We Can Figure the Rest Out

This is the First Day of my Life.

It had been four years today that Megan had graduated high school and moved halfway across the country to pursue what everyone had constantly told her she would never accomplish. Four years full of waitressing at every restaurant in New York City, and so many auditions she forgot to keep count. She'd heard 'no' so many times she'd forgotten what the word 'yes' meant. Until she received a mysterious phone call about an audition in LA where she'd read for a new role on the popular show Teen Wolf. The casting director offered to fly her out and put her up in a hotel the night of her audition, all Megan had to do was clear her schedule. It all happened mindblowingly fast, first the phone call, then immediately after her cold read the casting director said the one word Megan had not heard in four years.

"Excuse me?" Megan responded, eyes wider than a deer caught in the middle of the road, "Did you just say that I got the role?"

"Yes, we want you to play Katie." the lady behind the desk was dressed in the latest summer clothing. A beautiful flowing skirt that ended perfectly at her ankles, and a head wrap that made her look like the ultimate hippy. Her blonde hair wrapped its way around her neck, and her shirt was so big it made her look ten pounds heavier than she was, "Is that all right with you?"

"Oh my goodness, yes! Is that all right with me? Of course!" Megan tried to control her enthusiasm, but this was most definitely the biggest opportunity she'd ever been given, and her words came out in a blur.

"Good to hear that, Miss Wampler." the casting director said, a large grin spreading from ear to ear, "I'll contact you with all the information you'll need."

Megan's excitement again began to boil over, and the subway ride home was an interesting one. There was a small thought lingering in the back of her head about how everyone on that railcar would know who she was now. She chuckled as she thought to herself: finally all of her hard work would pay off, and she'd finally be able to show her face in her home town again.


It had probably been a solid two hours that she'd been awake, just laying in her bed, waiting for sleep to carry her to her 7AM alarm, alas her eyes never shut again and she waited patiently for the annoying buzzer to start her day. Before the ringing even started, though, she'd turned off the alarm, and hopped in the shower.

The hotel they'd picked for her was nicer than she had expected. The queen-sized bed was comfortable, there was great water pressure, and a giant mirror just outside the bathroom. They had a huge continental breakfast selection, and the nicest pool she'd ever seen; although she wouldn't be experiencing either of them, she was already in awe of California.

In New York she'd been living in the smallest, cheapest apartment available, with about five rats and a few bugs as her roommates. Even in her hometown of Lincoln, Nebraska she'd kept a reasonably small abode. Never living beyond her means, she had been comfortable in small places, especially when she was living alone, but to experience the other side of things was something very exciting for her.

She walked slowly, wrapped in a fluffy white towel and shivering slightly, towards the mirror. She stared for a second, still finding it hard to wrap her mind around exactly what was happening to her. She flipped her head upside down and lost herself in the droning sound of her blow dryer.


Clad in her favorite dark denim skinny jeans, a fitted white lace shirt, and some nude pumps she made her way through the front door of the studio. To her right was a large room, all of the internal walls were made out of glass so she could see right in. There was a long, wooden table surrounded with chairs, and a couple of marker boards at either end. Megan glanced down at the watch on her wrist and noted that she was exactly five minutes early for their read through.

As she walked through the glass door immediately in front of her she was met with half the cast that was already there. Her nerves swelled up again quickly as she noticed everyone she'd seen on TV so many times before.

"Megan! So great to see you! How's LA?" the casting director, who had finally introduced herself as Linda, was sitting at the head of the table, next to two of the directors and an executive producer.

"It's so beautiful! The weather is so much better than Nebraska or New York." she laughed quietly.

"Please, please! Have a seat!" Linda ushered Megan forward and put her in the chair directly to her right.

Across the table Megan recognized Tyler Posey, Tyler Hoechlin, and Holland Roden. They all looked at her sweetly, clearly trying to be as friendly as possible at this early hour, and shortly one of them reached out across the table.

"I'm Tyler, very nice to meet you.. Megan, you said?" he shook her hand with quite a bit of strength, and she blushed when she realized her nerves had soaked her fingers in a fine layer of sweat.

"Yes, yeah. Nice to meet you as well."

The introductions continued, and slowly other people poured in as well. Crystal, Melissa, Linden Ashby, and JR Bourne all filed in one after another, quietly introducing themselves and taking a seat around the long table. Megan had yet to say a whole lot, and sat awkwardly at the end of the table nearest the door. After the five minutes had passed, Linda looked around and asked if anyone had seen Dylan.

"He's gotta be taking a shit or something, I swear. He was with me when we got here." Tyler Posey said loudly, "Ayyye, speak of the devil!" he shouted pointing through the glass behind Megan.

Slowly she turned around and watched as Dylan O'Brien walked almost directly into the glass door with his head stuck in his phone. Right before he face planted vertically, though, he reached up and grabbed the door handle swinging the door wide open.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm here, let's go." Dylan muttered quietly, all the while never looking up from his phone.

He sat down across the table, next to Tyler and continued to search the web, send a novel of a text, or whatever had held his attention for this long. After a thirty second awkward silence, which mainly consisted of Linda sending dirty looks and everyone else staring at Dylan, Linda made a very blatant clearing of the throat sound so he would finally look up.

"Notice anything new in the room, Dylan? Or are you still elsewhere?" Linda said jokingly.

Immediately Megan's face blushed and she looked down at the script in front of her, studying the front page as if she couldn't read. She felt every eye at the table on her at that moment, and sunk into her chair as far as possible. For an actor, she was quite the awkward, shy child.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry, you're the new girl! What's your name? I'm Dylan, nice to meet you." he said, spouting out his apology a million words per second.

"I'm Megan, nice to meet you too." she said smiling softly, and reaching up to shake his outstretched hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know auditions don't work like this, and it's ridiculous to think the process would go this quickly, but I really just wanted to get into the meat of the story with Dylan so I hope you guys don't hate me for that. Um, also the confusion about Megan's housing situation in LA: the casting director offered her the one night just in case she didn't get the role, but had a room for her until filming started. Which was prob like a week or so.

Also there will be a lot less scene change deals with these guys '~~' but I just really needed to get the storyline out there and then when I get into the actual story and the real chapters that will stop, or at least be a lot less frequent.