Just A Kid

Part 6

Your eyes snap open as you sit up, panting. You quickly look behind you to see if Kakashi is still there. You sigh as you see him lying yet again, with his book on his face. You get up, but stop as someone holds you back. You look down and see that somehow, Kakashi has gotten hold of your tail. Growling to yourself, you struggle to try and get your poor tail free. “Kakashi! Let go…” you whisper in his ear. Kakashi stirs and releases your tail. You twitch your tail and stretch.

You take a couple of steps away from Kakashi, but stop as a voice says, “Where are you going”.

You look behind you and see Kakashi sitting up. “I dunno” you say, looking around.

“Well, let’s see where we can go” Kakashi says as he gets up and walks beside you.

“Come on Kakashi! Let’s go! Please?” you beg as you grab his hand. Kakashi sighs and lets you lead him into the forest. You let go of his hand as you look around in total amazement.

“Whoa! These trees are huge!” you say, walking up to one.

“Yes, these trees are big” Kakashi agrees. Before Kakashi can say anything else, you sink your nails in the tree bark and begin to climb. “Araile, what are you doing?” Kakashi said as he watched you climb.

“I wanna see what’s at the top,” you say as you continue to climb. Kakashi sighs and continues to walk around. You continue climbing, branch after branch. Soon, you reach the top of the tree and look around. A light breeze was blowing, making some of the trees sway. You close your eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the breeze blowing through your hair. You begin to purr as you open your eyes.

You gaze around before you climb down. You notice something in the distance. “Huh? What’s that?” you say to yourself as you concentrate on the object. It turned out to be a shrine of some sort. “That’s weird,” you say as you start to climb down. You soon reach the ground and start looking for Kakashi.

Your ear twitches as a high-pitched whistling sound is heard. You cry out as you cover your ears. The whistling sound continues. You look around wildly, your hands still covering your ears. You felt tears run down your face, as your head felt like it was about to burst. Your hands, still clamped firmly around your ears, begin to feel numb. The ground begins to shake. You look up through your tears. You gasp as you see the tree that you were on start to fall over. You stand there, to frightened to move, as the tree comes closer and closer to falling on you.

Suddenly, you can feel someone pick you up just as the tree crashes down. You look up to see Kakashi looking down at you, his face filled with worry. You blink as you slowly take your hands away from your ears. Kakashi put you down. Your ears droop as you look away.

“What was that all about” Kakashi said after a moment of silence. You stayed silent, ears still drooped. Kakashi sighed and began to walk towards the camp. You begin to follow him, but stop. You sit down. Kakashi looks back at you. “Araile? Are you coming?” he asks. You look at him and shake your head slightly. “Alright then” Kakashi says as he continues walking.

“There you are, Kakashi-sensei! We’ve been so worried!” Sakura cried.

“Hey, where’s Araile-chan?” Naruto asked, looking around.

“Over there” Kakashi says as he points to a branch where you have climbed.

“Why is she up there all alone?” Sakura said, quietly. Kakashi just shrugged. Sasuke looks at you. You can feel their eyes boring into you, but you ignore them. Finally, you get up. You look around, making sure that nobody notices you. You decide suddenly to find that shrine you saw earlier.

You walk to where you think the shrine is located. Suddenly, the whistling sound came again. You snarl as you clamp your hands to your ears. The whistling sound continues. You end up on your knees, swaying back and forth. Suddenly, your forehead begins to burn.

"No not this again!" you cry out as a familiar sensation races through your body.

"Ahh, it’s so good to be back" Ishimaru says in your mind.

"No! Your not here! I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!" you shout, tears sliding down your face.

"Oh, but I am, my dear" Ishimaru insists. "Now, lets see this shrine that you've wanted to see" Ishimaru said as he laughed. You snarl as your body goes rigid. Your eyes, now a deep shade of purple, stare straight ahead. You, through Ishimaru, look around.

You grin as begin to walk calmly towards where the shrine was located. Un-noticed to either you or Ishimaru, Sasuke was watching behind a tree. His eyes widened in surprise as he watched you run off.