My Twisted Teenage Romance

Chapter 20

''Hey Peter! How'd you get invited to this?'' I asked playfully, but seriously wondering why he was here.

''Aw, you know you want me here.'' he replied and I laughed.

''So where's Jacob?'' he asked ever so innocently.

''He couldn't make it actually.'' I told him.

''Oh.'' Peter said simply, although his expression was littered with hopefulness.

''Why's he here?'' I asked Jenny as soon as he was out of earshot.

''I told you everyone was coming.'' she said sweetly and I rolled my eyes.

''I'm going to find Jason.'' I said as I walked away.

Jenny and I had been at the front door for the first half hour of the party, greeting people, but I hadn't seen Jason since we left him in his room just before the party.

The main floor of Jason's house was already pretty packed and I was almost sure that this was only two thirds of all the people Jenny had invited.

I pushed through the crowd, doing through every room on the main floor, looking for Jason. I couldn't find him anywhere.

When people started to arrive, Jenny and I left his room, assuming that he would join us shortly after, but I hadn't seen him since. Was he still up there? If he was, I could only imagine what Jenny was going to say to him.

I went upstairs, pushing past a couple already locked at the lips at the bottom of the stairs, and towards Jason's room.

When I opened the door, I didn't see Jason and I though I might have missed him downstairs. That is until there was a loud snoring noise that came from under his blankets. He had been napping when we came to get him the first time but I didn't think he was that tired.

''Jason!'' I said, stepping into his room and closing the door behind me.

''Mmrph.'' he groaned from his bed.

''Jason your birthday party is going on down stairs! Get up!'' I demanded, pulling his blankets off his body.

''Why's it so cold?'' he asked, and I laughed.

''It's not cold, you're just naked.'' I explained. He was only in his boxers.

He muttered something about not being naked as he sat up and ran a hand through his messy hair.

''Is sleep the only thing you do?'' I asked as he yawned and stretched.

''It's my favorite pass time.'' he mumbled sarcastically as he shuffled towards his dresser.

''Just hurry up and get dressed and I'll tell Jenny one of the Smith twins got a hold of you.'' I said and he gave me a sleepy thumbs up.

Knowing that Jason was actually awake this time, I headed back downstairs to find Jenny. Part of being her 'date' required that I was always there in case she needed an excuse to duck out of an unfavourable conversation.

I found her in the kitchen. She was standing in front of a guy I didn't recognize and the look on her face told me that she was wishing she had been more definitive on who 'everyone' was.

''And we also studied the breeding ground choices of the European harvest mouse, it's amazing how choosey they are!'' I heard the guy say as I got closer.

''I thought mice just did it wherever they want?'' Jenny replied and I laughed to myself.

As soon as she caught sight of me, a look of relief washed over Jenny's face.

''You'd actually be surprised h-''

''Nikki! I've been looking all over for you! I need you to help me with something in the living room.'' she interrupted, an urgent 'get-me-out-of-here' tone filling her voice.

''I went to find Jason, the Smith girls got their hands on him, but he should surface soon.'' I lied and she nodded more out of habit than anything. I was willing to bet that she hadn't heard a word of what I'd just said.

''This has been a lovely conversation but I really need to go take care of the problem in the living room.'' Jenny said, backing away from the mouse guy.

''Alright then, happy birthday!'' he said with an innocent smile, clearly oblivious to her lie.

Jenny grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the kitchen, towards the living room. She stopped when we were surely out of the mouse guy's sight and she turned to me.

''You leave me like that again and I'm going to handcuff you to me.'' she said, her expression dead serious and I couldn't help but laugh.

''I though mice just did it wherever they want.'' I mocked in a ditzy voice and she started to laugh too.

''Shut up!'' she laughed, pushing my playfully.

''Who was that anyway?'' I asked.

''Beats me. I guess next party I should pick my 'everyone' more carefully.'' she said and then suddenly averted her eyes to a point behind me.

''Speaking of everyone.'' she said and I turned to see what she meant.

Walking confidently towards us was Peter.

''Sorry.'' Jenny said quickly and then vanished into the crowd.

''Hey Nikki!'' having fun?'' he asked, making it sound as if it were his party and he was checking up on his guest.

''Yea, pulling Jason out of bed and saving Jenny from weird guys talking about mice is at the top of my 'fun things to do at a party' list.'' I said sarcastically and he laughed.

