should I tell you about my dream?'' I asked and he scoffed.

''Oh come on.'' he whined and I laughed.

''Well it was about you.'' I said.

''AND?'' he asked impatiently.

''And you tried to run me over.'' I said and he laughed.

''I tried to run you over?'' he asked and I laughed.

''Yea but then I woke up.'' I said.

''Why did I try to run you over?'' he asked as we reached the bottom of the hill.

''Because I dented your car.'' I said and he chuckled.

''Well I guess that taught you not to dent my car.'' he said and I laughed.

''Can I tell you something else?'' I asked once the car had gone silent.

''Anything.'' he said.

''In that dream having you try to run me over wasn't the worst part.'' I said and he looked at me questioningly.

''Well at one point we were driving and I looked out the window into the mirror and- this is stupid never mind.'' I said, cutting my story short.

''No no! It's not stupid, finish.'' he said, giving me a pleading look. We pulled into my driveway and he shifted into park. I looked out the window as I spoke.

''Well I looked in the side mirror, and- it's going to sound dumb but, you weren't looking at me and it was like you didn't care about me or something.'' I said, looking back at him as I said the last few words. He had leaned over and was only inches from my face. My stomach knotted tighter than before and a lump formed in my throat.

''I'll always care.'' he whispered and I started to breath a little faster. I wanted desperately to say something, but the huge lump in my throat was keeping me silent.

He leaned closer still and I could feel him breathing. He pressed his lips ever so softly on my cheek, dangerously close to my lips and I felt my face turn a deep red. My heart started to do back flips, front flips and summersaults. My breathing was going faster than normal and my heart was going at an alarming rate.

''You should probably go inside.'' he said, still right in front of me.

''Yea.'' I breathed and, moving only my arm, tried to open the door. It was locked, but when wasn't it.

''It's locked.'' I said and he reached around and hit the unlock button. I heard the locks click and I knew I could go, but I really didn't want to.

''You should get inside.'' he repeated.

''I'll see you later I guess.'' I said, still not moving.

''Soon.'' he corrected and I nodded. With that I opened the door and got out. I walked up to my front door and watched him pull away.

When I went inside the only lights were on upstairs, telling me my parents were in their bedroom. I raced up to my room, closed the door, and jumped on my bed. I grabbed a pillow, put it to my face and screamed as loud as I could, not out of frustration but of pure happiness.

Jacob had just kissed me and this had been the best night of my life.