''So do you want to dance or something? Just as friends of course.'' he asked ever so casually. Even though he knew I was with Jacob, I detected the hope in Peter that he would win me from Jacob. Peter certainly was persistent, and I had to commend him on that.

''No go away.'' was the first though that came to mind. But it just didn't feel very polite.

''Well actually I w-'' I started but was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket.

The caller ID read 'Jason Cell'. I flipped it open.


''Pretend it's Jacob calling and come hang out front with me for a bit.'' Jason said and I was so grateful for his absolute cleverness.

''Hey Jacob!'' I said pointedly. ''Yea sure, just give me a minute to get outside, I can barely hear you.'' I covered the mouthpiece on my phone.

''You'll have to excuse me for a minute.'' I said to Peter and he nodded somewhat bitterly as I headed for the front of the house.

As soon as I was out of his line of sight, I closed my phone and put it back in my pocket. I went out to the front porch and saw Jason sitting on the steps.

''I love you.'' I said as I sat down next to him.

''I know,'' he laughed. ''I saw him talking to you on my way out her and I thought you might need an excuse to get out of there.''

''Thanks.'' I said.

Jason was staring intently up at the sky. It was a beautifully clear night and the stars seemed to be shining brighter than usual. I looked up as well and wondered what he was seeing.

''So why are you out here?'' I asked, still looking at the sky. I could see him doing the same out of the corner of my eye.

''Believe it or not, I just don't feel like partying.'' he told me.
I knew there was an explanation coming and I waited silently for him to continue.

''You and Jenny are so happy all the time, and I guess I'm jealous. Sure I've had plenty of dates in the past little while, but nothing serious. I just want someone who I can connect with you know? I guess I want my own Jacob.'' he explained, only pulling his eyes away from the sky as he said the last part.

''You'll find someone Jason, I know you will.'' I said reassuringly.

''I wish I was as certain as you were.'' he said with a bit of a laugh.

''I know you will,'' I repeated. ''besides, we're all alone tonight.'' I nudged him lightly with my shoulder.

''I guess we should go back in huh?'' Jason said, looking back up at the sky.

''Yea.'' I sighed. The truth was I wasn't really in a partying mood either. The evening didn't feel quite complete without Jacob.

We got up and went inside to find Jenny. We located her in the living room dancing with a few of her friends from the volleyball team.

She waved us towards them and I grabbed Jason's hand, dragging him with me.

I spent the rest of the night with Jason. Jenny joined us sometimes, but most of the time it was just him and me. I was really glad I had Jason, he was the only guy –besides Jacob- that I'd ever connected with so easily. He was my best friend.

''Thanks for coming, see you Monday.'' Jenny said as everyone started to clear out.
It was around two and we decided to end the party before the police did.

''Happy birthday guys, I'll see you around Nikki.'' Peter said. He was the last to leave.

''Bye Peter.'' we chimed and Jenny shut the door behind him.

''Finally.'' I sighed.

The three of us looked wide eyed at the now empty house. We had let a bunch of teenagers loose in it and all we were left with now was the aftermath.
Red and blue cups littered every possible surface along with napkins and an infinite amount of crumbs.

''I hate this part.'' Jenny said, referring to the clean up and I yawned unintentionally loud.

''Don't worry about it, I've got someone to take care of it.'' Jason said and gratitude washed over Jenny's face.

''I love you.'' she said, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug,

''I get that a lot.'' Jason laughed.

''Do you guys want a ride home?'' he asked as Jenny relinquished her hold on him.

''No, it's ok. I have to take my car home.'' I said as I opened the front door.

''I'll see you two later then.'' he said.

''Thanks for letting us trash your house.'' Jenny said, quickly hugging him again.

''Anytime.'' he laughed.

''Happy birthday Jason.'' I said, kissing his cheek as I hugged him. It was long past his actual birthday but it felt only fitting to wish him well as I left his birthday party.


Jenny and I left Jason's house in my little red convertible and headed home.

Even though it wasn't a long drive, when I pulled into my driveway, Jenny was out cold. She'd been up early this morning fussing about the party and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. but I couldn't leave her in my car overnight either, so I came up with an alternative plan.

I took out my phone and dialed Michael's number.
